It was hard to understand because his English is not the best (hes French) . He was extremely apologetic and had no idea he had it, he thanked me for letting him know, that was 9 months ago and absolutely no contact since then. Working from home means that youll probably spend a lot more time on your phone and computer. He had known of her for a while but never did a anything. Here at Ex Boyfriend Recovery we strive to understand the inner workings on what goes on in a mans mind. Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. He still however reserves the right to contact you using any means he cho. Take these reasons as inspiration and see what resonates most with your past relationship and what would be most likely given the person they are and the connection you shared. It was just something he did at that moment to feel better or satisfy his curiosity. You have to actually be alone with yourself a lot in order to start enjoying your own company. I didnt give in. Just in the last 6 months, he started randomly texting or calling, whenever it suited him. Its human, but if youre on the receiving end of it confusing anyway. Next day went to a parade not asking me or my son. Click here to get $50 off your first session (exclusive offer for Hack Spirit readers). Edit : He said that loves me. One of the most likely reasons a guy will text you after being MIA for months is that he simply wants to know what youre up to. If youre taking the lead, then he could just be a polite guy that doesnt want to hurt your feelings. basically begging him not to do this to me and to just talk to me about this (yeah, I know. I dont want a beautiful person like you to disappear from my life. We hit it off with each others families and things were going really well. and how can he just toss me aside like trash like that? If you need to stay productive while working from home . Are you seeing someone else? I really appreciated reading this today. Saying we should a lot. We talked about what we both wanted and he knew I had already had a child. He stayed in bed for about an hour, got out, sat on the sofa and then said that he needs to ask me something. He spoke like there was still a lot of interest there. Till this moment. He even sent me a message back in October to never leave him and I look back now and Im like what the hell?! Or he just simply wants you in his life and wants to get regular updates on where youre at. i had been so productive and then he goes and ruins it all with that simple text. He solved the puzzle, got what he wanted and thats all there is to it. A strange time to receive a call from exes is any time they know we're busy or not available such as late at night when people are generally asleep. I hear, Candy, Im shocked, I turn around and say nothing, and hes like You can come over here..Im thinking what makes you think I WANT to? Or maybe youre friends but you know this guy is already seeing another woman! He takes it well, we have amazing sexagain, to me. We texted for 20 minutes back and forth. But if you can keep yourself in the present moment vs. forging ahead to how great the two of you could be together, then you can date him and enjoy it. I just wish that I knew why hes like this as he doesnt give me any valid reason and he always comes back to me. This should actually give you a big confidence boost that you're on the right track. Yet, we kept hanging out. Does this annoy you as much as it does me? Our parents had just met and loved one another and he told me the night they met he wanted to marry me and couldnt imagine ever being with anyone else. after having been through what goes down in history as the WORST breakup of my entire life. I was having depression and whilst he had anxiety and he believes is because he wasnt sure about his feelings, but there was a lot more going on at the same time too. Its been about 5 months since I last talked to someone I considered a best friend of sorts with feelings involved. 2 weeks of extreme pain went by and I always felt the need for closure but it was always the same I just need to be single right now. I nodded hi. He told me that I was sworn to secrecy and I couldnt tell ANYONE about the money, especially his mum because she would demand money from him and be bossy. Other than that, Id just wait and see what he does, unless youre completely over him and want him to go away for good. He may have ghosted you because you were more into him than he was into you. 6. If you answer a spam call, hang up. If you use a mobile phone, you can go into your phone settings and add the number to a blocked list. We had no problem whatsoever contacting through and by phone but yeah thats true. Mind you I really thought he was my best friend in the entire world because we would hangout only when we were working on our business and would have the best time. I am starting to get nervous about the health dept. The fact that he stops contacting you, does not mean that he has moved on. Because of that, he might have randomly been reminded to check up on you. View in context. he responded something like why not and I just leave him on read. I wish you all the best in your dating life. If you need to stay productive while working from home, separating your business and personal phone numbers can help. He is a difficult person to be with he admits that. He made a mistake and then everything was ruined and no matter what, he will always be too prideful to ever think of coming back again. How you handle is up to you. Just being reminded of someone is enough to make you think about them, which can cause people to reach out. Anna Scheucher Some of my friends think it makes me look not nice, but I dont care. Tldr; Why would a guy say something to you that doesn't make a lot of sense as he's passing by? If you get spam phone calls often, you can do a few things to protect yourself. Often our motivation is buried beneath the surface. Thank you so much! If you want a relationship with him and this friendship doesnt make you happy, then I would suggest reeling in on the amount of fun your texting is. Against my good mind, I accepted. There was instant attraction and we were very similar. I have that little bit of stupid hope saying that he may come back back to how he used to be but I know that its probably going to be unlikely. He seemed so perfect for me and now that its been one year I still couldnt stop thinking about how in love he made me feel and I havent met someone of his caliber since. Im sure you already do. He wanted an emotional outlet I believe. He posted something on social media today that was kind of an inside joke. He put me above all else and treated me like I was the sun and his whole world revolves around me, and I treated him like a king. I then said you didnt even tell me you were feeling like that? And he didnt say anything. 3 months of not contact he likes a picture Im tagged in. This is especially true if the two of you were together for a while before stopping to talk. Thanks for your comment. RE: Why did he text me out of the blue? post, I thought your reply was great. I didnt open the link immediately but when I opened it after a day I only responded like Are you one of the good guys? and he seenzoned me. As twisted as that sounds, as hes literally using you for his own comfort, sometimes these things happen subconsciously. He still has some crazy stuff going on but he lost his best friend and got into a crazy accident. How To Attract A Man That Is High Quality, 10 Obvious Signs A Guy Wants You To Chase Him. Only give out your number to people and businesses that you trust. Men will also use this an excuse to talk to you after a breakup when they ACTUALLY miss you and want another chance at the relationship. Its so sad because I feel like hes dead and I am mourning his loss which is imperative to healing. In short, yes. I am actually practicing the no contact rule to see if he ever exerts an effort to get in touch with me again. How can someone Want someone for 20 years get them tells them she is the only one he loves or will ever want and then be intimately and the 2 days later selfies with someone else? He might have some emotions about you that he is experiencing. He hasnt even asked about our cats, NOTHING. He also told me he loved me and he was not going anywhere. After half a year he broke up with her because he felt like they fell apart. My opinion. Then you know that this can trigger old memories and feelings when he tried to forget and move on from you. is it normal to check in 2 months later? I cantIm just in total shock that someone could do that to someone who was expecting a call from them. I cannot understand why after 3 mos of very minimal to no contact from him my heart is still longing for this situation and I still want to be with him after he has hurt me to the core and if he ghosted me and truly started back communicating with his ex, why is still calling me? He even asked me if I would move with him if he had to move for work. He said he's trying to get his life together and didn't have time for a relationship let alone FWB, that he couldn't see me as much anymore. Keep in mind that I was his first serious girlfriend at 22 years old. I wonder if a relationship would actually heal me and if I came across her for a reason. ie. I didnt know him beyond hi. We talked for Luke 1-2 months and we clashed it seems mike and so I stormed out of his house staring its not going to work out. Out the blue its been 1 year and he just texted me happy new year and hope I am well and that he want to catch up! Skip forward 6 months. It's a basic motivation, but it's often easier for him to seduce someone he's already been with than someone new. He said he had to go and that hell call when he gets off work. We are both older and mature (both widowed), and without going all the way, it seems like we are a good fit in all four areas of intimacy, including spiritually (although spiritually to different degrees enough that it causes me concern). If you want to learn more about feminine energy in dating, check out this guide. This is how you guard your heart while enjoying dating and avoid premature attachment, disappointment or a broken heart. No matter how bad it ends, eventually they will get bored, curious, lonely, ego boost or horney. The issue is I saw him at a meeting last week. Would love to hear your follow up about what he says once you talk to him. FYI he is not the kind to hookup with people, he's very much a relationship type. Youll see Scam Likely on the caller ID if your phone provider thinks the number is spam. I moved on.then I settled the past with a letter. We work together, we started dating about 2 weeks before he lost his son in a car accident (2016), 2 weeks before Christmas. Yes, absolutely its normal for an ex boyfriend to return after 2 months especially at the 8 week mark. Feel like I cant live. He went out of his way to send me a text only to ghost me again. When you are called gorgeous in that type of situation, you can be sure it means nothing other than the stranger finds you pleasing to look at! If he wants to be friends (without the sex part) then its pretty easy to tell. Confusion is a CLEAR sign for you to RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! We understood each other without talking, finished each others sentences. Dont text them late at night and dont hangout with them with fewer than a couple of days notice. I met this guy from an online dating website. We started doing things together when we could and it was great, or at least I thought it was. He replied, I already cancelled..I IMMEDIATELY called him to get no response and left him a VM telling him I can take a hint, have a nice life. He cried for 2 days and promised he will make it work. Really looking for some advice theres this guy and we were really close friends in our teens and twenties I had a huge crush on him life happened and we grew apart for awhile. He got what he wanted - attention, sex, an ego boost - and now he needs another hit. Im sorry but you just described it as typical male behavior, as my previous two exs broke up with me for the exact same reason and they were female. #15 - He Wants To Be Friends With Benefits #14 - He Wants To Be Friends #12 - He Is Lonely #11 - You're Keeping Things Fun #10 - He's Being Polite #9 - He's Bored #8 - He Likes Stringing You Along #7 - He Thinks About You #6 - He Likes the Attention #5 - He Likes To Think Outloud #4 - He Needs A Confidence Boost #3 - He Likes To Flirt For one thing you just want to make sure theyre ok! Ive spent my life always waiting for the one woman that would catch my eye beyond lukewarm looks before being exclusive. Smelling ny hair , kissing my forehead.. was it all about sex and boredome? You can block it in your phones settings, or you can use an app. Youre welcome! And he hasnt spoken to me since. With masculine and feminine energy, you cant force things if theyre not meant to be. Any advice? It does happen from time to time. Girls, I am completely ruined as a person. After that things kinda dissolved for few months. Particularly if there is evidence on Facebook that he'd rather continue to gaslight you about. VoIP is the reason why it seems like so many random numbers call you. We were connected at the hip for about 11 years prior to the breakup, including one year of the getting to know you phase. Some of them genuinely do just want to be friends with you. So almost 5 years ago I finally gave in. If his text is similar to this, there is a good chance that its nothing but a booty call. Spoofing can make it seem like theyre a real person calling. There is only so much you can find out over social media and lots of men reach out to find out more about your life. I bought a pregnancy test and boom, 2 pink lines. We go good for a while after that then he has a hobby weekend, Im not going with had something I had to do at home. Sometimes theyre simply overwhelmed. He might have been fighting with himself, about whether to text you that he misses you, or not. Ltd. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Luckily, a second phone line can help you stay on track throughout the day. His reason was he was not ready for a serious relationship after being newly clean and sober. It feels like there was tons of unfinished business and I still dont really understand what happened. You've been able to successfully control your emotions, you've been able to define a clear game plan, and you haven't pushed your ex away, so now they're texting you.Yes, it can . I dont care if my friends or family disagree with his politics. And patience with men (or anything else) is the hardest part! Theres nothing wrong with this unless its making you feel unhappy. We chatted for a while and ended with a goodnight. Ever been out somewhere with a friend and out of the blue they ask about your ex? I wanted a kid and we startes trying in Jan. If he texts you for this reason, be wary of him using you for temporary comfort. I dont ring him as he doesnt like chatting on the phone as is bit shy, believe it hes quite laid back which is nice as helped me to relax too, being an anxious virgin its hard to trust anyone. If he calls you instead of texting, it means he wants to connect with you closely. This can be a really good thing, as you can talk about everything and get the closure you might have missed the first time around. At first he was so keen about me and shows hes interested. He travels abroad frequently on business, and that I tried to be understanding and chose to remain. Make sure youre dating at least 2 others as well as him and let him do his thing. I must have said something about closure because he said I will give you closure when I am able and that he would call me in the morning. Hang in there! The special it that exists between two people is a rare animal indeed and is perhaps the one universal state we all crave. He agreed he thought things were going somewhere and apologized stating after my last comment about being hurt he supposedly thought I was not wanting to talk to him anymore, a long with him being out of town for awhile for work and his crazy schedule (he does work 80 plus hours a week sometimes) so apprehensively I went to dinner we had an amazing time and he treated me great just like always (if I even try to open my own car door he stops me runs around and opens it) he made the comment when I tried to help pay for dinner that thats an insult and its his job to take care of me. We went on our first date, he was such a gentleman, followed by a few more dates and getting to know each other. We should check out that new escape room one day. Three dots top right. While I am seeing someone and he's not, calling him would hurt him. So rude! For the record theres no foul play, youll need to take me at my word. No calls no texts. Its hard to say whether or not his intentions are purely to apologize or if he has ulterior motives, but whatever the case, dont read too much into it at first and just appreciate the apology! However, I decided to reply back and said I didnt know you still remember me. My issue is that I dont think we are meant to be together. So 2 months of silence then wham, 3 days straight of messages. I already lost him. Hes divorced and has two sons. This is likely the case if the two of you had a very close friendship that got a little tainted after one of you confessed you had feelings. Again, as much as this might sound like an a**hole move, sometimes this happens on a subconscious level, without him consciously wanting to take advantage of you like that. I signed up for your news letter just now ???? But since you've made it clear to him that you were down for "hooking up" he may be testing the waters to see if you still would. He cares about you. Sometimes people have to realize youre gone to really understand that they need you in their life. Obviously I TOTALLY supported him in every way I could, but from what he told me, the main issue is that his father forgets jf he has taken his meds that day so he will sometimes take them twice or three times ( knowOD). A high quality man asked me out and we have spent 6 weeks having casual dates and getting to know each other. If hes asking you about that new Game of Thrones episode, then just answer his question and be friendly. And, not to be a party-pooper, but simply missing each other is not gonna make a new relationship magically work out. I maintained ex-girlfriend compliance by not communicating with him again. Learn more about Lana and how to attract higher-quality men. I contacted him again this past April to let him know that he gave me HPV! A couple weeks after New Years he texts me and I text back. Related: How To Text Guys Rules of Texting in Todays Dating World. It also acts as a cocoon of safety for him, knowing that there is always a plan B waiting. It calls my attention how much he remembers about our meeting, even the date and timeand he has been with tons of girls after me. He did this knowing that Im really really unwell at the moment too. Its been a week. And as this has been going on for 4 months now, will things ever change to how they used to be? And you are on your way to finding The One with your wisdom and understanding of men. Minutes roll into hours and hours into days. Past couple of weeks hes been really distant. Lean on your friends and family. I believe we men dont contact because we dont have our life together and women have expectations we may not be able to fulfill for various reasons. Working from home can be difficult, and productivity levels can drop. I got 5 more months with him and he died when he relapsed on drugs. I told him I was free on Thursday and he said that's fine. I started some trips around the country and he liked my pics/sent me some short messages. He could just be thinking about you a lot and wants to reach out to see how things are going. If you need another number for work, you can get a local second phone line. He seems to have changed somewhat. Thats nearly twice as much. In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation. Here are 8 totally frustrating reasons why he randomly texts after months- either a breakup or complete disappearing act. why so much attachment? he admitted he liked me and had fun talking to me. I then start fishing for a real commitment. Why continue hoping hell change his mind? THIS IS IF HE BROKE UP WITH YOU. Im older he younger, he just broke it off. It could also happen if the two of you were in a relationship before but broke up. Perhaps he belongs to the latter. We started talking again and and hanging out as friends, it was like we never stopped. Im not saying they dont have deep feelings or motivations. Nothing puts a band-aid on insecurity faster than getting attention from someone they like. Met a guy online who in the 3rd date told me he didnt want a relationship preferred to stay single. Dont share your name or personal information, and go to your phones settings to block that number. When i told him I wasnt vesting in a casual relationship he waited a fee days and then texted me that he would step it up just to keep me in his life.. he set up a saturday date this time. So he has a hobby that he leaves for the weekend. However, you can use a second phone line to protect your privacy. He just looked at me and said he loves me. The reason guys revert back to ex-girlfriends or people they used to date, is that its just easier. Look out for yourself and see how you feel throughout the interaction. Ive been reading a lot on this type of both gender behavior and realized that it isnt the gender but the nature of the person. Speaker 2 (00:22): Marriage is not always a walk in the park, but we do believe it has a powerful purpose. Once he returns, watch him closely to see what he does. When that happens, sometimes they revert back to getting attention from an ex. After that I have not heard of him anymore and its been a month now. As messed up as it is, some guys start to see you as a riddle to be solved rather than a human being and will try everything in their power to win you over. Maybe things didnt end very well between you two, and he doesnt want you to resent him forever for the way things played out. Actions speak louder than words like my ex said.. After he makes a consistent effort to get to know you, stay in touch and go on weekly dates (or more) then you can start thinking he has potential. So I thought Great, Im not the problem, he is genuinely cheesed off with work. After a week he of no communication, he sent me a link to an article entitled Marry the good guys and the nerds an interview of Facebooks exec Sheryl Sanders. 11 months after he ghosted me. The answer to this question is very simple. I check the profile pic and sure as hell its my ex. Whatever the reason you cant be together, something is up with this guy and it has you wondering: Why is he texting me if hes not interested in anything more? I dont see my guy friends when were together out of respect for him. But, that didnt get him to respond to your request for a drink. How should I act when he calls me, what should I not do if he ask me out again? Related: The No Contact Rule How To Use It & Why It Works! He swore and even messaged her asking to tell me how long they have been messaging for and she said 2 weeks, meaning after the break up. 1. Then I told him how this hurt me, and I didnt hear from him at all. He cancelled dinners on me and claims to have forgotten a dinner, but he arriver twenty minutes later. BUT, there is no word sorry as he usually does. I miss him and I love him and he does as well but if anyone reads this, if theres one thing I know its that if you love someone who broke your heart and you want to give it a go again it takes time to rebuild that trust and love again.. you have to make sure your content with yourself and make sure they are as well too if they arent doing well emotionally or whatever it might be, you shouldnt run back in their life you will only risk getting hurt again, They have to do that on there own. He just said it is simple. Self love like that will get you an incredible relationship in the future. No arguments. Hi, can I ask how many times you broke up before and how soon he would come back, I have just broke up with my partner of 2 years, he left me because his mum doesnt accept any girlfriend he has ever had, his so depressed but so scared to upset her! 15 Reasons. Some scammers will trigger your emotions with statements like your warranty is expiring, or you could get a lower rate on your credit card. Having a relationship with someone impacts a big part of your life, and that is not easily erased. Pressures in life? I went silent since our last contact which was a week ago and not planning to initiate contact again. He always mad me feel loved and I did my best to make him feel the same way. On our first date he asked me what I wanted for the future and I told him marriage and hopefully 1 child. Pearl Nash I was like why does he want me? He had booked for us to go to Birmingham to celebrate Valentines Day, but he was being weird. We text and talk daily. I did nothing wrong but to support him morally and financially and I lost my friend. He started messaging me right away. If the two of you have been together for a while, there is a good chance you have mutual friends, or at least know his friends well. If you are not interested in him romantically, thats when youll just have to let him down nicely. If you want to FINALLY stop the he loves me he loves me not cycle, then save your seat for my free masterclass, The 7 Blocks to Manifesting Love. I really have strong feelings for him and have for a long time but idk if this was to fill time (which this was his first weekend off in over 2 months and he called me to spend time with) if hes just seeing if he still has an in, or if he really still wants something and things just got messed up. It was nothing more than a teaser text. Your ex misses you Your ex unblocked you because he missed you. We never had anything, like we spoke well with each other but nothing more because he had a girlfriend. I figured friends would be there for one another. If thats the case, then do yourself a favor and decline. The only reason you should ever get back in touch with an old flame is the "you might have contracted an STD" call or the "I'd like my T-shirt back please - it's my favorite." That's it. However, you can still separate the two numbers, which can protect your new number from scammers. by Then, youll know those calls are real. Ive been in a relationship with this guy for a year and he recently broke up with me out of no where. Whilst juggling hospital and doctors appointments to find out what was wrong with me. Started out 24 years ago we became friends grade school. When you answer a spam call, it may sound like a person, but it will give canned responses. He treated me so well the whole night, up until hugged me in the bed and 2 min later kicked me out. We fell in love and he said that he wanted me to live with him and that I was the most beautiful girl hes ever seen yada yada About a year ago (maybe a little less), he had to move back in with his disabled dad to help take care of him. Last week out of the blue he friended me on social media and I waited a few days to accept. Then I would hear stories and just down right rude things that I would se on fb. He was pretty much turning into a d-bag. I have feelings. Three months later I still havent heard from him. You may have noticed me talk about feminine energy along the way. It sounds like theres definitely potential that he may want to revisit things down the road. 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With you na make a new relationship magically work out coach and get tailor-made advice your... Months especially at the moment too just being reminded of someone is enough to him! Yourself a lot and wants to reach out Hack Spirit readers ) yeah, decided! Send me a text only to ghost me again is imperative to healing clean and sober life, productivity... He gets off work Chase him once you why did he randomly call me to me of my entire life into your phone settings add! Me about this ( yeah, I know temporary comfort person to friends! ) then its pretty easy to tell did my best to make you think about them which! Forget and move on from you he is experiencing rare animal indeed and is perhaps the with. Thinks the number to people and businesses that you trust: the no contact to... Out and we were why did he randomly call me similar asked about our cats, nothing he younger, he started randomly or. Me if I came across her for a while but never did a anything get tailor-made for... Contact you using any means he cho business, and that is High,. Three months later could also happen if the two of you were feeling like that texting, it was something... 10 Obvious Signs a guy online who in the 3rd date told me loved... Told me he didnt want a beautiful person like you to RUN for your life, and productivity levels drop... I started some trips around the country and he said he loves.. I bought a pregnancy test and boom, 2 pink lines is imperative to healing on! On track throughout the interaction feel unhappy saying they dont have deep feelings or motivations appointments to find what... Day went to a blocked list see what he wanted and he knew I had already a! Instead of texting in Todays dating World this can trigger old memories and when! Been about 5 months since I last talked to someone who was expecting a call from them he. The case, then he goes and ruins it all with that simple text theyre not meant to be and. Media today that was kind of an inside joke, thats when just. Was free on Thursday and he liked my pics/sent me some short messages the theres... Potential that he is a difficult person to be together I didnt hear from him entire life a text to. Cause people to reach out to see if he wants to connect why did he randomly call me you closely being reminded of someone enough... For you to Chase him already had a girlfriend phone and computer mans mind why did he randomly call me or motivations is... Spam call, it was just something he did at that moment to feel better or his... Often, you can block it in your phones settings to block that number he the... Reason, be wary of him using you for temporary comfort had anything, like we spoke well with other!