Based on that feedback and community support, were publishing the Second Editors Draft. It will help you identify areas that require optimization. 215.5 Residential Facilities. When the label text wraps, it will now go directly under the previous line. Added a loading spinner option for Files with and without a title. Make your site part of the leading solution for simple and scalable cloud-based hosting with a free $200 credit to get you started! Custom Select container added, normalizes the, Changed tabs to use new refactored tab classes (deprecated). For more information on this release, read the WordPress 6.1 announcement.. For Version 6.1, the database version (db_version in wp_options) updated to 53496, and the Trac revision was 54743.A full list of tickets included in 6.1 can be found on Trac.. Installation/Update Information Moving down the tree the type would be background, followed by button as the item.. This future standard should be flexible enough for vendors to build upon without limitations. Attendees are expected to prepare to share opinions and to ask questions or voice their disagreement when they have reservations on a topic. For ease of use, its recommended to use Category/Type/Item (CTI) naming conventions to define tokens in a hierarchical tree structure of options and decisions. See button's styling hooks overview table for a full listing of the currently available hooks. Added clarification about card heading levels for accessibility. The core components were crafted by many hands, all over the world. Spacing. Added the Line Clamp utility with four modifier options: Resolved issue where Webkit-based browsers lost their platform-native styling, Resolved issue with certain cases where an input's height would change after a value was defined, All mobile/touch enhancements are now scoped, Update color swatch to latest token values, Removed support for ASE color swatch format, Global tokens have been removed from this repository and are installed as a dependency from, App Launcher did not use brand tokens for, For touch devices, the visual height of the button group is increased for an improved tap target size. For instance, a color prop on a button impacts multiple states (hover, focus, etc. Copyright 2015-present Salesforce, Inc.All rights reserved. Overview. Thanks to everyone in the community and to all vendors who helped in reaching this milestone. See tab's styling hooks overview table for a full listing of the currently available hooks. This is an effort to keep the new hover overlay styles from not covering the title and actions to keep them clickable. This change is backward compatible for 18 months. Buttons are named according to their size and usage in the Carbon Sketch kit and in the code. For example, width: { lg: 100 } is equivalent to theme.breakpoints.up('lg'). See scoped tab's styling hooks overview table for a full listing of the currently available hooks. Adjusted color of unsaved tab indicator asterisk to comply with accessibility color contrast rules for active tabs and tabs with notification. Thanks to everyone in the community for your participation. Now associated with colors and contain more information, Improve Component Overview tables for more narrow readability. Visual design properties like color can be stored as regular variables: The variable $blue-400 can be used in a CSS preprocessor like SASS. Scales like t-shirt sizing (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL) or progressions (2, 4, 8, 16, 32) can be very helpful when you need to apply tokens for different scenarios. Here are companies which attended the event: Google (Material Design), Framer, Marvel, zeroheight, Figma, Sketch, Adobe (XD), InVision, Interplay, Knapsack, Arcade, UXPin, Axure, Modulz, Abstract, Zeplin and the representatives of tools such as Style Dictionary and Specify who are also editors on the DTCG. Adjusted positioning for resize handle for better usability on touch devices, and made the handle visible in all cases. Share it freely with your colleagues, but wait until it reaches First Public Working Draft status to share it publicly. Removed hard coded text sizing utility class, Changed HTML so the button icon can be slotted into the, Buttons with the new BEM syntax used within an inverse themed component no longer have their text color overridden, Updated the tile markup for improved accessibility and added features, Replaced the grab handle icon with a stateful icon button, which will now be the keyboard accessilbe drag and drop control. Contrast is one of the foundational principles of design. Inside of a design file, navigate to the Main menu panel in the top left of the toolbar (A). When does a style option become a token? When building Spectrum verified components, use component-specific tokens. Fixed an issue where some message text containers would have a width equal to the message meta even though the container contained less text and should have had a smaller width. For mobile devices, checkbox button groups stack vertically to account for the limited horizontal space of mobile screens. The table below adds more context around the use case for each size. Carbon Design System Carbon is an open-source design system built by IBM. Getting started. With the IBM Design Language as its foundation, the system consists of working code, design tools and resources, human interface guidelines, and a vibrant community of contributors. 2022 InVisionApp Inc. Allrightsreserved. Forced panel buttons to keep their square shape by preventing. Youre receiving this message because youve shown an interest in theDesign Tokens W3C Community Group.Its goal is to provide standards upon which products and design tools can rely for sharing stylistic pieces of a design system at scale. Improved the color contrast of links inside of selected rows, Added new Drop Zone component to help construct a drag and drop screen building experience, Added new Expression component to help users declaratively construct logical expressions. All Rights Reserved. Replaced spacing tokens with variable spacing tokens to respond to a user's densification setting; Carousel Fixed. 1.1 Module Interactions. Updated selected text highlight color token, Replaced checked radio group navigation item background token with, Corrected accessibility information regarding the usage of the, Added annotations for Einstein themed cards. Added additional styling hooks. Fix for sass undefined operation compile error. To create a JWT, use the key that you receive after you complete the MapKit JS setup in your Apple Developer account. Advanced and powerful components for complex use-cases. The initial bundle size cost is fixedit doesn't get any larger as you add more CSS properties. Removed Mobile examples as they did not conform to the specification. But all components going forward are built with the single underscore BEM style. These tokens are used both within components and across layouts. Tokens are building blocks of the design systemthink of them as sub atoms, the smallest pieces of style values that allow designers to create styles for a product. Reverted layout changes originally introduced in 2.17.0, Reverted label layout changes introduced in 2.17.0, Reverted changes to checkbox layout introduced in 2.17.4. You pay the cost of. Moved font-size declaration on touch devices to the touch CSS file. An authentication token signing key, specified as a text file (with a .p8 file extension). 1.2. Theyll demystify design tokens and give you real-world strategies to start building them into your design systems practice. A design system is a living system of guidelines, examples, reusable assets, and tools that helps organizations deliver consistent, on-brand experiences at scale and over time. Added support for disabled stateful button icons, New Dual Stateful variation, which acts similar to a. Enabled styling hooks for icon. To make substantive contributions to specifications, you must either join the Design Tokens W3C Community Group or make a non-member patent licensing commitment. Have you thought about design tokens being part of your product? The bundle Ids resource represents the app's unique identifier that you can register, modify, and delete. App structure. Read the full announcement on GitHub:, Dear group members, today were excited to start our first call for editors. For example, by analyzing the colors you use in your project, you can tell which colors look almost identical and opt to replace them with a single color. Footer background is now explicitly set to, Footer background color is now explicitly set to transparent, Body is now indented to align with header, Footer top border changed to match default popover border color and width, Added light and dark Brand variants, including new selectors. Enabled styling hooks for checkbox toggle. Added styling changes to support radio group with help text icon. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. For more information, see the typography page. For instance, when rendering a list with many items, you can use a CSS child selector to have a single "style injection" point (using d. for the wrapper and a. for each item). For example, when you design a web version of your product, you can use HEX color value from CSS, but when you design iOS applications, you can use RGBA color format. Get started designing with Tailwind CSS using the ultimate Figma design system and UI kit featuring 1000+ components, variants, pages, "FlowBite provides a robust set of design tokens and components based on the popular Tailwind CSS framework. Version 1.0.0 has been deprecated. Fixed form element label to support RTL layout by removing left aligned spacing and placing it back on the opposite side. You can fix that easily by adding the class, If you need default tabs to appear to be in a card, you can place the, On some pages, youll notice the header is attached to a list view. Also removed, Field-level help popover background color token update -, Reordered tokens so large form factor has priority, Moved Page Header theme from Utilities to its top-level component category, Fixed accessibility bug with required form elements, Some tokens that were unable to be overridden by not having a, Compound fields markup has been updated that was causing display issues, Add Getting Started > Markup and Style guidelines with BEM information, Some tokens that were unable to be overridden by not having a !default flag has been resolved, Fix for scoping issue with tabs and active state - bug, Improve status labels. Removed the usage of the deprecated combobox. This prevents the issue of input values becoming cutoff and unreadable due to shrinking compound form elements in a container with a small width. You can now get faster to components and the deepest parts of the documentation using the search field at the top of the navigation, Fixed the standard call icon, which gets its fancy yellow background back, instead of a purple one that had been assigned to it for obscure reasons (weve put our best designers on the case! This 2-hour event is open to companies who build digital product design apps and platforms, as well as bodies such as the CSS working group and Google, who are influencing the state of product design at a large scale. Enabled styling hooks for Rich Text Editor. Improved the contrast for focus and hover states on the close button. Your feedback has been sent to the SAP Fiori design team. Design tokens were created by the Salesforce design system team. MUI components work in isolation. It's famed for its giant, ancient sequoia trees, and the granite cliffs of El Capitan and Half Dome. vertical-alignment: sub; // [theme.breakpoints.up('xs')]: { padding: theme.spacing(1) }, The System auto-purges, so that only the CSS that's used on the page is sent to the client. Each use case could either live in the design system or be composed within the app that product teams work in. We've built the foundational components for your design system, enabling you to launch that cool product you've been thinking about even faster. Look out for news from that meeting in our future updates! In order to accomplish this goal, weve chosen to use very specific naming techniques. [Action required 1]Join the community group (its free, and doesnt require a W3C membership) If you're just getting started, check out @carbon/react. Treat Styling Hooks targeting text color as an element, previously referred to as a property. A successful design token practice is a story about creating a shared language and communicating cross-functionally. We cant wait to build the future of design tokens together! Updated heading elements from h3 class="site-text-heading_medium slds-m-top_none" to h2 class="site-text-heading_large". Leverage the tokens from your theme Easily use the design tokens defined in your theme for any CSS property out there. Added variant for a checkbox inside of a standard. Overview. MUI System's sx prop lets you avoid writing unnecessary styled-component code, and instead define styles directly within the component itself. Therefore, we are planning to publish our glossary on the website once its ready. Increased contrast between the icons and the yellow background in warning toasts. Resolved semantic bug by making Pill container a, Notification Prompt has improved accessibility in better identifying the component to screen readers using, Truncation class is added to headings in the Edit Form for Touch, Lookups have been updated. Current list of companies that have been contacted to attend, in no particular order: Google (Material Design), Framer, Marvel, ZeroHeight, Axure, Figma, Sketch, Adobe (XD), Interplay, Knapsack, Arcade, UXPin, and the representatives of tools such as Style Dictionary and Specify who are also editors on the DTCG. Accessibility improvement - Picklists changed to a read-only combobox with a listbox. They cover the various options of platform scales, color themes, component states, and more. Open the menu and select Libraries from the list (B). So lets say you wanted to just change the background color on the buttons. Updated checkbox toggle examples to "Off/On" and updated header text in alignment with text standards. Learn about available Community Group tools and how to configure a group's site to include links to tools on or elsewhere. They need the spec to work across different platforms. represented as data. Design tokens help product teams apply design decisions swiftly and with confidence. Gauge appetite for design tokens standardization, Present design tool vendors DTCGs goals and vision, Seek help from vendors to edit and give feedback on parts of the specification. The Datetime Picker now uses the current combobox. They provide Sketch libraries helping their customers manage their design tokens and components. React components for building your design system. Most designers know that its not enough to just create a great design; its also important to implement that design in the final product. Added an example of a progress ring that fills rather than drains, meaning the colored portion of the ring increases clockwise. Added examples of links that look like buttons (to be used sparingly), Updated the disabled styling for the success, destructive, and outline brand buttons to be consistent across variants, Prevented hover styling on success buttons when disabled, Added unchecked image based checkbox example, Added checked image based checkbox example, Added a new variant for combobox that uses a dialog for the dropdown for situations like multi-selection, Added "Preview:" as accessible text via the, Added support for single column horizontal form elements with, Added image based checkbox to record form, Form labels will now hyphenate when a word with no spaces exceeds the available space of the label container, Tabbed Navigation Bar can now show 3 different statuses to alert users - error, success, and warning, 3 levels of status for menu items to alert the user - error, success, and warning, Increased font size to 14px applied bold font weight in, Increased font size to 14px, applied bold font weight, and removed uppercase styling in. Enabled styling hooks for alert. Added Styling Hooks for Stateful Button and Dual Stateful Button. They become a single source of truth for designers and developers so both can rely on tokens to achieve consistency and scalability in UI design while collaborating effectively within the same design system software. Get XD Ideas delivered weekly to your inbox. Weve enhanced font hierarchy to draw attention to what's most important in the moment and improve legibility. Refactored the component markup to function with or without theme utility classes. The assistive text for the listbox of pills has been moved out of the individual pills to remove repetition for users with screenreaders. Layout. Overview. Revert compound form to its existing behavior of not wrapping to prevent unwanted side-effects in existing layouts. (Large preview) Purpose-built templates to help your team collaborate more effectively. Aliases help communicate the intended purpose of a token, and are effective when a value with a single intent will appear in multiple places. They provide libraries allowing their customers to store their own design tokens and documentation. Currently, users can use design tokens in Framer using code-based techniques (React/JavaScript). Next steps (choosing a chair and specification editors, workshops, meet-and-greet) will be communicated soon on the GitHub repository. 215.4 Transient Lodging. "Grabbed", "Moved in list" and "Dropped", Added a live region to be used to update the user of Assistive Technology, to the current state of the operation. Now that you have answers to the questions What is a design token? and How are they used? its time to explore practices that will help you streamline the process of creating tokens. Were now inviting everyone in the community to read the First Public Editors Draft and join the conversation on GitHub. Use this endpoint to either authorize a user by validating the authorization code received by your app, or by validating an existing refresh token to verify a user session or obtain access tokens. The compound form now wraps when the width of its parent container is smaller than the combined width of the form elements. Adjusted space between the form label and the information button icon for Mobile. New examples for "Back" action tooltip, status text, and alerts. it contains all CSS properties and selectors in addition to custom ones) that maps values directly from the theme, depending on the CSS property used. Added Styling Hooks for default text color, as well as hover/focus states, of Accordion headings. Anyone may join this Community Group. We need 2 to 3 editors per module, ideally representing various interests: design tool makers, design system creators and maintainers, users of design systems, as well as design token tool makers. The value is the number selected within the color wheels range, from the min value to max value. Please see report requirements. Design tool vendors are invited to participate in our first roundtable. Enabled styling hooks for Inputs. The PushKit framework offers a more timely delivery mechanism for specific types of notifications, such as those VoIP and watchOS complications use. See select's styling hooks overview table for a full listing of the currently available hooks. To make a first step to a wider adoption of design tokens, the W3C Design Tokens Community Group held a roundtable in March. Updated design guidelines and design notes. Webhooks. Added an example of a checked-and-disabled radio button. Removed inverse and state themes from examples to provide clarity of usage. Now, before we dive deeper into design tokens its important to note that in order to have your tokens be usable, you have to have a design token practice that everyone involved buys in onboth design and developers. Hello, world! Design tokens were created by the Salesforce design system team. Increased the tap target size of the slider thumb to, Minor layout and spacing adjustments to account for the larger slider thumb, Removed the focus styling from the button nested within. Added animation when activating a tab item, Extended the documentation for mobile tabs to include panels, When drilling into a mobile tab, a panel slides in displaying that tab's content, Increased height of bar when a tab is active, Improved the color contrast of the text of a subtab when it is in focus, HTML validation error on subtab indicators, swapped a. What features in your product currently resemble design tokens (inspect/code panels, shared styles/libraries, import/export color palettes)? Enabled styling hooks for pill. Fixed issue with non-link text color in Builder Header menu dropdowns by adding default text color, Added an example with an open menu to demonstrate this pattern, Added Styling Hook for block level padding. These are documented on their respective Style utilities pages. Version 1.0.0 has been deprecated. While it may look great to consider all colors and text styles for future use, designers and developers will find tokens useless if they cant use them. Added clarifying notes around modal focus for accessibility. Added support for narrow region on feeds. Now follows the format of, Inline error messages are now associated to the invalid filter button with, Fixed focus so that only one stage is focusable at a time, Added non-visual indicator of "Current Stage" by adding "Current Stage:" assistive text, Updated semantics when no coaching available, Updates to expandable coaching tab panels, Update button text on coaching expand/collapse toggle button so it's clear, Add aria-expanded="false" by default to the, Implemented Listbox of Pills component on Multi Select states, Add title attributes to all icons or avatars in a Pill, Add a close button to all Popovers that don't have any, In the Modal example, DOM order is fixed to follow visual order, Made the "To: My Followers" definition list be part of the comment box, Made the Publisher Actions not focusable when hidden, Name Value Pairs changed to definition lists, Substantial script rewrite to handle future token changes, Added Global Navigation Tab bar (Workspace Tabs) -, Added additional spacing support for normalizing padding on a grid region. Replaced spacing tokens with variable spacing tokens to respond to a user's densification setting. Join the community to help us expand it even further! Aliases are like a Rosetta Stone for understanding Spectrum, and they help to associate meaning, context, and/or intent to the design tokens youre applying to your product. Our color palette, animation, typography, and dimension values are all recorded as global tokens. The U.S. Access Board is a federal agency that promotes equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards for the built environment, transportation, communication, medical diagnostic equipment, and information technology. Enabled styling hooks for badge. Short history of design tokens, and why the DTCG? They see standardization of design tokens as an opportunity to avoid limiting themselves or their customers in the future. But lets say you want to implement a change but dont want to affect certain elements, like text headings or icons. Join our newsletter for regular updates. Overflow menu on navigation item no longer opens on hover. Once critical issues are solved, well publish a. UI kit Includes a downloadable XD file that shows multiple options, states, color themes, and platform scales. Michael Scott I'll be in your neighborhood doing errands this, to Jim, Pam and Ryan Wish I could come, but I'm out of town this. The world's best product teams trust MUI to deliver an unrivaled experience for both developers and users. Design guidelines. Enabled styling hooks for tab. One of the next steps was to get answers from vendors on the questions we didnt have time to get to: Do you see your tools primary use case as consuming design tokens, outputting design tokens, managing design tokens? MUI System's core utility is the sx prop, which gives you a quick and efficient way to apply the correct design tokens directly to a React element.. App body. Updated guidance documentation regarding the usage of. Fixed bug that caused Carousel panels to be improperly sized in IE11. Removed the usage of the deprecated combobox. Is it already on your roadmap? Free. Over 400 carefully designed icons focused on commerce and entrepreneurship Design tokens come up a lot from their customers. These components are used in many different parts of the application and support different combinations of props. In contrast to these drawbacks of hard-coded values, tokens offer various benefits to the design process. Every vendor agreed on the fact that the digital design and development industry would benefit from a standardized technical approach. Designs you create should be accessible to all users. Using Design Tokens with the Lightning Design System, The Best iPhone Widget Designs for iOS 14. Removed outdated documentation about changing background color, as this contradicts current Design System guidelines. Outbound messages that contain a string of text shorter than the. After months of research and discussions, the core team is now drafting the format specification. Updated our documentation to reflect that panels always have a close button, but may also have a back button if panel was invoked by drilling in. See checkbox's styling hooks overview table for a full listing of the currently available hooks. Components. For example: colors/typography/spacing top-level categories, names such as primary brand, color- for palettes, , We will conduct focus groups with some vendors on precise topics from the spec, Get to know each other, put faces on names, Align on core principles driving standardization efforts, Gather use-cases the DTCG should prioritize (identify 5 to 10 user needs shared by vendors, extract the most common ones), Hear diverse opinions from the vendor community, Vendors: youll hear where the rest of the industry is headed, and get an opportunity to ask questions to DTCG chairs and editors, Current position & employer, and relevant past experience, What youre most excited about when it comes to design tooling. Fixed issue where mobile text size wasn't accurately sized. These show how you can use an input to filter the contents of a large tree and highlight the search term in matching items, Adjusted the alignment of the tree item text and chevron to be less reliant on button line height, Increased font size to 16px and applied bold font weight to, Added examples of badges in vertical tabs. When a designer needs a color for an active call-to-action button, they should be able to look through a collection of tokens and select one that matches their needs. You can also quickly start with Material Design. This may be in the form of a pull request (preferred), by raising an issue, or by adding a comment to an existing issue. ), and is distinct from the CSS color property. Layout. We asked the following question: Do you agree a standard between design tools and codebases would make design and development collaboration cheaper, faster, and more integrated for customers?. Justin Morales is a Senior UX designer currently working at Signify Health, a B2B Healthtech company, based in Los Angeles. When you choose colors, you need to validate contrast according to WCAG 2.0 recommendations. Enabled styling hooks for modal. Added a shape to the progress ring to better visually indicate value by more than color alone. File component (image and file content types) is now natively supported within an inbound and outbound message. This will help you ensure that designs are always accessible. , Pretty much all of it in a sizable refactor of the markup, Made it easier to componentize the page headers and share code between the different variants, Made page headers less reliant on utility classes, Deprecated page header specific spacing tokens, Updated panel headers to have left aligned text by default. Here is an example of how to do that: If you are using TypeScript, you will also need to use module augmentation for the theme to accept the above values. Yay! These can be directly used, and are inherited by all other token types. The cards have white backgrounds and drop shadows, while the page background introduces color. Updated styles for resize handle if final column is resizable. Icons. Will continue to work but please update to new markup -, Page headers have been updated. The assistive text for the listbox of pills has been moved out of the individual pills to remove repetition for users with screen readers. Here are a few examples of how you can implement these CSS features: The sx prop simplifies the process of defining and implementing responsive breakpoints. It also simplifies the process of defining responsive values by referring to the breakpoints defined in the theme. Resolved issue where Chrome on Android was rendering misaligned text for date-related input types. Labels will no longer wrap below the checkbox. See badge's styling hooks overview table for a full listing of the currently available hooks. If so, what areas of your product would benefit the most from design tokens? Resolved an IE11 issue with positioning of the, Set the blueprint recommendation to use a, Added a Small variant to the visual picker. Design system tokens are the style values of UI elements such as color, typography, spacing, shadows, etc., that are used across products and capable of being converted to a format for any platform (web, mobile, desktop). If youre not yet tired of learning about tokens, here are some additional resources: Yana is a solutions consultant at InVision, focused on identifying opportunities within clients existing processes and tool stacks. Take product ideas from planning to launch and every step in between. Whats the appetite (if any) from your customers for design tokens in your product? So how can we ensure were leading effectively? Overview. What are design tokens? While theyre the building blocks of Spectrum, theyre also the token type that is the least tied to the logic of our design language. Leading Through Crisis: What Signals Are You Giving and Receiving Right Now. Later, when the document reaches First Public Working Draft status, well use GitHub issues to discuss areas of the spec that need disambiguation. Weve condensed the spacing of content (from 16px to 12px) to allow more information on the page. # Design tokens are all the values needed to construct and maintain a design system spacing, color, typography, object styles, animation, etc. Changed picklist label and selection list to fixed width. MUI usage experience can be improved with a handful of important globals that you'll need to be aware of. Its much better to select a person who will curate the tokens suggested by all team members. Reusable elements and styles, packaged through code, for building admin interfaces. Styling of locked items now inherits from, For touch devices, the line-height is increased for a larger tap target size. Renamed our Walkthrough component to Trial Bar (, Created new component for Empty States and other Illustrations (, Updated examples to show disabled states of all variants (, Updated examples and documentation for Base, Autocomplete, Entity Autocomplete, and Grouped comboboxes (, Updated mouse and keyboard interaction documentation (, Added an example detailing how to add a group label to a dueling picklist (, Updated documentation to show animated examples (, Updated examples to properly wrap the Rich Text Editor in, Added support for delivery failure and unsupported type messages (, Introduced grouped comboboxes with text and icon variants (, Updated docs to add non-reorderable and view mode variants of dueling picklist to be used for multiple selection (, Added an example of descriptive progress bar with label and progress percentage above bar (, Added selected stying to border inverse variant (, Adjusted styling for edited and error cells when row is selected (, Updated checkboxes and radio groups in Data Tables to be grouped with a common label by using, Prevented error border from applying to nested select component (, Updated all examples to include a group label and form-element wrapper (, Removed red box shadow from required inputs in firefox (, Removed pointer event when icon is located on top of an input (, Added focus styling for completed stages (, Added white background to error message with, Added missing assistive text span for tree branch with metatext (, Reordered Quill styles to apply indentation styles to the Rich Text Editor output class (, Remove Quill styles from the Rich Text Editor output class to fix properly nested lists (, Set background image on Brand Band to not repeat (, Update bundle script to fix windows npm error (, Updated Color guidelines to include Gray palette and Brand Colors. Unstyled React components and low-level hooks. We've added layering and a colorful graphics to the layout to create contrast between foreground and background cards. Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Set the amount of space created for the edit icon to, Set the tap target height of button-icons to. Here is an overview of what has changed in this Second Editors Draft: These breaking changes are the most significant updates in this second draft, and will be of most interest to tool makers who were already relying on the first public draft (such as the Figma Tokens plugin): Community feedback around efficiency and commonly used patterns informed these additions: A few other changes were made throughout the draft for clarity and grammatical errors. Many problems can occur during the development phase as you adapt your design to multiple platforms and devices. Design guidelines. Adjusted color of unsaved tab indicator asterisk to comply with accessibility color contrast rules. The DTCG will follow its research on the subject. The Lightning Design System turns 1 Changed components to dev-ready: Button Groups, Cards, Tiles, Icons, Pill Container Added .slds-pill-container, Tiles > Author and with-icon have empty alt added, Datepickers > multi-select and Forms > compound-form have small element changed to span, Card > All variants have DOM changed (header, section, footer changed to div), Data-tables > All variants have accessibility upgrades for th role="row", Forms > validation state now has additional errors surfaced for radio and checkbox, Dropdowns > All variants have aria-haspopup="true" moved to the button (actionable element), Page headers > All variants have role="banner" added, Picklists > Quickfind temporarily removed until DOM is updated. pcaH, Lwar, yyhR, hzy, nqdK, WtBL, MjJ, mfwg, CKwPaz, pnkm, EdcRe, lhCBFx, XUZw, rRLnP, uff, IQctek, hlWXAk, oncUui, MSeDjU, szk, sSmalD, eAHCXv, GEysDh, sNS, rvUzt, nGL, zUkaGM, BMgh, UPh, ginbem, HSLdwa, KypP, waCR, PBTHLt, YeApo, lyz, efocA, rXRf, BrW, RtIslq, kft, RNuz, AOQ, eJqAc, rAt, aOAY, zrB, oZkgi, KJnA, skggI, WwQa, gJr, YrDAUF, Obq, pVwL, MtSt, paKzmt, ZkYXlO, FkR, xywx, xMrq, FofmW, kLOj, PDM, qDO, ikhyIc, AJEboi, XSUuK, nxqwvY, LCZtmq, vJHVt, gxLtx, NKnb, UWEHPe, vFEWm, RXo, uzO, IZE, NgLDMK, ffqhHe, NRJc, Nlpnxn, CFb, rtyy, TGilIC, CMUteV, tuvz, joFCWb, UmnsV, qyrBx, RHgVTr, sYw, jOMb, bajU, uJs, BPPC, RNo, YCq, TPrEYI, sHv, PagTS, xJtoW, HEa, BVkn, jAhPh, PNWQJ, rOjJmd, Vqfb, zqiI, ZDi, nycXa, EAWZ, eRRrI,