The guests will not have to wake up at 4 am to prepare for a fun day. A water balloon fight is great if youre after summer slumber party ideas just make sure the kids bring a towel to dry off afterwards! To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Make certain that guests dont go overboard with non-alcoholic beverages. First, you need to choose the right guests. There are 50 truth questions and 50 dares all targeted towards tweens. Learn more Having a birthday sleepover party is fun, but having the party at a hotel is even better! High School Musical. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you're looking for quiet sleepover activities for kids, origami is a fun idea to consider. Either get the party guests to bring one of their favourite games along or get some new ones (perfect as gifts for the birthday child) and host a game night. #7. Add multiple treatments for older children or just do one or two for younger kids. A DIY popcorn bar will have kids raving! The Paper Clothespin Unicorn is now available in a free Printable Template. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. But dont fret because weve got sooooo many great sleepover activities and sleepover ideas that the kids wont get a chance to be bored! 30 Fun Things to Do at a Sleepover - Slumber Party Ideas for Kids, Tweens, and Teens 1 The Best Post-Cyber Monday Sales and Deals of 2022 2 2022 Holiday Gift Guide 3 55 Christmas Advent. Here is what she said: We wanted to make it really easy for people to host slumber parties at home and at the same time we wanted to make it a wonderful experience for the kids. Given you have the kids for a lot longer at a slumber party, you could incorporate the making of the birthday cake as one of the fun slumber party activities you do. If youre looking for party games for teenage sleepovers make the tournament fairly structured, with more challenging games and announce a LEGO Master at the end of the evening. 1. A pamper night is perfect whether youre looking for tween sleepover party ideas or even 6-year-old slumber party ideas. Preparation: Heat vegetable oil in large pan over high heat. Be sure to leave an opening at the top for the lollies to be added later. Sleepover Invitation Wordings and Ideas. Here are some classic game ideas to consider: Like weve said over and over again, little boy and little girl sleepover ideas dont need to be complicated. Whilst boys often enjoy a slumber party too, this has become an increasingly popular activity for girls. These can also be used during the party and double up as take-home gifts. For themed slumber birthday party ideas, there is a huge range of different cake toppers you can buy too. Set a Date and Location Convenient for Everyone. Sleep masks - these can be purchased and decorated ahead of time or used as a fun activity. Decide what activities you will do during the party and make sure to have some snacks and drinks ready. Sleepover craft ideas like this are great too because they make a great keepsake for the party guests and can be used instead of a party bag. Dont forget the popcorn! This Bunch O Balloons set is cool because you can fill 100 water balloons in like 60 seconds! Download. Now each type of item can be traded in for something what that is is up to you maybe a chocolate bar, lollies or even a small prize. Make sure to plan on at least one parent per 15 kids with a minimum of two. A sleepover requires flexibility. If you're having trouble finding the . Talk to your parents about the maximum number of people they will let you invite to your sleepover. You can record teenagers answering questions while holding a sign that indicates the time by making them think. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Unlike your standard kind of party, where the kids come for a few hours and leave, with a boys or girls sleepover party you have them for the entire night and a few hours into the next day, so you got to come up with plenty of fun things to do at a sleepover to keep the kids entertained. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 189,535 times. Im sure you can come up with some other in dark slumber party game ideas, but this is a good one to get you started. Afterwards, have a dance party night and set up your karaoke machine. We. Put on one of their favourite movies or a new release and leave them to enjoy it for an hour or two. We provide everything you need including lanterns and fairy lights to really create that magical experience. Adult sleepovers are just as much fun as the sleepovers you used to have as a child except there's wine, charcuterie boards, and lots of raunchy party games to play with your girlfriends. Make sure your guests have a comfortable place to sleep and lounge in their room. 5) Baking Recipes. All Night Black Light For A Sleepover. The Fernweh tent is a 16' canvas bell tent that goes up in as little as 20 minutes. You could also go all out by doing some dance and music-themed activities to make the event even more enjoyable. You should be very certain about the events you have coming up. Holiday In The Sun (Or, really any young Mary Kate and Ashley movie) Smart House. Be sure to let the pan cool down before letting the kids adding toppings. For other party bag ideas, go to the PartyWizz shop. All you need for this activity is some plain T-Shirts and fabric paints. Your video will show how the brain slows when not sleeping properly by showing how much it slows when not sleeping properly. A sleepover party is cozy. This does require some preparation from you beforehand though as you will need to make the pinata casing in advance given it takes 24 hours to set. Kiddie Crunch Mix. You will need to prepare food and drinks, and set up a comfortable place for everyone to sleep. Sleeping arrangement. You don't even need real origami paper - you can just cut regular pieces of paper into squares. Romantic comedies Another popular sleepover movie genre is the romantic comedy. Host the perfect sleepover party tips and ideas,, How To Throw a Socially Distanced Kids Party. 1. For those with a limited number of beds, this often comes down to improvisation with a mix of sleeping top and tail and mattresses on the floor. Dip the newspaper strips into the paste one at a time, squeezing off excess paste. A few craft ideas include decorating a sleep mask, make fun and funky flip-flops, design t-shirts with fabric markers and fabric paints and make no sew fleece blankets. Either purchase a big poster of your choice or print one out (like your childs favourite pop star or movie character) and purchase a bunch of random dress up items. A sleepover party is a party where guests are invited to stay overnight at the host's house. If youre super keen, take it a step further and get them some matching toothbrushes and slippers too. Not only will guests get to rock their favorite jammies, but they'll also be able to enjoy all sorts of fun slumber party activities, like pillow fights, truth or dare, and charades. If your parent(s) are next door, and want to sleep, you might have to turn off the music. When it comes to fun stuff to do at a sleepover, taking silly photos is definitely on the list. Plan a good old fashion sleepover with a classic sleepover game like truth or dare, telling scary stories, playing card games, and classic board games. Most children have an innate talent that they cannot wait to share with friends, but they are more likely to act silly if they do not have it. Either make dinner or order it in. Parents should try not to interrupt teens . Get more game ideas in our Favorite Family Game Night Ideas. Just buy age appropriate ones, of course. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. A sleepover party is a party where guests are invited to stay overnight at the hosts house. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Plan ahead of time what the kids will be able to do on their own. Try not to jump so much so there are no complaints. But before the pillow battle begins, why not get the kids to design their own personalised pillowcases. Place back in oven for 5 minutes. Baking their own snacks and treats for after dinner is definitely a bonding experience. Aquamarine. Your email address will not be published. One fun idea that kids love is a chocolate fountain. Create your own Sleepover, Slumber & Pajama party invitations. MINUTE TO WIN IT GAMES Make sure to follow it regularly for new versions and updates. Spin The Nail Polish Bottle - Sleepover Party Game for Girls Slumber party crafts like this make for awesome slumber party ideas for entertaining younger kids. Here are 13 good reasons to convince you to either attend or host a sleepover party: A sleepover party is fun. What You Need. Have a Themed Movie Marathon. Contents hide #1: Nighttime Scavenger Hunt #2: Backyard Camp Out #3: Who Wore It Best? Sleepover parties are usually held for children and teenagers. Invite an odd number of people (if you plan on playing the games), so that everyone can be included. For dessert, supply cookies and milk, or, if your party is small, have the kids help you make a batch of . For a campout, you can have everyone bring their sleeping bag and camp inside on the living room floor or out in the backyard in tents. As I shared in 11 Classic Party Games for 10-14 year olds, the Roll a Sundae game was a huge hit with my 11 year old and her friends. Our Signature SleepOver transforms the slumber party experience into a night to remember.Each child enjoys their own private WonderTent with all the trimmings with a range of themes designed for girls and boys of all ages. Here are some awesome sleepover movies that kids are bound to love: Ice Princess. Pizza is the obvious choice and many opt for a delivery, but a more interactive option is DIY pizzas. When it comes to slumber party breakfast ideas get the kids involved with making pancakes. Keep reading for our sleepover essentials and slumber party accessories. Places to Take Kids Who Love Pirates Around Brisbane. Black light drawing by Motherhood On A Dime will take your slumber party to a whole new level of fun that the girls never even imagined. For adults, here are the steps to hosting a slumber party. As boys, you could have a nerf gun war, a water gun fight, or a flashlight tag game. Touch your tongue to your nose (or try to for 30 seconds). Lastly, do not forget to clean up the next day so that your parents will not be angry at you. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, I receive a small commission when you make a purchase using some of my links. Some ideas for entertainment are as follows: You can assemble a number of props and accessories for the guests to dress up in before taking photos of them to email out later. In the post, youll find some ideas for using the Dollar General. Exclusive Hand Crafted Tents 11. One cute idea is to purchase matching pyjamas for your guests to wear during the course of the party. 30 Sleepover Snack Ideas For the Best Party Ever! DIY Lipstick With Crayons. Make sure to invite people who will get along and who will not cause any drama. If you want to make the whole party stress-free, how about hiring a professional pamper party provider to come and run it for you. Repeat the previous step over and over until the balloon is covered with three to four layers. 36 Amazing Sleepover Party Themes! 2. A 'sleepover' or 'slumber' party is a great way to entertain slightly older children from around 8 to 13. Sleepover Food Ideas fantabulosity. There are plenty of things you can do, all you need to do is choose from the suggestions offered below to make it the most fun possible. So we handmade a number of beautifully designed Teepees with mattresses, and we come and set them up for you before the party. This Thumbprint Dandelion is as simple as printing it and then painting it. A sleepover party is private. As the party guests arrive, they can pop on matching robes, grab a cordial in fancy champagne flutes and sit back and relax with their feet in shallow buckets (like these), complete with a bubble bath. In addition to air mattresses (which do not deflate in the middle of the night), foamies, and even a large bean bag, you should provide them with pillows. Princess Slumber Party Let's get the ball rolling we have a delightful shimmery pink and purple princess-themed sleepover. Now that you know how many people you plan to invite, it's time to make a list of all the friends you plan to invite. So why not make it a real feature and set up a photo booth for the kids to take photos of each other? Bases can be made or bought and then each guest can choose from a variety of different toppings to make their own ideal pizza. Classic Game Night. You can also include a poem or a song in the talent show if you want. Some theme ideas for sleepovers include campouts, movie nights, spa retreats, and glow-in-the-dark nights. Put liquid soap in your mouth. Staying up super late with your closest friends (or group of cousins ), eating lots of junk food and watching endless hours of. First pair to the finish are the winners. A sleepover is anytime your child has anyone spend the night. This is a really simple thing to do for a girls or boys slumber party and another activity that you can tie into a theme if you have one for the birthday slumber party. If the sleepover is for a birthday party, the theme is likely already in place. Make your own t-shirts is great as it can be done instead of slumber party games (particularly great if youre looking for say sleepover party ideas for 10-year olds and over). % of people told us that this article helped them. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Whether youre hosting a boys or girls slumber party all the kids will just love all having matching pyjamas one of the easiest kids slumber party ideas ever!!! Kids are forced to leave their comfort zone and take themselves into new territory, into the unknown. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. When it begins to sizzle, add popcorn kernels and cover immediately. Get an affordable room that offers a lot of space. Plan Lots of Sleepover Activities When you put a bunch of friends in one room, there's bound to be lots of giggling and antics. Girl power movies Movies that inspire or encourage girls to be strong and independent are always a great sleepover choice. You can buy food in or you could make your own. This could involve watching horror movies and telling scary stories, or having a pajama party with facials and mani/pedis. Getting an adjoining room would be a good choice. You should gather a few board games and leave them in the corner of the room if they want a laid back activity. Then, one girl goes out of the room and the remaining girls pick someone else's bag to hide in. So the kids feel like you are really camping in the wilderness, set up a fire pit and roast marshmallows, sing songs and maybe even tell a few ghost stories. Home The Best Slumber Party Ideas: 17 Fun Things to do at a Sleepover Party. Supply your child and their friends with matching pajamas that you can either include with the invitation or have ready for when they arrive! When it comes to fun sleepover ideas, I just love the idea of hosting a water or nerf gun battle. A concession stand can be set up in the kitchen, for example, or in the dining room. When everyone is sleeping, stuff each stocking with small toys and candy to take home as party favors. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 42,541 times. Keep the food simple with food such as pizza for dinner. After that, whether you have a structured water balloon fight or a free for all is completely up to you. Individual sized boxes of cereal can give a nice choice for morning munchies (or even midnight feasts depending on how strict the lights out policy is!). Families Magazine is online and in print, all about things to do with toddlers, kids and teens in Brisbane. Sleepover Ideas for Teens Sleepover Ideas for Kids 1. However, for the little ones, keep the games short and unstructured. Just get the kids to do it. Teens can also download a list of fun dares for their friends to try. Have you ever played a game at a slumber party called Would You Rather Questions, Never Have I Ever, or Name That Tune? 3. Kids of all ages love to bake. It might be a good idea to make a pinata for each child or at least one between two to three children so they dont have to be too big. Announce that no one can sleep on sofas or beds because it causes fighting sometimes. No lags or delays. The main focus of our virtual sleepover will be a movie night. Let kids choose their props and take lots of pictures to remember the special night. Little kids just love a good pinata, dont they? However, sleepover and slumber party are often used interchangeably for people sleeping over at another person's house. Call Families Magazine: 0437 866 869, Web:, 2022 Families Magazine | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Contact Us. Soul Surfer. The game continues until everyone has a selection of colourfully painted nails. Sep 30, 2022 A sleepover party is a childhood rite of passage. At a hotel. Party requests outside of these areas will have an additional travel fee based on distance. Tell them when and where the sleepover will be, and what they need to bring. The girl then returns and tries to guess who is who or who is where. For example, you can say, "Come join us for Suzie's All Night Pajama-rama", "This Party Won't Be a Snoozefest", or "Let's Have a Pajamariffic Night!". Teens can host a Super Fun Sleepover Party for Teens that will keep the party going while not requiring them to spend too much money or overburden the host. For older children, cool slumber party ideas involve making use of the dark. All you need is some plain pillowcase covers, some fabric paints and let the kids imagination take over from there. Guests can specify on invitations which items to swap or auction they will bring, depending on the theme chosen. 7. This would involve renting or streaming a movie, making popcorn, and having snacks and drinks on hand. You can change it up depending upon the age and interests of the kids. Massage the person to your left for 1 minute. A friend told me to rent a hotel room and hold it there. Best Answer. Whether youre looking for slumber party tips for a younger kids sleepover party or sleepover activities for tweens and teenagers youre going to find some sleepover party ideas in this guide. You May Also Enjoy 8 Totally Like Awesome Teen Party Games. By using our site, you agree to our. Say the alphabet backwards. If your child has just announced that they want a sleepover party for their birthday this year then thank goodness, you found this article because were going to arm you with the very best slumber party ideas ever!!! Shake pan regularly to keep popped kernels from burning, and remove from heat when there are 2-3 seconds between pops. And what about a sweet treat? Then blow up a balloon and cut newspaper into strips. However, it is often more fun to include everyone. Meow like a cat for a minute straight. Truth or Dare from Mom of 6. Blog Family Host the perfect sleepover party tips and ideas. Then you can decide what to wear. Place in individual bags, or pour some into colored ice cream cones for a fun presentation. Make your invitation sound conversational, as if you were talking to a friend. Where to Buy Showbags Online and in Store! Movie Night Organize the coolest movie night around! This no-bake snack mix is a delightful treat for kids' events like sleepovers and birthday parties, and you can easily increase the amount to fit your needs. Provide a half gallon of vanilla, chocolate or strawberry ice cream and have the children make their own concoctions. Before all the kids get there, hide a range of glow stick accessories around the house either inside or outside or even both. Try inviting an even number of people (if you don't plan on playing, or if you plan on being the announcer) so games can be fair, no one can be left out. Shake the pan to settle the kernels evenly over the bottom, then wait for the first kernel to pop. Required fields are marked *. 4. A Cinderella Story. Hold the sleepover in a large area of the house, like your family room, to allow plenty of space for the teens to stretch out. To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Banana splits or sundaes appeal to any tween. As the guests arrived we had them decorate pillowcases. Provide sliced bananas, chocolate sauce, mini marshmallows, whipped cream, sliced peaches, sprinkles and of course, cherries to top it all off. The first consideration is, of course, where your guests will sleep. #8. It is not difficult to arrange a great sleepover once you understand the fundamentals. However, adults can also have sleepover parties. Let them know where it is if they need it. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. We just used cheap Walmart white pillowcases and fabric markers. There are several things that you can do to make sure that your sleepover party is a success. September 15, 2023 - September 17, 2023 From pillow fights to Pranks! Last Updated: May 6, 2021 Secondly, you need to have a good plan. The Best Slumber Party Ideas: 17 Fun Things to do at a Sleepover Party. Before the treasure hunt let the kids know what each item is worth, so they know what they are playing for this will create some excitement. Hi Denise, Valerie is having a sleepover on March 11 and would love for Alexandra to be there. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. February 2012 edited February 2012. ; Hide a range of different types of glow stick accessories, take note of how many of each type you hide and keep one of each type. A typical teen sleepover activity would be to have a movie night. Set it up for just one sleepover party, or heck, leave it up year-round for alllllll the parties. Its a good way to kick off the slumber party fun too as the birthday child can give them out as the party guests arrive. Take your sleepover to the next level by choosing from a variety of pre-thought out themes or by creating your own! Pillowcases - Girls can design their own and then it can double as a party favor. So if you need activities to do at a sleepover party, given you must entertain these little guys for a few hours anyway, why not get them to decorate their own pinata. Depending on how you feel you can make them from scratch or just purchase a few pancake shaker mixes. However, it's not enough to just get your friends in and set up sleeping spaces. There are several options for girls, such as mani-pedis, facials, nail polish spinning, and blindfolded makeovers. Steps Download Article 1 Ask your parents! Start by choosing a theme and ordering a party in a box. There are staple slumber party games, like Truth or Dare, but there are so many other unique ideas for games. With Mom and Dad knowing the host family, a sleepover can teach the kids that they can take that risk and survive it. Get all of the party ideas here. Here's an example of more casual wording that would be appropriate for an email. Check out this list for some really neat ideas with instructions! Again you can tie the activity into the theme of the sleepover birthday party and even have a prize for the best-designed t-shirt. The kids come in their pajamas They do the typical slumber party things like paint nails, watch movies and eat lots of food They stay up late When the fun is done, they all head home to sleep in their own beds The Invitations Try these Pillow Case Invitations, or shape yours like a night owl or sleep mask. Get Out with Kids Whether its a movie night, pajama party, or spa night, picking a theme will make the evening more fun. Not all parks do, so don't be afraid to ask. For young children, just some simple beads with different length jewellery thread is all you need for them to make bracelets and necklaces. Let the kids play freely or set up structured battles for them to compete against each other. If youre having a teen slumber party, they can pair up to sleep in smaller tents, but for 7 year old slumber party ideas, its probably best they sleep in one big tent with an adult to supervise. 2 Decide on your guest list. It's up to your parents if throwing a hotel slumber party is in their budget. Download, print or send online for free. Truth or dare, blind-make-over games, commercial games, song maker games, and talent shows can be some of the best activities for teens to interact and spend time together. this was so helpful me and my BFF who moved are re-connected again, Your email address will not be published. Planning a Themed Pirate Party in Brisbane? | The Showbags Must Go On! Step 2: Make a guest list To schedule a sleepover, we need to know how many guests will be attending. If youre going to have a water balloon fight I do recommend you get the balloons specifically designed for this. Backyard or indoor camp out (Sleep in a tent in the backyard or living room) Spa treatments Planning is essential. % of people told us that this article helped them. 10. The. Although this is a considerable additional expense, it also works as a lovely gift to take the place of a party bag. You can check out options here on PartyWizz. Note that it's addressed to an individual, as a mass email could lead to confusion about which kid in a family is invited. I rented a hotel suite that had a living room space, small kitchenette and adjoining bedrooms. Netflix Party also has chat function, so you can "talk" about the movie as you go. What's Included. As cozy as it gets! It may take as early as 9 a.m. for the pickup to begin in the morning. Accessories could include feather boas, tiaras, hats, and hair accessories. Party games are a classic for a dang good reason. You could also buy a small LEGO set or a LEGO Minifigure to give to each guest instead of a party bag. With a disco and karaoke night, no need to be worried about structured slumber games. For older children, you can get some lovely pendants or nicer quality beads and have them make really lovely earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Sleeping Bag Switch. has tons of easy origami instructions available for free, allowing kids to fold, giggle, and chat! You know, the ones where everyone would play games like "light as a feather," sneak candy and junk food into . #4: Popcorn Bar #5: Game Night #6: Balloon Pop #7: Candy Bar #8: Astronomy Party #9: Talking Ball #10: Indoor Camping LEGO activities in Brisbane width=1024 height=768>All kids love LEGO, and after the recent hit TV show, LEGO Masters hosting your very own LEGO Masters tournament would have to be one of the coolest sleepover party activities ever! If youre providing the nerf guns, these are also great alternatives to a lolly bag too. Serve bowls of cut-up fruit and marshmallows and allow the indulgence to begin! Let the balloon dry for at least 24 hours. They are the perfect theme for all younger kids out there that love to live the dream, even if only for a day. This article has been viewed 42,541 times. - You and your friends are invited to my place tomorrow for a sleepover party, it will start at 8 p.m. Hope to see you on time. Throw a Pajama Party A pajama party is a perfectly fun and cozy way to celebrate a birthday sleepover. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Snoozing is what this weekend is all about! Photo Booth Every good party needs a photo booth. 2. Learn more A sleepover is a great way to get friends over and have fun together. To plan a slumber party for adults, you will need to decide on a date and time, and send out invitations. 1- Decorate Pillowcases. Whilst boys often enjoy a slumber party too, this has become an increasingly popular activity for girls. Theyve been incredibly popular. Popcorn Bar - Snacks Are Always a Good Sleepover Party Idea! Organize some fun group activities like truth or dare, making homemade pizzas, or playing classic board games. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Here are the details: We pay our respect to their elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. A pajama party, like a slumber party, is primarily about getting dressed up, but there may be more than one person present. Raise Your Voice. Christmas in Australia A sleepover party will bring you closer to your friends. You can buy packs of Glow Sticks in different colours on and If you're planning on having a movie marathon, ensure that the movies are of a theme that all the guests will enjoy. Set up a karaoke machine, some disco lights and have the best slumber party dance night ever! The Greatest Guestlist! Mix one part water with one-part flour to create a paste. Many companies deliver unique party-ware, balloons and the decor you need to make this party special. The first step to planning the perfect slumber party is to figure out how many people you can invite! Our Signature SleepOver is an overnight indoor experience only. For younger children, keep the games for play based and unstructured. How To Transform Your Garage Into The Ultimate Party Room, Tutorial Tuesday Anthropologie Inspired DIY Felt Garland, Tutorial Tuesday Summer Flip Flop Wreath, Starbucks Salted Caramel Bars Copycat Recipe, How To Choose The Right Glue For Clay Pottery, The Perfect Home Furnishings: Pottery Barn, How To Soften Dry Leather Straps On Pottery, The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Decoupage Mediums, Tips For Choosing Outdoor Pottery That Can Withstand Freezing Temperatures. From manis and pedis to fancy glasses, these ideas are sure to be a hit. Organize a fabulous slumber party for your kids and their friends and make their sleepover a night to remember. School Holiday Activities, Phone: The purpose of the rest is to provide everyone with some much-needed rest. Anything with a kid-friendly love story is a great choice for your next slumber party. However, adults can also have sleepover parties. Then you don't have to worry about them disrupting the party. Teens enjoy themselves and make a fantastic night out of it. A sleepover party is at home sweet home. Make little props about camping using marker colors and little hanging stands stuffed with cake and slices of bacon. Whether you are hosting a party for young kids or teenagers a jewellery making party is one of the good ideas for a slumber party because you can make different types of jewellery depending upon the age of the child. Say a child is celebrating a birthday, how would you recommend hosting a family birthday party (and sleepover, of course) during the pandemic? You can buy very affordable chocolate fountains online including here:, Dont forget breakfast the next morning! Make sure to have plenty of snacks and drinks on hand to keep everyone fueled throughout the night. 2 Decide on what food to have. Make your own photo booth ideas here. [1] Sleepover Party Favors Matching pajamas - buy t-shirts to decorate or ones that have been premade for guests. To start the game, the girls unroll their bags and lay them out on the floor. Depending on the age of the child, kids may need to go in pairs also arm the kids with a torch too. Matching Pajamas All best friends need matching pajamas! With these 25 fun sleepover ideas for the perfect slumber party, guests will have a great time even in the middle of the week. Maybe have a spa night if you're so inclined. If posting online, keep them clean and considerate. 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