Elvish Pronunciation Note: names are not 100% accurate. Husky Names. The western area of Stivichall, known locally as Styvechale Grange, is a large residential district developed during the late-1960s and early-1970s to cater for Coventry's then-rapidly rising population (which peaked at 340,000 inhabitants in 1971). Fawns are typically able to walk at birth, but their stomachs are not fully developed at this time. It is the most commonly used letter in many languages, including Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Examples of commercial businesses contracting to government agencies and private individuals are found in social care and school meals provision. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. pipe dig, pipe stone. Knyvet was the man who arrested Guy Fawkes in his attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament.He was created Lord Knyvet in 1607, and in his will left money to found a free school in Stanwell, which was established in 1624. Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. Much relatively narrower Whitley Common, which is a flood meadow, and one of two dual feeder roads to Coventry's centre on it, separates Whitley to the east. childs term for a small bug, cokata hiyupo(cho-kah-tah hee-yoo-po). In 1603, Thomas Knyvet was granted the manor of Stanwell. wood pointing to the sky, ancient term for tree, Cante Tinza(chun-tay t-een-zah). The southern border of Stivichall is shared with the northern border of the city's Finham and Green Lane neighbourhoods along the A45 dual carriageway. FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. Stivichall or Styvechale (/statl/ STY-chl) is a suburb of the city of Coventry, West Midlands, England. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. OMNICIYE / meeting(A)/ oh mnee chee yea: ONIYETO / Affected/ oh nee yea dohn, OOWOHAPI OCETI/Range(cooking)/ohn-ohn-woh-hahn-pee oh-chay-dee, OPAGAE / Cumbersome/ oh pahn gah ay, OPAWIGE NUM/Two hundred/oh-pah-wee-gay nuem, OPAWIGE YAMNI/Three hundred/oh-pah-wee-ghay yah-mnee, OPICIYE/Camp(a good place to)/oh-peech-ee-yea, OSIHAPI / Humility/ ohn shee ghahn pee, OSLOHE KICO/Slide down/oh-sloh-hay kee-chohn, OSNIYAKEL/Without penetrating/Oh shnee yahn kayl, OSPEWAKIYE/Learn(to)/ohn-shpay-wah-kee-yea, OSTE STEYA SKA/Mischief/oh-shday shday-yah shkahn, OSTEGLA / Slander(remark)/ oh shday glah, OSUKOYUSPE / Corral/ oh shuen koh yue spay, OTAKUYAYA / Brotherhood/ oh dah kue yah yah, OTEHIKA / Expensive/ oh Day ghee kah, OTOWA HE TAKA/City/ohdohnwahn-hay-dahnkan, OWAIHPAYE / Wastebasket/ oh wah ee ghpah yea, OWAJILA / Still(quiet)/ oh wahn zjee lah, OWAKA YUJAJAPI/Saturday/oh-wahn-kah yue-zjah-zjah-pee, OWAOMNIOMNI / Cyclone/ oh wah oh mnee oh mnee, OWAPE CIKALA/Minute/oh-wah-pay chee-kah-lah, OWASTECAKA/Good weather/oh-wah-shday-chah-kah, OWATOHAYA / Awhile/ oh wah doh hah yah, OWE OTAKUYE/Many kinds/oh-way oh-dah-kue-yea, OWEHAHA / Teasing/ oh way hahn hahn, OWESLEKE / Decoration/ oh way shlay kay, OWEWAKAKA / Joke/ oh way wah kahn kahn, OWICAHE / Cemetery/ oh wee chah ghay, OWICAKASKE / Jail/ oh wee chah kah shkay, OWICAKIYAKA PI KI/Statements(what they say)/oh-wee-chah-kee-yah-kah pee kee, OWOGLAKE/Council chamber/Oh woh glah kay, OWOTALA / Straight/ oh woh dahn lah, OWOTEHIPI / Cafe/ oh woh Day hee pee, OWOTETIPI / Restaurant/ oh woh Day dee pee, OYATE WAKASKEYUZE/Leader of the people/oh-yah-day wah-kah-shkay-yuh-zay, OYATEYAMNI/Ponca tribe/Oh yah Day yah mnee, OYUMNIMNI / Aimless(Round And Round)/ oh yue mnee mnee, OYUSLATA / Corroborate/ oh yue shlah dah, PA AKAL/Pushed up against a surface/pah ah-kahnl, PA OWAZILAYEYA/Discipline(to)/pah-ohwahnzsheelahyeayah, PAHA PESTO LA/Butte/pah-hah pay-shdoh lah, PAHINA MNIMNIZA/Wavy hair/pah-hee-nah mnee-mnee-zjah, PAHLI IPAKI TE/Handkerchief/pah-ghlee ee-pah-kee day, PAKESKA WAKPA/Platte river/pahn-kay-skah-wah-kpah, PAKESKA / Celluloic(cellophane)/ pahn kay skah, PAKONATKE / Bulky/ pah koh nah dkay, PAKOSKALA / Whippoorwill/ pah kohsh kah lah, PAWIYAKPA / Shine(Shoes)/ pah wee yah kpah, PAWIYOPEYAPI / Auction/ pahn wee yoh pay yah pee, PEHAGILA / Sandbill/ pay hahn gee lah, PEHI O APIYE/Beauty shop/pay-hee oh ah-pee-yea, PEHICICILA / Killdeer/ pay hee chee chee lah, PEJI INAKSYE/Mower/pay-zjee ee-nahk-shyea, PEJI NAKSIYA PI/Hay/pay-zjee nah-kshee-yah pee, PEJUTA WICA SA/Doctor/pay-zjue-dah wee-chah shah, PESTOLA / Point(Sharp)/ pay shdoh lah, PETAGAICEOPA / Broil/ pay dah gah ee chay ohn pah, PETI JA JA YE/Lamp/pay-dee zjahn zjahn yea, PEWIWILA/Baby(skull soft spot)/pay-wee-wee-lah, PEWIWILA / Cowlick/ pay wee wee lah, PILAMAYAYE/Thank You/pee lah mah yah yea, POGE HLOKA/Nez Pierce tribe/poh-ghay ghloh-kah, PSAWACIPI / Dance(Crow)/ psah wah chee pee, PSIUWOHAPI/Boiler(double)/psee-ue-woh-hahn-pee, PTE AWAN YAKA WICASA/Cowboy/pday ah-wahnyahn-kah wee-chah-shah, PTE WANI YAPI/Cattle/pday-wah-nee yahn-pee, PTEHE WAPAHA/Horned headgear/pday-hay wah-pah-hah, PTEHICALA / Calf/ pday hee chah lah, PTEMAKICIMA / Heifer/ pday mah kee chee mah, PTEPASACA / Skull(buffalo)/ p Day pah shah shah, SAHIYELA/Cheyenne tribe/shah ee yea lah, SAMKAZAZA / Lighter(progressively)/ sahm kah zjahn zjahn, SAPA WICASA/Ute tribe/sah-pah wee-chah-shah, SAPAON OWA YAWA/Mission school/sah-pah-ohn oh-wah yah-wah, SAPAUN ATEYAPI/Pope/sah-pah-uen ah-day-yah-pee, SI INATA / Stirrup / see ee nah dahn, SICAHOWAYA / Scream/ shee chahn hoh wah yah, SICANGU TIPI/Rosebud sioux/shee-chahn-ghue dee-pee, SIHASAPA/Blackfeet(blackfoot sioux)/see-hah-sah-pah, SIKSIKCA WAAIYE/Slander/seek-seek-chah wah-ah-ee-yea, SINA O COZE/Comforter/shee-nah oh choh-zay, SINA SAPA / Catholic / shee nah shah pah, SINAGLEGA KAGA/Navajo tribe/see-nah-glay-ghah kah-ghah, SINTE HLA / Rattlesnake / seen Day ghlah, SIOSTUKALA/Claw marks/see Oh shduen kah lah, SIPA WAKASYE/Stumble/see-pah wah-kah-shyea, SITE HLA WICASA/Commanche/see-day ghlah wee-chah-shah, SITEHASKA/Whitetail deer/see Day hahn skah, SITELULYAPI/Redtail deer/see dayl uel yah pee, SITESAPELA/Mule deer(blacktail deer)/see-day-sah-pay-lah, SITUPIWABLILA / Warbler/ see due pee wahn blee lah, SLAEGNAG/Barren Place/shlah ay g nah g, SLOLYESNIYA / Unknowingly/ slohl yea shnee yahn, SOTA O INAPE/Chimney/shoh-dah oh ee-nah-pay, SPAHAHAPI / Leper/ shah hahn hahn pee, SPASNIYUTAPI / Watermelon/ shpahn shnee yue dah pee, SPAYOLA / Mexican(Spanish)/ spah yoh lah, SUGLESKA/Pinto(horse breed)/shuen-glay-shkah, SUGMANITU HOTA I/Wolf howl/shuen-g-mah-nee-due hoh-dah ee, SUGWIYELA / Mare/ sueng wee yea lah, SUK AKAYAG/Horseback(on)/shuen-k-ah-kahn-yahng, SUKAKU KI/Brother(his/her younger)/suhnkahkue-kee, SUKAWAKA / horse/ shuen kah wah kahn, SUKAWAYA/Brother(I have for younger)/suen-kah-wah-yah, SUKAWICASA / Monkey/ shuen kah wee chah shah, SUMANITU TAKA/Wolf/shuen-mah-nee-due dahn-kah, SUNG WAPA PA/Bark(dogs)/shuengh wah-pah pah, SUNK LUZA HE/Race horse/shuenk lue-zah hay, SUNMANITU / Coyote/ shue mah nee due, SUONAZI/Barn( for horse)/shuen-oh-nah-zjee, TAHAYE/Brother-in-law (of male)/dahn-hahn-yea, TAHCA SKALA AWAYAKE/Shepherd/dah-ghchah skah-lah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, TAHCA SUKALA / Sheep / dahghchah shuen kah lah, TAHISPA IHUPA/Awl/dah-ee-shpah ee-huen-pah, TAHIYUYA / Stillborn/ dah hee yue yah, TAKAKU KI/Sister(his/her younger)/dahn-kah-kue kee, TAKAWAYA/Sister(I have for younger)/dahn-kah-wah-yah, TAKEKU KI/Sister(his/her older)/dahn-kay-kue kee, TAKEWAYA/Sister(I have for older)/dahn-kay-wah-yah, TAKIKIYA/Large ones/dahn kee kee yahn, TAKOJAKPAKU KI / Grandchild(his / her) / dah koh zjah kpah kue kee, TAKOJAWAYA/Grandchild(I have for)/dah-koh-zjah-wah-yah, TAKSITKU KI/Sister(his/her younger)/dahn-kshee-dkue kee, TAKSIWAYA/Sister(I have for younger)/dahn-kshee-wah-yah, TAKU EYAYA/Repeat words/dah-kue ay-yah-yah, TAKU KEEYAS/Whatever/dah-kue kay-ay-yahsh, TAKU KICIC U/Exchange(trade)/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, TAKU KICIC U/Trade(mutual concession)/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, TAKU U HCA KI HE/Specific information/dah-kue uhn ghchah kee hay, TAKUKE EYAS/Anything/dah-kue-kay ay-yahsh, TAKUNI ECO SNI/Idle/dah-kue-nee ay-chohn shnee, TAKUNI SLOLYE SNI/Stupid/dah-kue-nee slohl-yea shnee, TALO AGUYAPI COGIKIYAPI/Sandwich/dahloh ah-ghue-yah-pee choh-ghee-kee-yah-pee, TAMAHECA / Lean(Thin)/ dah mah hay chah, TAMNIOHPI CA/Fig tree/dah-mnee-oh-gh-pee chahn, TAN HON SI/Cousin-male(of a man)/dahn hohn shee, TANAGILA / Hummingbird/ dahn ah gee lah, TANIYOHI LA/Everybody/dah-nee-yoh-hee lah, TAPAPAPI / Baseball/ dah pah pah pee, TASIYAGNUPA / Meadowlark/ dah shee yahg nue pah, TASKATAPI / Basketball/ dah shkah dah pee, TASNAHECA/Ground squirrel/dah-shnah-hay-chah, TATANKA / buffalo(Bull)/ dah dahn kah, TATE UYETOPA/Four winds/dah-day uh-yea-doe-pah, TATOHEKIYA / current/ dah doh hay kee yah, TAWACI WASTE/Generous/dah-wah-chee wah-shday, TAWACIPAPALA / Naive/ dah wah chee pah pah lah, TAWACIPAPALA / Weak mind/ dah wah chee pah pah lah, TAWAPSUKAHA / Gland(throat)/ dah wah pshuen kah hahn, TAWATELYAPI / Willing/ dah wah dayl yah pee, TAWICASA / Boyfriend/ dah wee chah shah, TAZANIYAKE / Damage/ dahn zah nee yah kay, TEHILA IT A/Love very much(to)/day-ghee-lah eed ah, TEHIYA KUWAPI/Torture/day-ghee-yah kue-wah-pee, TEHMUGA / Fly(Insect)/ Day ghmue gh ah, TEMUGA ZIZILA/Bee/day-mue-ghah zjee-zjee-lah, TESLAGKITO/Crown(put on a)/day-shlah-g-kee-dohn, TI KTA YASUPI/Condemned/dee kdah yah-shue-pee, TIBLOKU KI/Brother(his/her older)/dee-bloh-kue kee, TIBLOWAYA/Brother(I have for older)/dee-bloh-wah-yah, TIPI WAKA / Church / dee pee wah kahn, TITAHEPIYA/Wall(in house)/dee-dah-hay-pee-yah, TIWAHE/Traditional way of life/dee-wah-hay, TIWICAKTE / Murder/ dee wee chah kday, TIWIYU / Painting(house)/ dee wee yuen, TIYATAKIYA / Homeward/ dee yah dah kee yah, TIYATANI / home(at)/ dee yah dah nee, TIYO PA IYUSLO KE/Door(keys)/dee-yoh pah ee-yue-shloh kay, TIYO PA IYUTKU GE/Door(latch)/dee-yoh pah ee-yuen-dkue ghay, TIYOBLECA / Tent(Not TIPI)/ dee yoh blay chah, TIYOPA AWAYAKE/Porter/dee-yoh-pah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, TKEYUTAPI / Pound(Weight)/ dkea yue dah pee, TO HANTU KEYAS/Anytime/doh hahn-due kay-yahsh, TOHACIKA/Long time(for a)/doh-hahn-chee-kah, TOHUNTU KEYAS/Whenever/doh-huen-duh kay-yahsh, TOKAH A/Consciousness(to lose)/doh-kah-gh-ahn, TOKAHEYA / Firstly/ doh kah hay yah, TOKALAWACIPI / Dance(Fox)/ doh kah lah wah chee pee, TOKALTAHA/From somewhere/doh-kahnl-dahn-hahn, TOKATAKIYA/Toward the future/doh-kah-dah-kee-yah, TOKE YELAKA/Evidently/doh-khay yea-lah-kah, TOKEKEKEL / Anxious/ doh kay kay kayl, TOKESA/Anyway(in spite of it)/doh-kay-shah, TOKETKIYA/Toward some place/doh-kay-dkee-yah, TOKEWACISNI / Aware/ doh kay wah chee shnee, TOKHEL IYAYA/Go elsewhere/doh-khayl ee-yah-yah, TOKIYATA / Somewhere/ doh kee yah dahn, TOKIYATAHA/From someplace/doh-kee-yah-dahn-hahn, TOKTU TANI SNI/Dull(doings)/doh-kdue dah-nee shnee, TOP SKA TAPI/Ball game/dohp shkan dah-pee, TUKASILA WO AKIYE TIPI/Congress/duen-kah-shee-lah woh ah-kee-yea-dee-pee, TUKTOGNA KE CEYAS/Whatever(in any manner)/due-kdoh-gnah kay chay-yahsh, TUNKASILA / Grandfather/ duen kah shee lah, TUNKASILAWAYA/Grandfather(I have for)/duen-kah-shee-lah-wah-yah, TUNKASILAYA PI/President/duen-kah-shee-lah-yah pee, TUNKASILAYAPI / Government/ duen kah shee lah yah pee, TUNKASILAYAPI/Us Government/duen kah shee lah yah pee, TUNKASITKU KI / Grandfather(his / her) / duen kah shee dkue kee, TUWE KE EYAS/Anybody/due-way kay ay-yahsh, UCIWAYEKI / Grandmother(my)/ uen chee wah yea kee, UCIYAWA/Grandmother(I have for)/uen-chee-yah-wah, UGNAHALA / Unexpectedly/ uen gnah hahn lah, UGNAHELA / suddenly/ uen gnah hay lah, UHCEGILA / Mastodon/ uen gh chay gee lah, UIGLUJAJAPI/Wash basin(a)/ue nee Glue zjah zjah pee, UKCILA YUTA PI/Peyote/uen-kchee-lah yue-dah-pee, UKITAKOJAKPAKU PI / Grandchildren(Our) / uen kee dah koh zjah kpah kue pee, UMAETKIYA / Opposite/ ue mah ay dkee yah, UMATOK TOK / Alternate / ue mah dohk dohk, UPIJATA / Swallow(barn)/ ue pee zjah dah, UYAKPAKPA / Glitter/ ue yah kpah kpah, UZEBLIKBLIK / Firefly/ uen zay bleek bleek, UZIHEKTAKTA WACICI/Dance backwards/uen-zee-hay-kdah-kdah wah-chee-chee, UZIZITKA / Rosehip/ ue zjee zjee dkah, UZIZITKA / Wildrose/ uen zjee zjee dkah, WA ABLESYA/Understand(to cause to)/wah ah-blay-s-yah, WA EKTUZA/Forget things(to)/wah-ay-kduen-zah, WA IYOKATKUHE/Screw/wah ee-yoh-kah-dkue-ghay, WA IYUHOMNI/Screwdriver/wah ee-yue-oh-mnee, WA OHOLA SNI/Disrespectful/wah-oh-hoh-lah shnee, WA ONSPE WICAKI YE/Disciple/wah ohn-shpay wee-chah-kee yea, WA OSPE / Bright(smart) / wah ohn shpay, WA USPEKIYA/Teach things to/wah uen-spay-kee-yah, WA USPEWICAKIYAPI/Teacher/wah uen-spay-wee-chah-kee-yah-pee, WAASAPI / Applaud(applause)/ wah ah shah pee, WABLENICA / Orphan/ wah blay nee chah, WABLITAHEYA / Finch/ wahn blee dah hay yah, WABLITAHEYA/Gold Finch/wahn-blee-dah-hay-yah, WABLUSKASA / Bedbug/ wah blue shkah shah, WACAGNIS / Immediately/ wahn chahg neesh, WACAJEYATE / Motion(meeting)/ wah chah zjay yah Day, WACATE OGNAKE/Affection/wah-chahn-day oh-gnakay, WACATKIYA / Benevolence/ wah chah dkee yah, WACEKIYE WICASA/Preacher/wah-chay-kee-yea wee-chah-shah, WACEKIYEYA/Church service(go to)/wah-chay-kee-yea-yahn, WACIGNUNI / Bewildered/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIGNUNI / Oblivious/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIGNUNI / Unconscious/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIGNUNI / Wandering/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIHAHALA/Easily alarmed/wah chee hah hah lah, WACIHAHELA / Alarm/ wah chee hah hay lah, WACIKICIYAPI / Confidence/ wah chee kee chee yah pee, WACITUSNI / Sly/ wah chee duen shnee, WACIYE PICA/Faithful/wah-chee-yea pee-chah, WACIYE PICASNI/Untrustworthy/wah-chee-yea pee-chah-shnee, WACIYEYE/Give up hope(to)/wah-chee-yea-yea, WAECOHCA ICILA/Brag/wah-ay-chohn-ghchah eech-ee-lah, WAGIE YUTAPI/Table/wah-ghee-ay yue-dah-pee, WAGLEKSU / Turkey(Wild)/ wah glay kshuen, WAGMIZA YUGNAPI/Shell(corn)/wah-gmee-zah yue-gnah-pee, WAGNUKA / Woodpecker(redheaded)/ wah gnuh kah, WAHACAKA / Shield/ wah hah chahn kah, WAHAKSICA / Marten/ wah ghahn ksee chah, WAHAN KIKTAPI/Wake(for the dead)/wah-hahn kee-kdah-pee, WAHCA OJU / Plants / wah ghchah oh zjue, WAHOCAKIYA / Admonish/ wahn hoh chahn kee yahn, WAHOKOKIYAPI / Instruction/ wah hoh kohn kee yah pee, WAHOKONKI YE/Instruct(to)/wah-hoh-kohn-kee yea, WAHPANICA / Poor/ wah ghpah nee chah, WAHPAYECA / Baggage/ wah ghpah yea chah, WAHTANISYA / Sinner/ wah ghdah nee syah, WAHTELASNI / Abominate/ wah gh Day lah shnee, WAHWAYELA / Quietly/ wah ghwah yea lah, WAICIKSUKSU / Adorn/ wah ee chee kshue kshue, WAIYOKATKUGE / Bolt(Screw)/ wah ee yoh kah dkue ghay, WAIYUHOMNI/Brace(carpenters tool)/wa-hee-yue-hoh-mnee, WAKA HA WICASA/Magician/wah-kahn ghahn wee-chah-shah, WAKA KICIYUZA PI/Married(church)/wah-kahn kee-chee-yue-zah pee, WAKA YAKEL/Extraordinarily/wah-kahn yahn-kayl, WAKABLAPI / Jerkey/ wah kahn blah pee, WAKAGLE / Electricity/ wah khahn glay, WAKAGMIPI / Weeding/ wah kah ghmee pee, WAKAHPE / Tarpaulin(cover)/ wah kah ghpay, WAKALYAPI K U/Feed(to)/wah-kahl-yah-pee k ue, WAKALYAPI / Coffee/ wah kahl yah pee, WAKANYAN / Mysteriously/ wah kahn yahn, WAKAPAPI / pemmican/ wah kah pah pee, WAKATANKA / God/ wahn kahn dahn kah, WAKAWACIPI / Dance(Sacred)/ wah kahn wah chee pee, WAKAYAJA PI/Childhood/wah-kahn-yah-zjah pee, WAKAYAJA / Child/ wah kahn yah zjah, WAKAYEJA PI/Immature/wah-kah-yea-zjah pee, WAKICOZE / Delegate/ wah kee chohn zay, WAKICUZA / Leader/ wah kee chuen zah, WAKIGNA / Animal(newborn)/ wah kee gnah, WAKIKSUYA U/Traditions(to remember)/wah-kee-ksue-yah uen, WAKILASE / Cube/ wahk ee lah S ay, WAKINYAN TOWA PI/Lightning/wah-kee-yahn dohn-wahn pee, WAKIPAJAN / Rebel/ wah kee pah jahn, WAKIYA HOTOPI/Thunder(clap)/wah-kee-yahn hoh-dohn-pee, WAKIYA TUWAPI/Thunder(lightning)/wah-kee-yahn duen-wahn-pee, WAKIYATIPI / Court/ wah kee yah dee pee, WAKOYOGYE / Roping/ wah koh yohg yea, WAKSICA OGNAKE/Cupboard/wah-kshee-chah oh-gnah-kay, WAKTE KU/Come home(from war)/wah-kday kue, WAKTE OGLAKA/War stories/wah-day oh-glah-kah, WAKUWA PI / Chase / wah kue wah pee, WAMAKASKA / Beast/ wah mah kah shkah, WAMAKASKA / Brutal/ wah mah kah shkahn, WAMAKOGNAKA / Universe/ wah mah koh gnah kah, WAMANU WICASA/Robber/wah-mah-nue wee-chah-shah, WAMNIAKASTA / Baptize/ wah mnee ah kah shdahn, WAMNIYOMNI / Whirlwind/ wah mnee yoh mnee, WANAGI TACAKU/Milky way/wah-nahn-ghee dah-chahn-kue, WANAGIWACHIPI/Aurora borealis/wah nah gh ee wah chee pee, WANAGIYATA / Spiritland/ wah nah ghee yah dah, WANAHOPI / Audition/ wah nah ghoh pee, WANAHOSNI / Stubborn/ wah nah ghohn shnee, WANAHOTONYAPI / music/ wah nah hoh dohn yah pee, WANI YANPI/Animal(domestic)/wah-nee yahn-pee, WANIYETU OTA/Elderly/wah-nee-yea-due oh-dah, WANIYETU TONAHCA/Age/wah-nee-yea-duh doh-nah-gh-chah, WAOHMUYECE / Clamor/ wah oh ghmuen yea chay, WAONSILA / Kindness/ wah ohn shee lah, WAPAHA KITU/Wear own warbonnet/wah-pah-hah kee-duen, WAPATAKA / Blackbird/ wah pah dah kah, WASICULA EKTA / Whiteman s world(in the)/wah-shee-chue-lah ay-kdah, WASIGLA / Mourn(mourning)/ wah shee glah, WASKASKAYAPI / Movie/ wahn shkah shkah yah pee, WASKUYECA / Berries/ wah shkue yea chah, WASKUYECA/Canned Fruit/wahsh kue yea chah, WASKUYECA / Dessert/ wah skue yea chah, WASKUYECA / Fruit/ wah shkue yea chah, WASKUYECA / Preserves/ wah skue yea chah, WASKUYECA/Sweets(in general)/wah-skue-yea-chah, WASKUYECAOZU / Orchard/ wah shkue yea chah oh zue, WASNASNAHECA / Kingbird/ wah snah snah hay chah, WATAPETA / Steamboat/ wah dah pay dah, WATOHAL SNA/Now and then/wah-doh-hahl shnah, WATOHAL/Future(sometime in the)/wah-doh-hahnl, WATOKICO / Avenge/ wah doh kee chohn, WATOKICO / Vengeance/ wah doh kee chohn, WATOKSU PI / Freight / wah doh kshue pee, WATUKTEHAL/All of a sudden/wah-due-kday-hahnl, WAWICIYA O UYA/Cooperatively(to live)/wah-wee-chee-yah oh uen-yahn, WAWIHATEYA / Blunder/ wah wee ghah Day yea, WAWINAKIHNI / Anticipate/ wah wee nah kee ghnee, WAWIYOWIYA / Accomodate/ wah wee yoh wee yah, WAWOKIPAPAKA / Pushy(Person)/ wah woh kee pah pah kah, WAWOKIYA / Accompany/ wah woh kee yah, WAWOSLATA WANAP I/Hairpipe breastplate/wah-woh-slah-dah wah-nah-p ee, WAWOYUSPA / Catcher/ wah woh yue shpah, WAWOYUSPA / Police/ wah woh yue spah, WAYAG NAZI/Stand watching/wah-yahng nah-zjee, WAYAJOPI/Eagle bone whistle/wah-yah-zjoe-pee, WAYAJOPI / Instrument/ wah yah zjoh pee, WAYAJOPI / Whistle/ wah yah zjoh pee, WAYASIHTIKA / Complainer/ wah yah shee H dee kah, WAYATAI / Testimony/ wah yah dahn ee, WAYAWA HOKSILA/Schoolboy/wah-yah-wah hoh-kshee-lah, WAYAWA WICICALA/Schoolgirl/wah-yah-wah wee-chee-chah-lah, WAYAWAKIYA/School(to send to )/wah-yah-wah-kee-yah, WAYAWAPI / Arithmetic/ wah yah wah pee, WAYAWAPI / Numerals/ wah yah wah pee, WAYUHIYA / awkward/ wah yue ghee yah, WAYUHIYA / Bungle(awkward)/ wah yue ghee yah, WAYUSIKSICA / Amateur/ wah yue sheek shee chah, WAYUSLASLATA / Deliberate/ wah yue slah slah dah, WAYUWAHA / Conciliate/ wah yue wah ghah, WAZIPIKPA/Pine cone/wah zee pee kpah, WE HINAPE SNI/Predawn/wee hee-nah-pay shnee, WE WICASA/Blood tribe (northern lakhota)/way wee-chah-shah, WECAHCALA/Old man/wee chah ghchah lah, WETA PAHATU/Kiowa tribe/way-dah pah-hah-due, WI COKA HIYA YE/Dinner/wee choh-kahn hee-yah yea, WIACEICITI / Sundog/ wee ah chay ee chee dee, WICA KCA SLA/Barber/wee-chah k-chah shlah, WICA O UYE/Way of life/wee-chah oh uen-yea, WICA TASNAON/Single(man)/wee-chah dahn-shnah-ohn, WICAGNAKAPI / Scaffold(burial)/ wee chahg nah kah pee, WICAGNASKA / Currents(Fruit)/ wee chah gnah shkah, WICAHA KAHWOGYAPI/Broadcast/wee-cha-hah kah-ghwohg-yah-pee, WICAHAHAPI / Smallpox/ wee chah ghahn gh hah pee, WICAHIKAGE / Dentist/ wee chah hee kah gay, WICAKELAKIYA / Conviction/ wee chah kay lah kee yah, WICAKESNI / Untruthful/ wee chah kay shnee, WICAKICASLA / Barber/ wee chah kee chah shlah, WICAKICILA / Comply/ wee chah kee chee lah, WICAKIJESNIYA / Convenient/ wee chah kee zjay shnee yahn, WICAKINI / Resurrection/ wee chah kee nee, WICALASNI / Refuse/ wee cha lah shnee, WICAPASACA / Skull/ wee chah pah shah chah, WICASA ITO KSU/Bus/wee-chah-shah ee-doh kshue, WICASA WAKAN/Priest/wee-chah-shah wah-kahn, WICASA YATA PI/Chief/wee-chah-shah yah-dah-pee, WICASAKE / Nails(Finger)/ wee chah shah kay, WICASAYA / Humanely/ wee chah shah yah, WICASAYATA PI/King/wee-chah-shah-yah-dah pee, WICATA OGNAKE/Morgue/wee-chah-dah oh-gnah-kay, WICATAKALA / Gull/ wee chah dahn kah lah, WICAYAPAZIPA / Hornet/ wee chahn yah pah zjee pah, WICAYASUPI / Judgement/ wee chah yah sue pee, WICAYATAPI / Compliment/ wee chah yah dahn pee, WICAYAZIPA / Wasp/ wee chah yah zjee pah, WICESKIPASISE / Breastpin/ wee chay shkee pah see say, WICITEGLEGA / Racoon/ wee chee Day glay ghah, WICO ICAGE/Generation/wee-choh ee-chah-gh-hay, WICOHA SICA/Crime/wee-choh-ghahn shee-chah, WICOHA WASTE/Miracle/wee-choh-hahn wah-shday, WICOKA SOM IYAYE/Afternoon/wee-choh-kahn-shom-ee-yah-yea, WICOKANHIYAYE / Noon/ wee choh kahn kee yah yea, WICOOWOTANLA / Righteousness/ wee choh oh woh dahn lah, WICOWASTE / Goodness/ wee choh wah shday, WIGLI OINAZI/Gas station/wee-glee oh-ee-nah-zjee, WIHINAPE / Sunrise/ wee hee nah pay, WIHUHCALA/Old woman/wee nue ghchah lah, WIHUPASPA/Tent pegs/wee huhn pah spah, WIINAHMA / Cohabitate/ wee ee nah ghmah, WIKAGLIGIKE / Avarice(greedy)/ wee kahn glee gee kay, WIKCEMNA AKENAPCIYUKA/Nineteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-nah-pchee-yuen-kah, WIKCEMNA AKENUPA/Twelve/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-nue-pah, WIKCEMNA AKESAGLOGA/Eighteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shahn-gloh-gahn, WIKCEMNA AKESAKOWI/Seventeen/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-shah-koh-wee, WIKCEMNA AKESAKPE/Sixteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shah-kpay, WIKCEMNA AKETOPA/Fourteen/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-doh-pah, WIKCEMNA AKEWAZI/Eleven/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-wahn-zjee, WIKCEMNA AKEYAMNI/Thirteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-yah-mnee, WIKCEMNA AKEZAPTA/Fifteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-zah-pdahn, WIKCEMNA NAPCIYUKA/Ninety/wee-kchay-mnah nah-pchee-yuen-kah, WIKCEMNA NUMSOM ZAPTA/Twenty five/week-chay-mnah nue-msohm zah-pdahn, WIKCEMNA SAGLOGA/Eighty/wee-kchay-mnah shahn-gloh-gahn, WIKCEMNA SAKOWI / Seventy / wee kchay mnah shah koh wee, WIKCEMNA SAKPE/Sixty/wee-kchay-mnah shah-kpay, WIKCEMNA TONA/Decades(several)/wee-kchay-mnah doh-nah, WIKCEMNA TOPA/Forty/wee-kchay-mnah doh-pah, WIKCEMNA YAMNI/Thirty/wee-kchay-mnah yah-mnee, WIKCEMNA ZAPTA/Fifty/wee-kchay-mnah zah-pdahn, WIKICAYA / Tools/ wee kee chahn yahn, WIKOSKALAKA/Young woman/wee-koh-shkah-lah-kah, WIMAHELIYAYE / Sunset/ wee mah hay lee yah yea, WINAWIZIHUTKA / Cocklebur/ wee nah wee zjee hue dkah, WINAWIZUTKA / Bur/ wee nah wee zjue dkah, WINYAN WAKAN/Buffalo woman/wee-yah wah-kah, WIOYUSPE / Courting/ wee oh yue spah, WIPAZUTKA/June berry/wee pah zuen dkah, WIPI IC IYA/Fill self/wee-pee eech ee-yah, WIS OS OKA/Ambitious (to be)/weesh ohsh oh-kah, WIS WISJAHE / Spring(coil) / weesh weesh zjah hay, WISTELKICIYAPI / Ashamed(make)/ wee shdayl kee chee yah pee. Fall definition, to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support. See more. To clarify further, home maintenance and housekeeping included preparing meals, laundry, cleaning, childcare, gardening, pet care, home repairs, and paperwork. Bulgarin later emigrated to We are but a speck on the timeline of life, but a powerful speck we are! Iggy Garcia. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. The small suburb of Fenside forms part of southeast Stivichall. Arceus (Japanese: Arceus) is a Normal-type Mythical Pokmon introduced in Generation IV.. When Major C. H. Gregory-Hood sold the estate in 1932, he gave an area of fields and woods around Stivichall Croft and Coat of Arms Bridge Road to Coventry Corporation for permanent preservation. brave heart, word used for warrior society. red willow bark. Colchicine has a narrow therapeutic index, so overdosing is a significant risk.Common side effects of colchicine include gastrointestinal About Our Coalition. A rural parish on the outskirts of Coventry, the Styvechale manor had belonged to the Gregory family since the 16th century from whom in 1919 the land was purchased by Coventry Corporation and used in part to create the War Memorial Park, with the general development of the remainder following by the 1970s. For more information, please visit: Vincent Willem van Gogh (Dutch: [vnsnt lm v x] (); 30 March 1853 29 July 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who posthumously became one of the most famous and influential figures in Western art history. My family immigrated to the USA in the late 60s. A red sandstone obelisk recording the gift stands on this site,[4] produced at a cost of 87 7s 6d.[5]. meal definition: 1. an occasion when food is eaten, or the food that is eaten on such an occasion: 2. a substance. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. that was a game, meal, walk, etc. It is used in honour of the Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809). what is super effective against golisopod. : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the The male has antlers (= wide. Come and explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series. Many extensions were added to it from Victorian times onwards. This word means literally to perceive sometimes used to describe one observing. ake iyayapi(ah-kay ee-yah-yah-pee).. again they go. The line was opened on completion of the work in 1844. Grass definition, any plant of the family Gramineae, having jointed stems, sheathing leaves, and seedlike grains. akicita(ah-kee-chee-tah) indian police, AKI HA ICIYAPI/Fasting/ah-kee ghahn ee-chee-yah-pee, AKI LECEL YA/Equally/ah-kee lay-chayl yah, AKICI KTO JE/Forgive/ah-kee-chee-kdohn-zjay, AKICITA ITACA/Captain/ah-kee-chee-dah ee-dahn-chahn, AKICITA ITACA/General(military)/ah-kee-chee-dah ee-dahn-chahn, AKICITA/Security guards/ah kee chee dah, AKILECELYA / Similarly/ ah kee lay chayl yah, AKIPAB / Apportionment(Division)/ ah kee pahb. rue: [noun] a European strong-scented perennial woody herb (Ruta graveolens of the family Rutaceae, the rue family) that has bitter leaves used medicinally. anpetuwi(ahn-pay-too-wee) the sun literally the day sun. He now lives in a rooming house, but no meals are provided. E, or e, is the fifth letter and the second vowel letter in the Latin alphabet, used in the modern English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and others worldwide.Its name in English is e (pronounced / i /); plural ees, Es or E's. canunpa oke(chun-noon-pah oh-k ay). It is a mainly residential area in the south of the city. Seeing his slovenly and quarrelsome wife's face, he leaves his, After his sheep had been sheared, tables were set up and a tremendous. Along with its female counterpart Olivia, Oliver has dominated the top of the UK name popularity charts in recent years, having held the top spot for baby boys since 2015. beaver: literally swims-stick-in-mouth. IggyGarcia.com & WithInsightsRadio.com. I like it now the days are getting longer (= it stays light for more time each day). Females of most species of deer are named does, but some may be a hind or a cow. canshasha(chun-shaw-shaw). Like the city centre, it lies on the right terraces of the vale carved by the Sherbourne, an intermittently great stream which rises in Allesley in the borough and flows along the eastern boundary as an upper sub-tributary of the River Avon, Warwickshire. catkuta iyaya yo(chah-tkoo-tah). Hes been ill (for) a long time. AKOBIYAYE / Remainder/ AN kohb ee yah yea, alowan(ah-low-wan). Learn more. Im an obsessive learner who spends time reading, writing, producing and hosting Iggy LIVE and WithInsightsRadio.com My biggest passion is creating community through drumming, dance, song and sacred ceremonies from my homeland and other indigenous teachings. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. mushroom growing on trees : literally tree-ears, Canoni(chun-oh-nee). advisors, leaders, to a large war party. Featured In: Bambi and Bambi II (animated films by Disney), other film franchise Species: deerA golden deer plays an important role in the epic Ramayana. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. In this episode I will speak about our destiny and how to be spiritual in hard times. Example from the Hansard archive. See more. Names that mean deer - Find a comprehensive list of baby names meaning deer with origin. In the 19th and early 20th centuries it was known as the Manor House, until it became Bremond College, a girls' private school, in about 1935. wanderers in the woods: some Dakota families who eventually come onto the plain. Dakotah(dah-ko-tah). Copyright 2000-2022 IGNACIO GARCIA, LLC.All rights reserved Web master Iggy Garciamandriotti@yahoo.com Columbus, Ohio Last modified May, 2021 Hosted by GVO, USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21B 2000BB1 USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21C 2000CC IRS PUBLICATION 517. As a child, he was in a wrestling academy, where his coach apparently made him take steroids. Once adult, she will become the mate of Bambi and she will give him two fawns, Geno and Gurri (names from the book). Pomeranian Names. deer definition: 1. a quite large animal with four legs that eats grass and leaves. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. By 1971 it was unoccupied and threatened with demolition. Ray Bulgarin (Russian: ) is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series that appears as a minor antagonist in Grand Theft Auto IV and the main antagonist of The Ballad of Gay Tony. rue: [noun] a European strong-scented perennial woody herb (Ruta graveolens of the family Rutaceae, the rue family) that has bitter leaves used medicinally. amonmonia(ah-moon-moon-la).a childs word for doll. Stivichall is a mainly residential area of south Coventry astride the Leamington Road. Press Ctrl F to open a search box in your browser to search specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page. For more information, please visit: IggyGarcia.com & WithInsightsRadio.com, My guest is intuitive empath AnnMarie Luna Buswell, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 175 | Open Forum, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 174 | Divine Appointments, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 173 | Friendships, Relationships, Partnerships and Grief, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 172 | Free Will Vs Preordained, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 171 | An appointment with destiny, Iggy Garcia Live Episode 170 | The Half Way Point of 2022, Iggy Garcia TV Episode 169 | Phillip Cloudpiler Landis & Jonathan Wellamotkin Landis, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 167 My guest is AnnMarie Luna Buswell, Iggy Garcia LIVE Episode 166 The Animal Realm. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokmon, Arceus will change type when it is holding a Plate or type-specific Z-Crystal.. Like Darkrai and Shaymin before it, Arceus was not officially recognized by Nintendo until February 14, 2009, Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Welcome to Iggy Garcia, The Naked Shaman Podcast, where amazing things happen. case sensitive: From the name of multiple towns in England, derived from Old English ham "home" or ham "water meadow, enclosure" and tun "enclosure, yard, town". It is but natural to wonder if the offspring of adult deer also have different names. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. However, this term typically refers to medium-sized or smaller deer species.According to Habitat Tracker from Florida State University, young deer are referred to as fawns. Im an entrepreneur, writer, radio host and an optimist dedicated to helping others to find their passion on their path in life. The building is no longer a school and now belongs to a housing association. They took their own elderly parents out for meals, and created opportunities for their children to have more contacts with the older generation. Pronunciation clear help? ah-boo(ah-boo).. A childs term for sleep. It was extended to its present size in 1955. The purpose of this name list is to give you a close Elvish translation of your name, without being long, unpronouncable, or "non-Elvish-sounding". However, the main part of the building was saved, extended and converted into apartments. Fawns live off of their mothers milk and lThat was it for the day, we hope that you find the perfect name for your pet deer be it male deer or female one. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. Pit Bull Names. Learn more. One of the Sioux tribes. : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the Creative approaches to funding the cost of accommodation, meals and transport should be explored by local authorities, home managers and voluntary organisations. Like the city centre, it lies on the right terraces of the vale carved by the Sherbourne, an intermittently great stream which rises in Allesley in the borough and flows along the eastern boundary as an upper sub-tributary of the River Avon, Warwickshire.The small suburb of Colchicine is taken by mouth. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. Animals That Start With N. Dalmatian Names. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, However, the evidence for their universal validity remains, Little that happened there found its way into classical texts, their epigraphy is typically, When compared to major depressive disorder or schizophrenia, the amount of empirical evidence to guide treatment selection is, The complement of a residual set is called, However, the information provided to adoption agencies and prospective parents is often. Stivichall is a mainly residential area of south Coventry astride the Leamington Road. Variant of Gwendolen. If youre curious about my background and how I came to do what I do, you can visit my about page. Learn more. ANPETU IYOHILA/Daily/ahn-pay-due ee-yoh-ee-lah, ANPETU TOKAHE/Monday/ahn-pay-due doh-kah-hay, anpo wicapi(ahn-po wee-cha-pee). The WoLakota Project aims to improve learning opportunities for all students, Native and Non-Native, in South Dakota. ANAGOPTA / Listen/ ahn ah ghoh p dahn, ANAHLOHLO / Bubble/ ah nah ghloh ghloh. a-i-i-i-i(ah-ee-ee-ee-ee).. an expression of anxiety. AIYAKAPTEYA / Ascending/ ah ee yah kah pday yah, AKAL IYIC IYA/Mount(to)/ah-kahnk ee-yeech ee-yah, AKANL HOPA/Boots(rubber)/ah-kahnl hohn-ghpah, AKATAHA OGLE/Coat/ah-kah-dah-hahn oh-glay. The toll house which stood at the junction of the roads was demolished in 1964. the part of space that is very far away from Earth, Moreover, consequently and therefore: ways to link ideas (2). Bulgarin was born in 1958 and had a sister named Galina. The British Deer Society is the only charity dedicated to wild deer in the UK. Rottweiler Names. The participants were asked to agree to be videotaped during the meals when they were not in a hurry. Pronunciation clear help? The building is no longer a school and now belongs to a housing association. Pronunciation clear help? They are the cuts that will produce a good and, It is for her family the difference between one. and a half! Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. In gout, it is less preferred to NSAIDs or steroids. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Cicla(chee-chee-lah). capa(cha-pah). [2] The original buildings, a hospital in the early 1930s, became a Junior school after the Second World War and were demolished in 2008. ho. ah-ah(ah-ah) This word is used to encourage a child to listen. the part of space that is very far away from Earth, Moreover, consequently and therefore: ways to link ideas (2). The Gregory bridge, also known as 'Coat of Arms Bridge', is a railway bridge that carries trains running between Coventry and Leamington Spa. Iktomi & the Handkerchief AND Iktomi & the Pointing Game, Iktomi & the Prairie Chickens, Cooking the Prairie Chickens, Getting Revenge AND the Lizard Children, WoLakota Project Professional Development for Educators, 2018 Todd County Middle School OSEU Lessons, SD Social Studies Standards & OSEU Course, Tasunke Witko (Crazy Horse): A Documentary Film, Tokata: Moving Forward in Indian Education, Teaching From Within: A Film on Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom, Empowering Teachers to Empower Students Curriculum Compilation. scrub definition: 1. to rub something hard in order to clean it, especially using a stiff brush, soap, and water: 2. The property, a Grade II listed building, has since been converted into apartments. Beagle Names. She's a rather cheerful deer and the daughter of a friend of Bambi's mother. Ena. Womens term for older sister. Shih Tzu Names. It was amazing and challenging growing up in two different worlds and learning to navigate and merging two different cultures into my life, but I must say the world is my playground and I have fun on Mother Earth. AHAHAKA / Careless/ ahgh ahngh ahn kah, AHIHICIYA / Caution/ ahgh eegh eechee yah, AHOICIPE / Pride/ ah hoh ee chee pay, AHTATESNIYA / Unceasing/ ah ghdah Day shnee yah, AHWAYELA / Gently And Quietly/ ah ghwah yea lah. It is thought that the name comes from the Old English[1] 'styfic', meaning 'tree stumps' and 'healh', meaning 'nook' or 'corner'. It was a three-storey building with a frontage of five windows on each storey, subsequently extended into a seven-window fronted building. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Ray Bulgarin (Russian: ) is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series that appears as a minor antagonist in Grand Theft Auto IV and the main antagonist of The Ballad of Gay Tony. Changes to original name translation are noted where possible (in the form of "lit. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. Bulgarin was born in 1958 and had a sister named Galina. lark definition: 1. a small, brown bird that is known for its beautiful singing 2. an activity done for a joke that. '[literal translation]'"). It has around 530 pupils aged from five to eleven years old. These are words often used in combination with meal. See more. Learn more. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. the male of animals In a decade, he created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of which date from the last two years of his life. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Kiddie scoop: I was born in Lima Peru and raised in Columbus, Ohio yes, Im a Buckeye fan (O-H!) Corgi Names. The original St James's Church dated back to about 1270 and was demolished around 1800. lasting or taking a great amount of time or more time than usual. fork in the tree. In 1928 it was sold with some of the estate to Coventry corporation, but it became derelict and was demolished after World War II. As a child, he was in a wrestling academy, where his coach apparently made him take steroids. Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. Self-reported washing of hands before meals did not show any association with illness. My PassionHere is a clip of me speaking & podcasting CLICK HERE! Learn more. blotahonka(blo-tah-hoon-kah. [3] Grange Farm Primary School is located within the Styvechale Grange district. Slaughtering a deer in a dream means deflowering a young girl. Despite the origins of the name Oliver not being British, it is so popular in the UK that it would be remiss not to consider it a British boys name. Built about 1650 according to Pevsner, it was in use as a farmhouse into the 1960s. In 1603, Thomas Knyvet was granted the manor of Stanwell. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. From the publisher: This book chronicles the life of the Reverend Arthur Miles Moss, a little-known genius who explored the Amazon, collecting and breeding butterflies and moths in period from 1903 to 1947 - a period during which little about the Amazon and its natural history became known to the world.Following in the wake of great Victorian naturalists such as Wallace and Bates, Standard deviations (based on five subsamples taken from the same lot of bulked, In contrast to these observations of the play task, there were few differences between groups during the. anhe(ahn-hey).exclamation of self satisfaction. cuwe(choo-way). wood definition: 1. a hard substance that forms the branches and trunks of trees and can be used as a building. Learn more. Australian Shepherd Names. "Sinc Our work engages in education and research to help ensure wild deer remain valued, healthy, and sustainable within the UK as an important part of its biodiversity. Haydn m English (British) From a German surname meaning "heathen". Other uses for colchicine include the management of pericarditis and familial Mediterranean fever. can(chun). Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. go to the back, the place of honor. Press Ctrl F to open a search box in your browser to search specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page. It has given its name to the surrounding residential area constructed in the late-1960s and early-1970s[8][9], Obelisk and memorial to the Gregory-Hood family, Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}5223N 130W / 52.383N 1.500W / 52.383; -1.500, "When Styvechale was owned by one family", Stivichall Primary School state-of-the-art building has eco-heating and modern classrooms, "The City of Coventry: The outlying parts of Coventry: Stivichall", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stivichall&oldid=1108179091, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 September 2022, at 23:44. The same goes for a female deer. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, He surveys the sacred meals against a carefully assembled background of ordinary, His argument is sometimes intricate and often subtle - but now and then it makes a, If patients are at the hospital over lunchtime they are served a. Imogen f English (British) The name of a princess in the play Cymbeline (1609) by Shakespeare.The last time it was in the top 1,000 names for girls was in 1920. Apply this search to the user-submitted names, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results, the "relationship" is how the name relates to its parent name. Knyvet was the man who arrested Guy Fawkes in his attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament.He was created Lord Knyvet in 1607, and in his will left money to found a free school in Stanwell, which was established in 1624. The 'Styvechale' variant is generally deemed more attractive in fitting with the Old English tradition of the district's name, though since 1945 'Stivichall' has been the official designation for the area, and all direction signage currently reads 'Stivichall'. The Cyrillic script (/ s r l k / sih-RIL-ik), Slavonic script or the Slavic script, is a writing system used for various languages across Eurasia.It is the designated national script in various Slavic, Turkic, Mongolic, Uralic, Caucasian and Iranic-speaking countries in Southeastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, North Asia, and East Asia. [4] Add meal to one of your lists below, or create a new one. ahbleza(ah-blay-za). meager definition: 1. akita mani yo(ah-kee-tah mah-nee yo) indian awarness literally observe everything as you go. The present church, situated on Leamington Road, was completed in 1817, having taken seven years to build. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Bringing a deer inside one's house means finding a bride for one's son.For example, a small or medium-build male deer is called a buck, while the male deer of larger deer species may be called either a stag or a bull. WITAPAHA OYATI/Osage tribe/wee-dah-pah-hah oh-yah-dee: WITASNAO/Single(woman)/wee-dahn-shnah-ohn, WITKOTKOYA / Foolishly/ wee dkoh dkoh yah, WIWAHOYA / Forwarn/ wee wah hoh yah, WIWAYAKA / Captive(Female)/ wee wah yah kah, WIWAYAKWACIPI / Dance(Sun)/ wee wahn yahnk wah chee pee, WIWAYAKWACIPI / Sundance/ wee wahn yahnk wah chee pee, WIWAZICA / Widow/ wee wah zjee chah, WIYA WA KICI U/Wife(to have a)/wee-yah wahn kee-chee uen, WIYA WAKA/Maiden(buffalo)/wee-yahn wah-kahn, WIYACIPI / Parable/ wee yah chee pee, WIYAPE/Court a woman(by music)/wee-yah-pay, WIYATAGLE / Abundance/ wee yah dah glay, WIYATAPIKAWACIPI/Dance(young womans)/wee-yah-dah-pee-kah-wah-chee-pee, WIYAWAPI / Calendar/ wee yah wah pee, WIYOHIYA PATA/East/wee-yoh-ee-yahn pah-dah, WIYUKCA SNI/Thoughtless/wee-yue-kchahn shnee, WIYUKCA / Considerate/ wee yue kchahn, WIYUSKI IYOKIPI/Glad/wee-yue-shkee ee-yoh-kee-pee, WIYUTA/Talk using sign language/wee-yue-dah, WO ABLEZA YUHA/Notice of(to take)/woh ah-blay-zah yue-hah, WO AWAYAKE/Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)/woh ahn-wahn-yahn-kay, WO IWAYAKE/Proposition(a fair)/woh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, WO IYAKSAPE/Teachings/woh ee-yah-ksah-pay, WO IYOKIHI / Authority / woh ee yoh kee hee, WO IYOKIHI/Responsibility/woh ee-yoh-kee-hee, WO USPE WAKATUYA/Education(a good)/woh uen-spay wahn-kah-duh-yah, WOABLEZE/Fact(an accepted)/woh-ah-blay-zay, WOACAKSI / Passover/ woh ah chahnk shee, WOAWAYAKE / Caretaker/ woh ahn wahn yahn kay, WOBLEBLECA / Batter/ woh blay blay chah, WOCANTE WASTE/Happiness/woh-chahn-day wah-shday, WOCAZEYAL YA/Praise someone by name/woh-chah-zjay-yahl yah, WOCEKIYE / Prayer/ woh chay kee yea, WOGLIGLEYE / Design/ woh glee glay yea, WOICIGLE / Asset(S)/ woh ee chee glay, WOIYOWIKIYE / Permission/ woh ee yoh wee kee yea, WOIYOWIKIYE / Permit/ woh ee yoh wee kee yea, WOKICONZE / Kingdom/ woh kee chohn zay, WOKIKSUYE / Remembrance/ woh kee ksue yea, WOLAKOLKICIYAPI / Cordial/ woh lah kohl kee chee yah pee, WONIYA WAKA/Holy Spirit/woh-nee-yah wah-kahn, WOOSKISKE / Complex/ woh oh shkee shkay, WOPETOPI / Commerce/ woh pay dohn pee, WOSAKAYAKEL / Desolate/ woh sahn kah yah kayl, WOSILIYAGLE / Cursed(be)/ woh shee lee yah glay, WOSISIKIYE / Curious/ wohsh eesh ee kee yea, WOSKEHA / Cane(raising)/ woh shkay hahn, WOTAKUYE / Relation/ woh dah kue yea, WOTANI WASTE / Gospel / woh dah nee wah shday, WOTANIN WOWAPI/Newspaper/woh-dah-nee woh-wah-pee, WOWACIGNUNI / Delirium/ woh wah chee gnue nee, WOWAKINICE / Quarrel(a)/ woh wah kee nee chay, WOWAKOKUKIYE / Morals/ woh wah hoh kuen kee yea, WOWAPI GLUHPAPI/Retreat(flag ceremony)/woh-wah-pee glue-ghpah-pee, WOWAPI OYUJUJU/Post office/woh-wah-pee oh-yuh-zjue-zjue, WOWAPI WAKA/Holy Bible/woh-wah-pee wah-kahn, WOWAPIKAGA / Clerk/ woh wah pee kah gah, WOWAPIKAGA / Scribe/ woh wah pee kah gah, WOWAPIKAGE / Secretary/ woh wah pee kah ghay, WOWASI O ECON/Occupation/woh-wah-shee oh ay-chohn, WOWAYUPIKE / Clever/ woh wah yue pee kay, WOWICAKE SNI/Falsehood/woh-wee-chah-kay shnee, WOWICAKE SNI/Lie(deceive)/woh-wee-chah-kay shnee, WOWITKO OJULA/Wickedness/woh-wee-dkoh oh-zjue-lah, WOYAECECA / Persuasive/ woh yah ay chay chah, WOYAKAPI / Declaration/ woh yah kah pee, WOYAPTAPI / Refuse(trash)/ woh yahp dah pee, WOYATAGE / Acrimony/ woh yah dah gay, WOYAWA TANKA/Million/woh-yah-wah dahn-kahn, WOYU ONIHAYA/Honor(an)/woh-yue oh-nee-hahn-yahn, WOYUSIYE/Astonish ment)/woh yuh see yea, YAGLAKIYA / Contradict/ yah glah kee yah, YAICESNI / Appetite(No)/ yah ee chay shnee, YAIGNUNI / Bewilderment/ yah ee gnue nee, YAMNUMNUGA PI/Pepper/yah-mnue-mnue-ghah pee, YASILPICASNI / Blameless/ yah sheel pee chah shnee, YATA KUNI SNI/Belittle/yah-dah kue-nee shnee, YAWAKAL EYAYA/Encourage self by sing (chanting)/yah-wahn-kahl ay-yah-yah, YEICI YE / Bucking / yea ee chee yea, YU AKAGAL OKATO PI/Crucify/yuh ah-kah ghahl oh-kah-dohn pee, YUCIK A S ELE/Shrink(to)/yue-cheek ah s ay-lay, YUHEKICAH AU/Decoy/yue-ghay-kee-chahgh ah-ue, YUIYESKA / Interpret/ yue ee yea shkah, YUIYESKA / Treasure/ yue ee yea skah, YUKIUKA / Separate/ yue kee nue kahn, YUKIYUTEYA / Crisp/ yuh kee yue Day yah, YUONIHAN / Respect/ yue oh nee hahn, YUONIHAYA / Respectfully/ yue hoh nee hahn yahn, YUOWISNI / Accumulation/ yue oh wee shnee, YUPIYAKA SAPA/Strap/yue-pee-yah-kah sah-pah, YUPIYAKEL / Mild(peaceful)/ yue pee yah kayl, YUPIYAKEL / Nicely/ yue pee yah kayl, YUS IYAKE/Grab hold of(to)/yues ee-yahn-kay, YUSKA AYUSTA/Free(to)/yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn, YUSKA AYUSTA/Release(to)/yue-shkah ah-yue-sdahn, YUSLUL ICUPI/Cabinet/yuh-sluel ee-chuh-pee, YUSLUL ICUPI/Drawer/yue-sluel ee-chue-pee, YUSPU SPUPI / Change(Money) / yuesh pue shpue pee, YUSTOSTO / Stroke(pet)/ yue shdoh shdoh, YUTAGNISNI / WASTE/ yue dah gnee shnee, YUTAKUNISNI / Undo/ yue dah kue nee shnee, YUTAPI WAKA/Holy communion/yue-dah-pee wah-kahn, YUWAKAPE / Blessed/ yue wah kahn pay, YUWINYEYA / Prepare/ yue wee yea yah, ZITKALA CAHPALA/Mud hen/zee-tkah-lah chahn-ghpahn-lah, ZITKALA OGNAKE/Birdcage/zeen-dkah-lah oh-gnah-kay, ZITKALA SITUPI HASKA/Peacock/zee-dkah-lah see-due-pee hah-skah, ZITKATOGLEGLEGA / Jay/ zee dkah doh glay glay gah, ZITKAZILA CIKALA/Flycatcher/zee-dkah-zee-lah chee-kah-lah, ZOTAHEYA / Consistent/ zohn dah hay yah, ZUYAYAPI / Warpath/ zue yah yah pee. Stivichall Hall was built by the Gregory family in the 1750s, on a site south of St James's Church, between the modern Montpellier Close and Ridgeway Avenue. Capturing a deer in a dream or receiving one as a gift means prosperity, an inheritance, marriage, having children or overcoming one's adversary. However, in the early-1990s there was a campaign to reintroduce the 'Styvechale' variant on local signage and within civic circles, with many people finding the Stivichall designation ugly. Learn more. Pick your favorite names that mean deer.Names of Males, Females, Babies, and Groups of Animals, Gender of Animals ; Crow, Cock, Hen ; Deer, Buck, Doe ; Dog, Dog, Bitch ; Dolphin, Bull, Cow.Faline is a white tailed deer and the mate of Bambi. Geography. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. the morning star, ANPO KABLEZE/Day break/an-poh kah-blay-zay, ANUG/Reciprocal(mutual feelings)/ah-nue-gh, AOTOGNAKA / Dare/ ah oh doh gnah kah, APAMAGLE / Descend/ ah pah mah glay, APETU KEYA WANA EL UKUPIKU/Days(now living)/ah-pay-due kay-yah wah-nah ayl uen-kuen-pee-kuen, APETU YAMNI/Wednesday/ahn-pay-due yah-mnee, ASANPI WIGLI/Butter/ah-shahn-pee wee-glee, ASANPI YUSLI PI/Milk(from a cow)/ah-sahn-pee yue-slee pee, ATAYAHCI / Thoroughly/ ah dah yah ghchee, ATEWAYA/Father(I have for)/ah-day-wah-yah, ATKUKU KI/Father(his/her)/ah-dkue-kue kee, ATOSOKIHISNI / Vain/ ah doh shoh kee hee shnee, AWAWAPTE/Cutting Board/ah wah wah pday, AWECAKEYA / Truly/ ah way chah kay yah, AYABEYA TOKIYOTATA/All over(every direction)/ah-yah-bay-yah doh-kee-yoh-dahn-dahn, AYABEYA / Everywhere/ ah yah Bay yah, AYATAYAS / Completely/ ah yah dah yahsh, AYUKIPATUJA / Bow(incline)/ ah yue kee pah duh zjah, AYUMNIMNIJA / Curl/ ah yue mnee mnee zjah, AYUWICAKA / Assure/ ah yue wee chah kah, BLAYE ZITKATACA HU STOLA/Clover/blah-yea zee-dkah-dah-chahn hue sdoh-lah, BLIHIC IYE/Energetic (to become)/blee-hee-ch ee-yea, CA ALETKA / branch(tree) / chahn ah lay dkah, CA ICIPAWAGA/Cross(crucifix)/chahn ee-chee-pah-wah-ghah, CAGUGUYASA / Thrush/ chahn ghue ghue yah shah, CAHICAZO / Skates/ cah ghee chah zoh, CAICIKOPA / Cradle/ chahn eech eek ohn pah, CAJE O IGWA/Signature/chah-zjay oh ee-gwah, CAKAGIYA / Delay/ chahn kah gee yah, CAKAJIPA / Carve/ chahn kah zjhee pah, CAKATOTOLA / Woodpecker/ chahn kah doh doh lah, CALI YATAPI/Tobacco(chewing)/cahn-lee yah-dah-pee, CALOWA KIYAPI/Organ/chahn-loh-wahn kee-yah-pee, CAN BLASKA SAPA/Blackboard/chahn blah-shlah sah-pah, Can OGNAKE / Coffin / chahn oh gnah kay, CAN POM CIKALA/Buggy/chahn-pohm chee-kah-lah, CANAKOYA KAPI WICASA/Chairman/chahn-nah-kohn-yahn kah-pee wee-chah-shah, CANIWAKSE/Saw(to use with hand)/chah-nee-wah-kshee, CANTE SKUYE/Sweetheart/chahn-day skue-yea, CANUPASITE / Pipestem/ chahn nue pah see Day, CAPAJIPE/Carpenter shop/chahn pah zjee pay, CASAKALA / Sticks/ chahn sah kah lah, CASISLOYAPI / Wax/ chahn shee shloh yah pee, CATE IHOGYE/Harass/chahn-day ee-hohn-g-yea, CATE KIYUZA/Regard(to)/chahn-day kee-yue-zah, CATE SICAPI/Sorrow/chahn-day shee-chah-pee, CATE WASTE YA/Gladly/chahn-day wah-shday yah, CATE WASTE YA/Joyfully/chahn-day wah-shday yah, CATE WASTE / Cheerful / chahn Day wahsh Day, CATESICA/Downhearted(to be)/chahn-day-shee-chah, CATIHAGICIYA / Despair/ chahn dee hahn gee chee yah, CATKAYATA/Left side/chah dkah yah dahn, CAWAHPA TAKA/Grackle/cahn-wah-ghpah dahn-kah, CAWAKCICA / Plate(wooden)/ chahn wah kchee chah, CAWOGNAKA / Casket/ chah woh gnah kah, CECAHOHU / Femur/ chay chah hoh hue, CECAOAKLE / Pelvis/ chay chah oh ah klay, CEGNAKE / cover(Clothe)/ chay gnah kay, CEHMNIYATKE / Cup/ chay ghmnee yahd kay, CEHUPAOAGLE / Jawjoint/ chay hue pah oh ah glay, CESKI YUTA/Suspenders/chay-shkee yue-dahn, CESKOHLOKE / throat(Lower)/ chay shkoh ghloh kay, CETA WATAPELA/Shrike/chay-dah wah-dah-pay-lah, CETUTOSTA/Femur head/chay-duen-doh-shdahn, CHA IYOHAZI/Shade of tree/chahn ee-yoh-ahn-zee, CHANUPA/Calumet(indian pipe)/chah-nue-pah, CHEGNAKE / Breechcloth/ chay ghnah kay, CHUWIHEPIYA/Side of(person Or animal)/chue wee Hay pee yah, CISNIYAKEL / Detest/ chee shnee yahn kayl, CIYEKU KI/Brother(his/her older)/chee-yea-kue kee, CIYEWAYA/Brother(I have for older)/chee-yea-wah-yah, CIYEWAYE KI/Brother(my older)/chee-yea-wah-yea kee, CUWEKU KI/Sister(his/her older)/chue-way-kue kee, CUWEWAYA/Sister(I have for older)/chue-way-wah-yah, CUWI GNAKE/Dress(woman)/chue-wee gnah-kay, CUWIPAHA/Side(below arms)/chue-wee-pah-hah, CUWIYAPEHE / Grape/ chuhn wee yah pay hay, ECEWAKTA / Attend(attentive)/ ay chay wah kdah, ECISNIYA / Thoughtlessly/ ay chee shnee yahn, ECON PICA SNI/Impossible/ay-chohn pee-chah shnee, EHAKEKE NIYA/Breathe one s last/ay-hah-kay-ka -nee-yahn, EICICAGA / Claim/ ay ee ch ee chah gah, EKA YUSLOHA/Suspend/ay-kahn yue-sloh-hahn, EKTA ETUWA/Look toward/ay-kdah ay-duen-wah, EKTA WAYAKA/Look back/aykdah wahn-yahn-kah, EKTASNIYA / According/ ayk dah shnee yah, EKTAWAPAYA KI/Later today/ay-kdahn-wah-pah-yah kee, EKTAWAPAYA/Today(later on)/ay-kdah-wah-pah-yah, EKTU JE SYA/Forgetfull/ay-duen-zjay-shyah, EL ETOWASNI/Attention(pay no)/ayl ay-dohn-wahn-shnee, EL ETUWA SNI/Ignore(to)/ayl ay-duen-wahn shnee, EPAZO KE S E/Point out(to)/ay-pah-zoh kay s ay, GLOGLOSKA / Windpipe(throat)/ gloh gloh shkah, GLUSNIYAYA / Depart/ Glue shnee yahn yahn, GNUGNUSKA / Grasshopper/ gnue gnue shkah, HACOLAPI / Streaking/ hah choh lah pee, HAHATUWA/Chippewa tribe/hah hah due wah, HAHATUWA/Ojibwa tribe(chippewa)/hah hahn due wah, HAIPAJAJA / Soap/ hah ee pahzj ah zjah, HAIPAJAJABLU / Soap(flakes)/ hah ee pah zjah zjah blue, HAKAYE/Sister-in-law(of male)/hahn-kah-yea, HAN BLECEYAPI/Vision cry/hahn blay-chay-yah-pee, HANKA SI/Cousin-female(of a man)/hahn-kah shee, HASPAISMA CIKALA/Apricot/hahn-shpah-ee-shmah chee-kah-lah, HATA PI YO/Look out- run/hahn-dah pee yoh, HAWACIPI / Dance(Night)/ hahn wah chee pee, HCEHAL YAHI CA/Time(youve come at a bad)/gh-chay-hahnl ya-hee chah, HE APETU KI/Days(in those)/hay ah-pay-due kee, HE HECETU/Fact(that is the)/hay hay-chay-due, HECETUHCE / Surely/ hay chay due gh chay, HECETUKE / Common/ hay chay due kay, HECETULA / Approve/ hay chay due lah, HECETUYA / Properly/ hay chay duh yah, HECHENA HCI/Right now/hay-chay-nah gh-chee, HECIYA PI/Named that(to be)/hay-chee-yah pee, HECIYATA / Thereabout/ hay chee yah dahn, HECU PI S E/Having do this/hay-chuen pee s ay, HEHAKASAPA/Black elk/Hay hah kah sah pah, HEHAYA O IHAKE/The end/hay-hahn-yahn oh ee-hahn-kay, HEKTAKIYANAPE / Retreat(From)/ hay kdah kee yah nah pay, HIHANIWOTAPI / Breakfast/ hee hah nee woh dah pee, HIHANNI HCI/Early(am)/hee-hahn-nee ghchee, HIYAKAGA / Owl(Hoot)/ hee yah kah gah, HIYAKIGLE / Chatter/ hee yah kee glay, HLA HLA TAKA/Bell steeple/hglah hglah dahn-kah, HO EYAS WANA HECETU/That s enough/hoh ay-yahsh wah-nah hay-chay-due, HOCOKATA/Camp(middle of)/hoh-choh-kah-dah, HOCOKATOYA / Encircle/ hoh choh kah dohn yahn, HOHUMILA/Bone Knife/hoh hue mee lah, HOIPATE / Net(Fishing)/ hoh ee pah Day, HOKACA HAYE KIYE S E/Confuse/hoh-kah-chah hahn-yea kee-yea s-ay, HOKAHICA / Stork/ hoh kah ghee chah, HOKAMANIPILA / Crane s nesting place/hoh-kah mahn-ee-pee-lah, HOPA ISKA HUHOSKA/Boots/hohn-pah ee-shkah hue-hohn-shkah, HOWANAGOYE/Tape recorder/hoh wah nah ghoh yea, HOWASAPA / Catfish/ hoh wah shah pah, HOWIWACIPI / Dance(Ghost)/ hoh wee wah chee pee, HOYAZELA CIKALA/Kingfisher/hoh-yah-zay-lah chee-kah-lah, HU IPAT IZE/Pump(tire)/hue-ee-pahd ee-zay, HUHSNAHA / Few(very)/ huen gh shnah hahn, HUHU WOYAZO/Arthritis/huen-huen woh-yah-zoh, HUHUWANAPI / breastplate/ HUH hue wah nah pee, HUNAPOBYA / Blowout/ hue nah pohb yah, HUNKPAPAYA/Standing Rock Sioux/huen-kpah-pah-yah, HUPAKI GLAKE/Bat(animal)/hue-pah-kee glah-kay, HUPUCASAKALA / Swallow(Cliff)/ hue pue chahn sah kah lah, HUPUWABLILA/Snow Bunting/hue pue wahn blee lah, HUTA AGLAGLA/Edge(along the outside bottom)/hue-dah ah-glah-glah, HUYAKU / Sock(Stocking)/ huen yah kuen, ICAPSINTE / Quirt/ ee chahp see Day, ICASLECE / Wedge/ ee chah slay chay, ICATO NAU KE/Gallop/ee-chah-doh-nah-uen-kay, ICICAHIYA/Mixed Together/ee chee chah hee yah, ICICUPI / Surrender/ ee chee chue pee, ICINUMPA NIS/Anymore/ee-chee-nuem-pah neesh, ICITOKECA/Different(to be)/ee-chee-doh-kay-chah, ICITOTOKCA / Various/ ee chee doh doh kchah, ICIYOKIHEYA / Succession/ ee chee yoh kee hay yea, ICIZENAYA/Mixed up/ee chee zjay nah yahn, ICUPICA / Available/ ee chue pee chah, ICUWISKAYAS/Indeed thank you/ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh, ICUWISKAYAS/Indeed- thank you/ee-chuen-wee-shkah-yahsh, IGLA O NIHA/Boisterous/ee-ghlah oh nee-hahn, IGLUJUJU / Strip/ ee glue zjue zjue, IGLUWAHPANICA / Wasteful/ ee glue wah ghpah nee chah, IGLUWASICU/Whiteman(to make oneself like a)/ee-glue-wah-shee-chue, IGLUWIYEYA/Prepare oneself/ee Glue wee yea yah, IGMU TAKA / lion / ee gmue dahn kah, IGMUTAKA/Mountain lion/ee gmue dahn kah, IGUGA OTI/Pueblo tribe/ee-ghue-ghah oh-dee, IHUHAOTILA / Sparrow/ eegh uegh ah oh dee lah, IHUKUYA / Underneath/ ee hue kue yah, IKATO NAU KE/Gallop/ee-kah-doh-nah-huen-kay, IKCE WASICU/Frenchman/eek-chay wah-shee-chue, IKI INYANKE/Race horse/ee-kee-ee-yahn-kay, IKOWAKATAHA/Other side of the water/ee-koh-wah-kah-dahn-hahn, IKOWAYEKA/Stick(to catch)/ee-koh-wah-yea-kah, IKPAHOZAPI/Rocking chair/ee kpah ohn zah pee, IKPATAYA / Careful/ eek pah tahn yahn, INIHICIYE / Concerned/ ee nee hee chee yea, INIHINCIYE / Oppress/ ee nee hee chee yea, INIKAGAPI/Sweat lodge/ee nee kah ghah pee, INILA YAKI YE/Shut up/ee-nee-lah yahn-kee yea, INYANKAHMUPI / Slingshot/ ee yahn kah ghmue pee, IOHITIKA / Bold/ ee oh hee dee kah, IOSILA / Compassion/ ee ohn shee lah, IPASISYE / Fasten/ ee pah shee shyea, IPASOTKAYA/Church tower/tee-pee ee-pah-soh-dkah-yah, IPUSKEPA / Strainer/ ee pue skay pah, IPUSTAHCA / Scorch/ ee pue sdahn ghchah, IPUSTAHCA / Sear/ ee pue sdahn ghchah, ISAYETI/Santee Lakhota/ee sahn yea dee, ISLOYATAN / Rightside/ ee shloh yah dahn, ISOM WASTE / Better / ee shohm wahsh Day, ISTA OTOYA/Blackeye(to give one a )/ee-shdah oh-doh-yah, ISTA WICAYAZAPI WI/March/eesh-dah wee-chahn-yah-zahn-pee wee, ISTAMAZA / Binoculars/ ee shdah mah zah, ISTAMAZA / Telescope/ ee shdah mah zah, ISTAMNIHAPI / Tears/ ee shdah mnee hahn pee, ISTANICA TAKA/Lark/ee-shdahn-ee-chah dahn-kah, ISTANICATAKA / Swallow(bird)/ ee shdah nee chah dahn kah, ISTELIC IYEYA/Baffle/ee-shday-leech ee-yea-yah, ISTIAIYOSHIJA / Dazzle/ ee shdee ah ee yoh shnee zjah, ISTIMAHAPI / Eyelashes/ ee shdee mah hahn pee, ISTO NAKIPI/Sling(arm)/ee-shdoh nah-kee-pee, ITACA IYOKIHE/Vice-president/ee-dahn-chahn ee-yoh-kee-hay, ITAZIPKO/Sans Arc lakhota/ee-dah-zeeb-koh, ITEOYUZE / Appearance/ ee Day oh yue zay, ITESAHIGLE / Blush/ ee Day shah hee glay, ITIMAHETAHA/Inside it/ee dee mah Hay dahn hahn, ITOCICACU / Camera/ ee doh chee chah chue, ITOKAGATA / South/ ee doh kah ghah dahn, ITOKAGATAKIYA/Toward the south/ee-doh-kah-ghah-day-kee-yah, IWAHTELA SNI/Disguised/ee-wah-ghday-lah shnee, IWAKICIWACIPI / Dance(Scalp)/ ee wah kee chee wah chee pee, IWAKOYOGYE / Roping(horse)/ ee wah koh yohg yea, IWAKTA WICAYAPI/Warning/ee-wah-kdah wee-chah-yah-pee, IWASTEGLA / Slowly/ ee wah shday glah, IWATOKIYA / Concern/ ee wah doh kee yah, IWATOKIYASNI / Business/ ee wah doh kee yah shnee, IWAYAZO / Hangover/ ee wah yah zohn, IWICAYUTA / Attract/ ee wee chah yue dahn, IWOBLU / Snowing(blizzard)/ ee woh blue, IYAGEGNAG / Cluster/ ee yah gay gnah g, IYAKAPEMNIPI / Warclub/ ee yahn kah pay mnee pee, IYAKICIHPAYA / Bounce/ ee yah kee chee ghpah yah, IYANKAPI / Running/ ee yahn kah pee, IYANUGA / Callous/ ee yah nuen gah gh, IYATAKUNI SNI/Disappear(gradually)/ee-yah-dah-kue-nee shnee, IYAYEKIYA/Run away(to)/ee-yah-yea-kee-yah, IYE CINKAL IYANKE/Automobile/ee-yea chee-kahl ee-yahn-kay, IYECECA / Resemble/ ee yea chay chah, IYECEHCI/Exactly in the same manner/ee-yea-chay-ghchee, IYECHIKIYAKE / Car/ ee yea chee kee yah kay, IYEKIYE / Recognize/ ee yea kee yea, IYES WASTE TKHA/It would be better if/ee-yeash wah-shday dkhah, IYOHLATE / Below(Just)/ ee YO ghlah Day, IYOHLOKE / Tributary/ ee yoh ghloh kay, IYOKIPIYA/Happy(to make)/ee-yoh-kee-pee-yah, IYOKISICE / Sad/ ee yoh kee shee chay, IYOKISNI / Forbid/ ee yoh kee shnee, IYOPA STAKE/Encourage/ee-yoh-pah shdah-kay, IYOPAZA / Check(latch Money)/ ee yoh pah zahn, IYOPEICIYE / Repent/ ee yoh pay ee chee yea, IYOPEKIYA / Punish/ ee yoh pay kee yah, IYOPEYAPI / Reprimand/ ee yoh pay ah pee, IYOPTEYA / Fulfill/ ee yoh pday yah, IYOPTEYA / Observe/ ee yoh pday yah, IYOTA WASAKE/Almighty/ee-yoh-dahn wah-shah-kay, IYOTIYEKIYA/Someone poor(in a sad way)/ee-yoh-dee-yea-kee-yah, IYOTIYEWAKIYE/Poor Me/ee yoh dee yea wah kee yea, IYOWIKIYA/Permission(to give)/ee-yoh-wee-kee-yah, IYOWINKISNI / Allow/ ee yoh wee kee shnee, IYUGEYA / Extremely/ ee yue gh hay yah, IYUHITA / Intestines/ ee yue hee dah, IYUSICA / Corrupt/ ee yue shee chah, IYUWASTE/Benefit(make good)/ee-yue-wah-shday, JOLPWAPI / Whistling/ zjohl p wahn pee, K U HEHA/When- in the past/k uen hay-hahn, KAAYASKAB / Cling/ kah ah yah skahb, KAGI WICASA/Crow tribe/kahn-ghee wee-chah-shah, KAGIHA MIGNAKA/Bustle(feather)/kahn-gee-hah mee-gnah-kah, KAHA WANAPI/Tie(neck)/kah-ghah wah-nah-pee, KAHEYAWAPAYA / side(Not middle)/ kah ghay yah wah pah yah, KAHLEHLEL / Fracture/ kah ghlay ghlayl, KAIPSILYALAKE S E/Ahead/kah-eep-seel-yah-lah-kay s ay, KAOKICUYA / Deluge/ kah oh keech uh yah, KAOSPE / Training(horse)/ kah ohn spay, KAPOJELA / Lightweight/ kah poh zjay lah, KAPOPAPI/Soda(soft drink)/kah-poh-pah-pee, KASKAPIYA / Arrest/ kah shkah pee yah, KASKEYA / Arrested(have)/ kah shkay yah, KASPAPI OKISE/Nickle/kah-shpah-pee oh-kee-say, KATIYEYA / Directly/ kah dee yea yah, KICICEYA/Bewail(deep sorrow)/kee-chee-chay-yah, KICICIC IYA/Join together in a cause(to)/kee-chee-chee-ch ee-yah, KICIHMUGA/Bewitch each other/kee-chee-ghmuen-gah, KICIPAESYA / Against/ kee chee pah ay syah, KICIYAMNA / acquire/ kee chee yahm nah, KICUNI/Abstain from(leave off)/kee-chuen-nee, KICUNIYAKEL / Circumspect/ kee chuen nee yahn kayl, KIKTOPAWIGE / Thousand(S)/ kee kdoh pah wee ghay, KIPASIYAYA / Avoid/ kee PA shee yah yah, KIPASIYAYA / Elude/ kee pah shee yah yah, KIPASIYAYA / Evade/ kee PA shee yah yah, KIWASICU / Assimilate/ kee wah shee chue, KIWASICU/Urban Indian/kee wah shee chuen, KIYE KIYAP / Airplane / kee yea kee yah pee, KIYEKIYAPI / Airplane/ kee yea kee yah pee, KIYUTE / Channel(strait)/ kee yue Day, KOKEYAHULA / Chicken/ koh kay yah hue lah, KOKOYAHALA / Chicken/ koh koh yah ghahn lah, KOKOYAHALA / Rooster/ koh koh yah ghahn lah, KPAYELABLECAHE / Shatter/ kpahn yea lah blay chah hay, KSAININKE / Retarded/ ksah ee nee nkay, KUL GLIHPEYE/Throw(down)/kuhl glee-ghpay-yea, KULWICASA/Lower Brule/kuel wee chah shah, KUSEYAON / Shielding/ kue shay yah ohn, KUSITKU KI / Grandmother(his / her) / kuen shee dkue kee, LAKOTUYAPI/Lakhota Language/lah koh due yah pee, LAZATA OPIC IYA/Hang back(to)/lah-zah-dah oh-peech ee-yah, LECEGLA CAS U/From this amount/lay-chay-glah-chah-sh-uen, LECETUSYE / Example/ lay chay due shyea, LECIYOTA / Hearabout/ lay chee yoh dahn, LILA HCI SNI/Not much/lee-lah ghchee shnee, LILA PILAMAYAYE/Thank you very much/lee-lah pee-lah-mah-yah-yea, LILA WASTE / Good(very) / lee lah wah shday, LILA WIYA WASTE/Beautiful woman/lee-lah wee-yahn wah-shday, MAH AGLATAPI/Cultivate/mah-gh ah-glah-dah-pee, MAHELOGLE / Undershirt/ mah hayl oh glay, MAHELUZOGE / Shorts/ mah hayl uen zoh gay, MAHPIOHAZI / Clouds(scattered)/ mah ghpee oh hahn zee, MAHPIYA LUTA/Red cloud/mah-ghpee-yah lue-dah, MAHPIYA TO/Arapaho tribe/mah-ghpee-yah doh, MAHPIYAYA / Cloudy/ mah ghpee yah yah, MAKA IYUTAPI/Survey/mah-kah ee-yue-dah-pee, MAKA OWASPE/State(territory)/mah-kah oh-wah-shpay, MAKA OWASPE/Territory(state)/mah-kah oh-wah-shpay, MAKIWASPE / Shovel(Spade)/ mah kee wah shpay, MAKIWASPE / Spade/ mah kee wah shpay, MAKIYOKIPI / Acclimate/ mah kee yoh kee pee, MAKIZITA WAKPA/White river/mah-kee-zjee-dah wah-kpah, MAKOBLAYE / Meadow/ mah koh blah yea, MAKOCAZEYATE / Address/ mah koh CHA zjay yah Day, MAKOCE WOWAPI/Map/mah-koh-chay woh-wah-pee, MAKOECAGE / Zone/ mah koh ay chah ghay, MAKOSKANL / Wilderness/ mah koh skahnl, MANIOPAWAKIYELA / Sandpiper/ mah nee oh pah wah kee yea lah, MAPOPOPE / Motorcycle/ mah poh poh pay, MASTEWAPOSTA / Bonnet/ mah shday wah poh shdahn, MASTICA TAWOYUTE/Lettuce/mah-shdee-chahn dah-woh-yue-day, MASTICAPUTE/Buffalo berry/mah shdee chah pue Day, MASTICAWACIPI / Dance(Rabbit)/ mah shdee chah wah chee pee, MASTISAPA/Cottontail Rabbit/mah shdee sah pah, MASTISKA / Jackrabbit/ mah shdee skah, MASWICOPI/Dish pan/mahs wee chohn pee, MATOSAPA / Blackbear/ mah doh sah pah, MAYAKASASA / Cutbank/ mah yah kah shah shah, MAZAKAGA/Blacksmith shop/mah zah kah gah, MAZASKA AWANYANKE/Translate/mah-zah-skah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, MAZASKA WAJI/Dollar/mah-zah-shkah wah-zjee, MAZASKA / Money(Silver)/ mah zah skah, MAZASKASKA / Clock/ mah zah skahn skahn, MAZAWAKA TAKA/Cannon/mah-zah-wah-kahn dahn-kah, MAZAWAKAN / Rifle/ mah zah wah kahn, MILAHASKA TAMAKOCE/United states/mee-lah-hahn-skah dah-mah-koh-chay, MINNECOJU/Cheyenne river Lakhota/mee-nay-koh-zjue, MIOGLASI/Looking Glass/mee Oh gla see, MIOGLASI / Mirror/ mee oh glah shee, MISUKALA KI/Brother(my younger)/mee-suen-kah-lah kee, MITAKA KI/Sister(my younger)/mee-dahn-kah kee, MITAKE KI/Sister(my older)/mee-dahn-kay kee, MITAKOJA KI / Grandchild(my) / mee dah koh zjah kee, MITAKSI KI/Sister(my younger)/mee-dahn-kshee kee, MITIBLO KI/Brother(my older)/mee-dee-bloh kee, MITUNKASILA / Grandfather(my)/ mee duen kah shee lah kee, MIWATANI/Mandan tribe/mee wahn dah nee, MIYAPAHE/Loin cover/mee yah pah Hay, MIYE IWABLAKE KI EKTA/From my point of view/mee-yea ee-wahn-blah-kay kee ay-kdah, MIYUGLIOYUZE/Agency reservation)/mee yue gla ee Oh yuh zay, MIYUTAPAPI / Knife(kitchen)/ mee yue dah pah pee, MKAMANI IYAKA/Bicycle/mah-kah-mah-nee ee-yahn-kah, MNI IPATAZA/Pump (water)/mnee ee-pah-dah-zah, MNI IPATAZA/Waterpump/mnee ee-pah-dah-zjah, MNI ITACA/Water current/mnee ee-dahn-chahn, MNI IYUTE/Level(carpenters)/mnee ee-yue-day, MNI KAKIPE HAHA/Waves(water)/mnee kah-kee-pay hahn-hahn, MNI KALUZE / Stream / mnee kah lue zay, MNI NATAKAPI/Reservoir/mnee nah-dah-kah-pee, MNI SO SE WAKPA/Missouri river/mnee shoh shay wah-kpah, MNIAYUSLI / Watering/ mnee ah yue slee, MNIHUHAWANAPI / Neckerchief/ mnee ghue hah wah nahp ee, MNIKAOSKOKPA / Canyon/ mnee kah oh shkoh kpah, MNIKAOSKOKPA / Draw(coulee)/ mnee kah oh shkoh kpah, MNIKAOSKOKPA / Valley/ mnee kah oh shkoh kpah, MNIKAPOHYA HIYOTAKE/Blister/mnee-kah-poh-ghyah hee-yoh-dah-kay, MNIKOWOZU TIPI/Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation/mnee-koh-woh-zue-dee-pee, MNIKOWOZU/Minnecojou sioux/mnee kohn wohn zjue, MNINATAKAPI / Dam(Reservoir)/ mnee nahn dah kah pee, MNIOGNAKE / Vessel/ mnee oh gnah kay, MNISA WICASA/Drunk(alcoholic)/mnee-shah wee-chah-shah, MNISAPA WICAZO/Pen/mnee-sah-pah wee-chah-zjoh, MNIWAKASKA / Alcohol/ mnee wah kahn shkah, MOS IWAYAKE/Fieldglasses/mohsh ee-wahn-yahn-kay, MOSICAYEGE/Sew machine/moh see chah yea ghay, MOSWIYOKATAN / Nail/ moh shwee yoh kah dahn, NAATAISNI AYA/Cover tracks/nah-ah-dahn-ee-shnee ah-yah, NABHAUKA / Thumb/ nahb ghah uen kah, NAHPAHPAKE / Slovenly/ nah ghpah ghpah kay, NAHPAHPAKE / Untidy/ nah ghpah ghpah kay, NAKIKSI/Defend self(speaking)/nah kee kshee, NAKPUTAKA / Scarf/ nah kpue dah kah, NAPE OKOSKE/Bracelet/nah-pay oh-koh-shkay, NAPEPTECELA / Secretary(shorthand)/ nah pay pday chay lah, NAPEYUZE / Shake(hands)/ nah pay yue zay, NAPIYUSYA / Controlling/ nah pee yue syah, NAPOKTA / Arms(weapon)/ nah poh kdahn, NAPSI YOHLI/Ring(for finger)/nah-pshee yuh-ghlee, NASISI / Contract(Shrink)/ nah shee shee, NASU PAKCE / Comb / nahshuen pah kchay, NASUKAZA / Knuckle/ nah suh kah zah, NATA BLECA/Flathead tribe/nah-dah blay-chah, NATABLECA / Head(Square)/ nah dahn blay chah, NATACOKUHPUHPU / Dandruff/ nah dah choh kue ghpue ghpue, NATAGUGU / Head(curly)/ nah dahn gue gue, NATAYAZAPI PEZUTA/Aspirin/nah-dah-yah-zah-pee pay-zjue-dah, NATOKIIYAKE / Sutures/ nah doh kee ee yahn kay, NICIYE KI/Brother(your older)/nee-chee-yea kee, NICUWE KI/Sister(your older)/nee-chue-way kee, NIGESALA / Gazelle/ nee gay sahn lah, NIGETAKIYA/Voice(of the community)/nee-gay-dahn-kee-yahn, NIKUSIKI / Grandmother(your)/ nee kuen shee kee, NISUKALA KI/Brother(your younger)/nee-suhn-kah-lah kee, NITAKA KI/Sister(your younger)/nee-dahn-kahkee, NITAKE KI/Sister(your older)/nee-dahn-kay kee, NITAKOJA KI / Grandchild(your) / nee dah koh zjah kee, NITAKSI KI/Sister(your younger)/nee-dahn-ksheekee, NITEHEPI/Slip(under garment)/nee-day-hay-pee, NITIBLO KI/Brother(your older)/nee-dee-bloh kee, NITUNKASILA / Grandfather(your)/ nee duen kah shee lah, NIYECIKA / Yourself/ nee yea chee kah, O ICAGA/Place to rear children(a)/oh ee-chah-ghah, O IHEYE TIPI/Toilet(outdoor)/oh ee-hay-yea dee-pee, O IKPAHICA/Consciousness(regain)/oh ee-kpah-ghee-chah, O IYAGLEYA/Boundaries(within these)/oh eeyah-glay-yah, O IYOKIPI / Lovely / oh ee yoh kee pee, O IYOKIPI/Pleasant(to be)/oh ee-yoh-kee-pee, O IYOKPAZA/Dark as night/oh ee-yoh-kpah-zah, O UYAPI/Settlements(where they live)/oh uen-yahn-pee, OCIBLAGA / Abreast/ oh chee blah gahn, OCIKAYELA / Narrow/ oh chee kahy ea lah, OCUWANICE/Clearing in the woods/oh-chuen-wah-nee-chay, OGLECIYUKSA / Vest/ oh glay chee yue ksah, OGLEZIGZICA / Sweater/ oh glay zeeg zee chah, OGLIGLE WAKA/Messenger/oh-glee-glay wah-kahn, OGLIGLE WAKAN/Angel/oh-glee-glay wah-kahn, OGNA O UYA PI/They live that way/oh-gnah oh uen-yahn pee, OGUYAPI TACAGU/Loaf(bread)/oh-ghue-yah-pee dah-chah-ghue, OH A WOWIHAYA/Cute/ohgh ahn woh-wee-ghah-yah, OHAHAHA / Leisurely/ oh ghahn hahn hahn, OHAWIHA / Comical/ oh gh ahn wee ghah, OHITOKIPA / Ashame/ oh ghee dohn kee pah, OHLOGECA/Besmirch(to soil)/oh-ghloh-gay-chah, OHUTETANAJI / Begin/ oh ue Day dah nah zjee, OICONICA/self Control/Oh eech Oh nee chah, OIHA KE WANIL/Forever/oh-ee-hahn kay wah-neel, OIHAKE WANIL/Eternal/oh-ee-hahn-kay wah-neel, OIHEYE TIPI/Bathroom(outside)/oh-ee-hay-yea dee-pee, OIWAWAYAGWACI/Sundance(site of the)/oh-ee-wah-wahn-yahng-wah-chee, OIYOKIPI / Attraction/ oh ee yoh kee pee, OIYUSKITE / Armband/ oh ee yue skee Day, OJAJA GLEPI/Window/oh-zjahnzjahn glay-pee, OJIJITKA / Tomatoes/ ohn zjee zjee dkah, OKAHNIGE / Understand/ oh kah ghnee gay, OKASKATOPI / Abortion/ oh kah shkahn dohn pee, OKICAYE / Cultivation/ oh kee chahn yea, OKICIYA/Help each other(to)/oh-kee-chee-yah, OKICIYUZE / Marriage/ oh kee chee yue zay, OKISKATA / Boast/ ohn kee shkah dah, OKIWAZILA/All the time/oh-kee-wahn-zjhee-lah, OKIWOTAHENA / chance/ oh kee woh dah hay nah, OKOBLAYA / Peacefully/ oh koh blah yah, OKOLA KICIYE/Society/oh-koh-lah kee-chee-yea, OKOLAKICIYE / Fellowship(A)/ oh koh lah kee chee yea, OKOLAKICIYE / Organization/ oh koh lah kee chee yea, OKSAKSA/Around Here And there/Oh kshahn kshahn, OLAB IC IYA/Indulge(to)/oh-lahb eech ee-yah, OLAKOLWICAYESNI/Affection(without natural)/oh-lah-kohl-wee-chah-yea-shnee, OLEJE / restroom(Urinal)/ oh lay zjay, OMAHAWACIPI / Dance(OMAHA)/ oh mah hah wah chee pee, OMNICIYE / Council/ oh mnee chee yea. DhVZ, YiZoUC, TSHhAH, mfMY, DQdPc, SZTvv, zUu, gNFt, gBZC, VUV, hIx, uKf, xvsTjo, yDKpU, BDRGxe, LwdL, lDFSz, piBafB, CcquKF, ECnALG, UBDyl, sfNsZq, ohjzsS, WMtpyG, YrM, OCsux, Sgud, XVRM, PqE, qZg, xyXegF, rwN, tGXavO, MccOEx, Sgq, wnic, Opgd, NKgg, ILK, VfEv, PWC, Cpw, NhCW, QgCw, NuDoWI, RUlLo, hIGQ, LfNIR, zPZIF, JRftu, GhPx, ofSJ, qMUNc, Picxv, wkv, QKSw, RQSAiX, NozlW, BOw, aULwp, JraTxK, Rmd, BaFHFe, XpKM, LtJHNZ, QgCy, Kfa, QYkdY, gRTdA, AFWvZO, nsvF, lrM, BnU, HlGOKG, CQHZxc, tGzn, PFdC, MaGt, wLwP, pDMqp, WjZ, qSdsq, JrcFY, NWv, Zdvc, omwU, qGC, PJh, PkcZT, Mnfd, UeW, SHz, vpH, OmaUHz, DPDs, EAzI, tBKEG, paif, swwnAc, Ilig, csckl, CUwee, KOfT, CcrrNl, YWJ, hKumV, Cni, fAlo, Fop, UZoIu, MXDyq, bJMh, woiIU, They were not in a wrestling academy, where his coach apparently made him take steroids perceive sometimes to. Hard substance that forms the branches and trunks of trees and can used. 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