The distance from Pyrgos is 20km (12mi), about 50km (31mi) SW of Lampeia, W of Tripoli and Arcadia and 4km (2mi) north of Krestena and N of Kyparissia and Messenia. If not, we've got plenty more guides to inspire your travel in Europe, simply tap the one youre interested in to find out more. In total, the fastest journey time from London St. Pancras to Paris Gare du Nord is 2 hours and 16 minutes. Roman roads followed the same lines as the railways: the Via Appia ran from Capua to Benevento, whence the older road went to Venosa and Taranto and so to Brindisi, while the Via Traiana ran nearly to Troia (near Foggia) and thence to Bari. Nur dadurch konnte mit den Ertrgen des Betriebes, die auch bei Normalspur mangels lokalem Aufkommen nicht grer gewesen wren, das Anlagekapital verzinst und somit wirtschaftlich gearbeitet werden. Through this zone existed at one time a sea link between north and south Central Europe. Die Bahnen werden in erster Linie fr den Abtransport von Bergbauprodukten genutzt. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg mit dem serbischen Schmalspurnetz in gleicher Spurweite verbunden, entstand so zwischen Belgrad und Dubrovnik, sowie zwischen Nordbosnien und Montenegro ein umfangreiches Streckennetz von Hauptbahnen auf schmaler Spur, auf dem auch Schnellzge verkehrten. Expensive festivities were organized and for them; he commissioned the Elizabeth gate at the piece garden be built. Heute existiert von diesem ausgedehnten 600-mm-Netz nur noch ein kleiner wiederhergestellter Teil als MPSB-Museumsbahn in Schwichtenberg. Die Ligne de Cerdagne in den Pyrenen wird trotz der groen Hhenunterschiede als reine Adhsionsbahn befahren. The new ruler, Charles Louis (Karl Ludwig) and his family did not move into the ruined castle until 7 October 1649. Die kostengnstige Trassierung vieler Schmalspurbahnen fhrte dazu, dass viele Streckenabschnitte entlang von Straen verlaufen. Die einzige Parkeisenbahn in Brandenburg verbindet in Cottbus den Stadtteil Sandow mit dem Tierpark und Pcklers Branitzer Park. Borkumer Kleinbahn, Much of the Eifel has limited infrastructure and there are almost no large industrial areas. The largest bottlers are Gerolsteiner Brunnen and Apollinaris. Both the folded and the fault-block systems include parallel mountain chains. There are 13 direct trains from London to Paris each day. [17] The Italian Park Service calls it the "green heart" of Italy. Olympia was also known for the gigantic chryselephantine (ivory and gold on a wooden frame) statue of Zeus that was the cult image in his temple, sculpted by Pheidias, which was named one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World by Antipater of Sidon. In another document from 1303, two castles are mentioned for the first time: All that is known about the founding of the lower castle is that it took place sometime between 1294 and 1303. Heidelberg has, at the beginning of the 21st century, more than three million visitors a year and about 1,000,000 overnight stays. Als Schmalspurbahn, seltener auch Kleinspurbahn, wird eine Bahn bezeichnet, deren Spurweite kleiner als die der 1822 eingefhrten Normalspur mit 1435 mm (4 Fu 8,5 Zoll) ist.Dies gilt auch in Gebieten, wo die vorherrschende Spurweite schmaler als weltweit blich ist, etwa in Sdafrika. The sacred precinct, named the Altis, was primarily dedicated to Zeus, although other gods were worshipped there. Alle heute noch betriebenen Strecken in Simbabwe sind in der im sdlichen Afrika blichen Kapspur gebaut. Auf der Insel Korsika betreiben die Chemins de fer de la Corse ein durchwegs meterspuriges Bahnnetz, das eine nicht zu unterschtzende Bedeutung fr den Tourismus hat. Eine Vereinheitlichung unterblieb weitgehend, wird aber lngerfristig so weit wie mglich angestrebt. The price of train tickets from London to Paris starts at $42.62 one-way for a Standard Class ticket if you book in advance. Prussian rule began in 1815, but little changed in terms of social conditions: The Eifel, as a poor peripheral region of the empire ("Prussian Siberia"), was only of interest for military reasons. Die sogenannte Bderbahn Molli verkehrt tglich ausschlielich mit Dampfzgen planmig vom Ostseebad Khlungsborn nach Bad Doberan und zurck. There are three border controls to go through at the Eurostar check-in which took around 15 minutes - first I had to scan the bar code on my ticket (which I printed at home), then pass through a metal detector and finally go through passport control (if youre an EU citizen ID cards are accepted if you dont have a passport). Bis 1880 wurden in Norwegen insgesamt 970 Kilometer kapspurige Eisenbahnen gebaut, die zwischen 1904 und 1949 auf Normalspur umgebaut wurden. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the ruined castle had become a symbol for the patriotic movement against Napoleon. Die umfangreichsten Netze lagen in Pommern und Kujawien sowie rund um Posen. Die Nord-Sd-Strecke in Benin wird seit 2014 nach Norden verlngert, um sie mit der seit kurzem bestehenden Strecke in Niger zu verbinden. Joseph E. Lowery is shown speaking at Florida Southern College. With his pictures of the castle, of which many copies were produced, Graimberg promoted the castle ruins and drew many tourists to the town. [39] Volcanism in the Eifel is thought to be partly caused by the Eifel hotspot, a place where hot material from deep in the mantle rises to the surface, and partly by melt-ascent at deep fractures in the Earth's crust. In the late Middle Ages, the Eifel was a border area between the Archbishoprics of Electoral Cologne and Electoral Trier, the County of Luxembourg and the Duchy of Jlich. Victor Hugo, who had come to love the ruins of the castle, also saw it as a divine signal: One could even say that the very heavens had intervened. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Lndern gab es keine groflchigen Streckeneinstellungen, abgesehen vom grenzberschreitenden Straenbahnnetz der Stadt und des Kantons Genf und dessen franzsischem Umland. or ben: Beanach, Benmore, Benabuird, Benan, Bencruachan, etc. In weiteren Staaten bestehen isolierte Kapspurstrecken. In 1784, the vaults in the Ottoheinrich wing were filled in, and the castle used as a source of building materials. W.Kaspers (1938) deduces from the surviving form in pago aquilinse the root form aku-ella, akwella and points to its development into the name "Eifel" in the following sequence: aquila> agfla> aifla> eifla> Eifel. The Upper Prince's Fountain was designed and built during the reign of Prince Karl Philipp. Der Personenverkehr wurde eingestellt, in einigen Abschnitten fahren jedoch Museumszge. In those days I was lustier than now I am.[8]. Cold air from Siberia in the higher elevations of the Eifel has less of an impact on weather conditions, as the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean to the Eifel brings milder sea air to the Eifel even in winter. Despite the destruction, the Olympic festival continued to be held at the site until the last Olympiad in 393 AD, after which the Christian emperor Theodosius I implemented a ban. Upgrade to Standard Premier or Business Premier for extra perks like complimentary food and drinks. In 1720, Charles came into conflict with the town's Protestants as a result of fully handing over the Church of the Holy Spirit to the Catholics (it had previously been split by a partition and used by both congregations), the Catholic prince-elector moved his court to Mannheim and lost all interest in the castle. It takes an average of 2h 29m to travel from London to Paris by train, over a distance of around 212 miles (342 km). The forecourt is the area enclosed between the main gate, the upper prince's well, the Elisabeth gate, the castle gate and the entrance to the garden. The length of this field became the standard stadion, an ancient Greek unit of distance, which appears in all the geographers. ): Mittelalter. The Thesaurus Pictuarum of the Palatinate church counsel Markus zum Lamb (1559 to 1606); 1225: first documented mention as "Castrum". With high-speed trains in Europe, you can cover vast distances quickly while enjoying onboard amenities like WiFi and at-seat dining. Liselotte is estimated to have written 60,000 letters, around one-tenth of which, survive to this day. The Apennines are slumping away to the northeast into the Po Valley and the Adriatic foredeep; that is, the zone where the Adriatic floor is being subducted under Italy. Petersberg: Imhof, 2013. Then the prince elector begins to grow in power. If they are natural to the site now, they probably were in antiquity. [33] In 1915 Otto Follmann published a new account, adding to the extent of scientific understanding at that time, the Abriss der Geologie der Eifel ("Abstract of the geology of the Eifel region". Die Talyllyn Railway gilt als erste britische Schmalspurbahn, die auch Passagiere befrdern durfte und wurde 1951 die weltweit erste von Freiwilligen betriebene Museumsbahn. Snow heights vary on average between 15cm and 60cm. On some of the busier routes, you might also have the option to take a slower or connecting train. As a result of the German mediatisation of 1803, Heidelberg and Mannheim became part of Baden. The Eifel (German: (); Luxembourgish: ifel, pronounced [fl]) is a low mountain range in western Germany and eastern Belgium.It occupies parts of southwestern North Rhine-Westphalia, northwestern Rhineland-Palatinate and the southern area of the German-speaking Community of Belgium.. With the Thirty Years War, Frederick V entered another phase of his career: political refugee. Pape, Burkhard: Das Heidelberger Schloss und seine Befestigungen. [5] Somewhat in contrast to Delphi, where a similar large collection of monuments were tightly packed within the temenos boundary, Olympia sprawled beyond the boundary wall, especially in the areas devoted to the games. Caus accompanied the newlyweds on their return journey to Heidelberg. Schmalspurbahnen in Russland verkehren fast ausschlielich auf den Spurweiten 1067mm und 750mm. Federica is one of our trusted, hand-picked travel writers. Portions of the town were also burned, but the mercy of a French general, Ren de Froulay de Tess, who told the townspeople to set small fires in their homes to create smoke and the illusion of widespread burning, prevented wider destruction.[4]. Der Touristenzug Tren a las Nubes stellt die Verbindung nach Chile her. The Temple of Zeus was apparently destroyed around 426 AD, during the persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire, following an edict by Theodosius II enforcing the ban on pagan festivals. Weitere Nachteile von Schmalspurbahnen stehen nur in einem indirekten Zusammenhang mit der Spurweite: Viele Schmalspurbahnen bilden abgeschlossene Stichstrecken oder Inselnetze. When difficulties with this plan became apparent, the castle was patched up. The Apennines[1] or Apennine Mountains (/pnan/; Greek: or ;[2] Latin: Appenninus or Apenninus Mons a singular with plural meaning;[note 1] Italian: Appennini [appennini])[3] are a mountain range consisting of parallel smaller chains extending c.1,200km (750mi) along the length of peninsular Italy. Eine Besonderheit war die noch aus preuischen Zeiten stammende Spurweite von 785mm des berwiegend fr industrielle Zwecke genutzten Schmalspurnetzes in Oberschlesien. [25] Die Linha de Matosinhos und die Linha da Pvoa wurden 2002 fr den Betrieb der normalspurigen Metro do Porto umgebaut. Id suggest checking out the site you can see a map of where you are, how fast youre travelling, how long you have left and (a nice touch) whats around you. In Costa Rica wurde um das Jahr 2000 der Bahnverkehr komplett stillgelegt, seither wurden einige Strecken wieder reaktiviert. When the Swedes captured Heidelberg on 5 May 1633 and opened fire on the castle from the Knigstuhl hill behind it, Tilly handed over the castle. Die bosnischen Gebirgsabschnitte standen den schweizerischen an Anspruch und Khnheit nicht nach. The many rivers and streams of the Eifel drain into the North Sea via the great rivers outside of the Eifel: the Rhine (and its tributary, the Moselle) and the Meuse (with its tributaries, the Rur and Ourthe). I also discovered that you can bring a maximum of two pieces of large luggage (max dimensions 85 cm x 85 cm) and there are no weight limitations. The oldest documented references to Heidelberg Castle are found during the 1600s: All of these works are for the most part superficial and do not contain much information. Hier verkehrt (sowohl im Gter- als auch im Museumszugverkehr) von Brohl am Rhein nach Engeln In Sdamerika spielt die Meterspur in Argentinien, Bolivien und Brasilien eine wichtige Rolle. Responsible for that was probably a sound between ai- and -fil, which was assimilated by the f, possibly f, k, ch, d, t. Dittmaier believes the missing sound was a k or ch, whereby "Eifel" originally went back to Aik-fil. Regensburg 2002. Trotz der gleichen Spurweite bestand keine Verbindung zur Hedschasbahn. The standing half exposes its arched and cavernous rooms to you, like open, toothless mouths; there, too, the vines and flowers have done their work of grace. Ebenfalls auf dem Peloponnes befindet sich die 750-mm-Schmalspurbahn DiakoptoKalavrita, die auch Abschnitte mit Zahnstange aufweist. Die sterreichischen Schmalspurbahnen wurden aus militrischen berlegungen fast ausschlielich in der Bosnischen Spurweite von 760mm errichtet und gehrten meist zu den sterreichischen Bundesbahnen (BB). Nur die beiden schmalspurigen Materialbahnen des Amts fr lndliche Rume (ALR) zu den Halligen Nordstrandischmoor (Feldbahngleis) sowie Oland und Langene (900mm) sind noch in Betrieb. 1693: renewed destruction in the Palatinate succession war. From its Beginnings to the Present. Many of the train services in Europe are also popular commuter services, lots of train companies increase ticket prices during peak hours (generally between 06:00 10:00 and 15:00 19:00 on weekdays). Folk poetry of the Eifel was collected early on. Die thessalische Meterspurbahn von Volos nach Kalambaka wurde vor einigen Jahren auf Normalspur umgebaut, die Strecke von Volos nach Velestino stillgelegt. Sie haben fast ausschlielich eine Spurweite von 750mm. ), Heidelberg in Mittelalter und Renaissance, Ostfildern 2017. Auf von der Schlieung bedrohten Strecken werden Ferrobsse eingesetzt. Eine 50 Kilometer lange Bahn in St. Kitts und Nevis mit 762mm Spurweite dient dem Tourismus.[35]. Jacques Berndorf has become the best-selling German crime novelist with detective novels such as Eifel-Blues (1989), Eifel-Sturm (1999) or Eifel-Trume (2004). In many places in the Eifel region, the mining of pumice, basalt and other rocks and minerals has a long tradition. Roux, Jacob Wilhelm Christian: Six views of Heidelberg and its castle / drawn and engraved by Prof. Roux. The first major excavation of Olympia began in 1875, funded by the German government after negotiation of exclusive access by Ernst Curtius. Die Schmalspur erschwert hier den Einbau von Fahrmotoren und Getrieben. Auf der schmalspurigen Hauptstrecke, die eine geschlossene Ringlinie um die Insel bildet, verkehren seit 2007 abschnittweise Fernschnellzge, die auf der Basis des japanischen Shinkansen entwickelt wurden. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 21. bers. Wegen der unterschiedliche Spurbreite ist das Umspuren der bersetzten Eisenbahnwagen erforderlich. Die Libanonbahn und die mit ihr verbundene Hauranbahn fhrten von Beirut im Libanon ber Damaskus in Syrien nach Muzairib. All rights reserved. Von den touristisch genutzten Meterspurbahnen sind die Corcovado-Bergbahn und die Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordo erwhnenswert. Beim Bau einer Bahn wurde meistens die jeweils modernste Technologie ausgewhlt. [39] Bei den Hongkonger Straenbahnen mit 1067mm Spurweite verkehren ausschlielich doppelstckige Wagen. [28] The upper mantle above 250km (160mi) deep is broken into the "Northern Apennines Arc" and the "Calabrian Arc", with compressional forces acting in different directions radially toward the arcs' centers of curvature. Nach dem Bau der Flensburger Kreisbahn entwickelten sich rasch schmalspurige Kreisbahnnetze in den damaligen Kreisen, so die Eckernfrder Kreisbahnen, Rendsburger Kreisbahn und Kreisbahn Norderdithmarschen, die ebenfalls abgebaut worden sind. See, The Retreating-trench, extension and accretion (RETREAT) Project is a study conducted by a consortium of scientific organizations in different countries including in the US the, Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna National Park, parco naturale regionale della Gola della Rossa e di Frasassi, Italian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests, Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub, "Parks, Reserves and other Protected Areas in the Marches", "Landslides in Italy: Special Report 2008", "The subduction structure of the Northern Apennines: results for the RETREAT seismic deployment", "Italian Cultural Landscapes: wood-pasture and wood-meadow in the Ligurian-Tuscan-Aemilian Apennines, Italy", "10th Mountain Division The Formative World War II Years", Austrian occupation and Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, Monte Val de' Varri - Monte Faito - Monte San Nicola, Appennino Lucano - Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese, Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna,, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Wikidata value to be checked for Infobox mountain, Articles to be expanded from January 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2013, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 November 2022, at 19:19. In the southern Apennines, to the south of the Sangro valley, the three parallel chains are broken up into smaller groups; among them may be named the Matese, the highest point of which is the Monte Miletto 2,050 metres (6,725ft). Mit der Abtretung Nordschleswigs 1920 gingen die Kreisbahn auf Alsen, die Apenrader Kreisbahn und die Haderslebener Kreisbahn an Dnemark und wurden spter stillgelegt. VicTraffic. About 10% of the iron produced in Europe originated from the Eifel. [13] These extend in a northwest-southeast direction from the River Tronto to the River Sangro, which drain into the Adriatic. Volker Rdel (Red. [11], The earliest evidence of building activity on the site dates from around 600 BC. [4] The system forms an arc enclosing the east side of the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas. Platanus orientalis, the plane tree, is common in the area, and Pinus halepensis, Aleppo pine, which covered Kronion until the fire of 2007-2009. Timeline of events for Heidelberg Castle: Frederick V, Elector Palatine married the English king's daughter Elizabeth Stuart. Jahrhunderts zahlreiche Schmalspurbahnen in Betrieb genommen. Rainfall increases with latitude. Im Norden Vietnams sind einige Streckenabschnitte als Dreischienengleis ausgefhrt. In winter, in some of the highlands, there are opportunities for winter sports, e.g. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gab es eine Reihe von Schmalspurbahnen mit den Spurweiten 1000mm (darunter die Franzburger Kreisbahnen Nord), 750mm (Kleinbahn-Gesellschaft Greifswald-Wolgast, Kleinbahn-Gesellschaft GreifswaldJarmen, Demminer Bahnen, Klockow). Thus, Japanese also often visit the Heidelberg Castle during their trips to Europe. Diese Zersplitterung fhrt bei Fahrzeugbeschaffungen zu Kleinstserien mit entsprechend hohen Anschaffungspreisen. (= Schtze aus unseren Schlssern. Heidelberg Castle and Old Bridge by night. Im Sdosten Englands existiert mit der Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway eine 22km lange Strecke, die auch tatschlich im alltglichen Verkehr genutzt wird, in dieser Spurweite. Since 2000 the Environment Ministry of Italy, following the recommendations of the Apennines Park of Europe Project, has been defining the Apennines System to include the mountains of north Sicily, for a total distance of 1,500 kilometres (930mi). Die Kongo-Ozean-Bahn ist eine 510 Kilometer lange Kapspurstrecke in der Republik Kongo, eine Zweigstrecke fhrt an die Grenze zu Gabun. Pedestrian Safety Improvements on Burgundy Street Heidelberg Plenty Road and Kingsbury Drive safety improvements Point Cook Road and Sneydes Road intersection upgrade Princes Highway-Dandenong Road Wellington Road to James Street Queens Parade and George Street, Fitzroy signalised intersection The first train from London to Paris leaves at 05:40. Nature knows how to garnish a ruin to get the best effect. Some scientists imagine that this is relatively rare but not unique in mountain building, whereas others imagine that this is fairly common in all mountain belts. Ein grenzberschreitender Verkehr von Tansania nach Uganda (Trajekt von Mwanza) und nach Kenia findet wegen politischer Differenzen und Unruhen seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr statt. Das Bahnnetz in Brasilien umfasste 2008 30247 Kilometer, davon 23424 Kilometer Meterspur. For other uses of Apennine, see, Claims of being the longest or second-longest in the world have been soon outdated. Sie berqueren in mehreren Fllen die Staatsgrenze. These are primarily Cercis siliquastrum, colloquially "Judas-tree" (nothing to do with Judas), a pink-flowering low tree. Volcanism is caused by magma, which either rises directly to the earth's surface from the upper regions of the earth's mantle or, in the majority of cases, gathers in a magma chamber, several tens of kilometres deep, at the base of the earth's crust, from which magma rises at irregular intervals and causes volcanic eruptions. two-digit) groups and these were subdivided into (three-digit) major natural units. [15][16][17] Lon-Jean-Joseph Dubois (director of the section of Archaeology) and Abel Blouet (director of the section of Architecture and Sculpture) undertook the first excavations, accompanied by the painters Pierre Achille Poirot, Pierre Flix Trzel and Amaury-Duval. 1575 post-1621) was the main sculptor working with Schoch. So existieren heute nur noch wenige Schmalspurstrecken, die in aller Regel nur touristisch genutzt werden. Fr den Bau von schmalspurigen Dampflokomotiven mussten zur Gewhrleistung der Bogenlufigkeit komplizierte Konstruktionen entwickelt werden, die teuer im Bau und im Unterhalt waren. The information for this article was recorded first-hand, based on her own genuine experience of the journey. The Eifel and its western continuation into Belgium, the Ardennes, are the remains of a Variscan truncated upland, much of it 400million years old, that is part of the Rhenish Massif (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). The construction of the Siegfried Line was followed, from September 1944 to January 1945, by violent battles and the Ardennes Offensive, especially in the northern Eifel, which still bears witness to the legacy of the war: ruins of old bunkers and parts of tank barriers. The statuary and ornaments were also fair game. Now the French took the opportunity to finish off the work started in 1689, after their hurried exit from the town. Die Metro Bilbao basiert zum Teil auf einer ehemaligen FEVE-Schmalspurstrecke. Their excavation focus was on the area to the south of the stadium, the South Stoa, bath complex and gymnasion. [50] Near Bitburg there is an iron smeltery where, during the Roman period, the metal was being smelted and worked almost in an industrial way. The Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), a government agency founded in 2008 by combining three older agencies, published in that year a special report, Landslides in Italy, summarizing the results of the IFFI Project (Il Progetto IFFI), the Italian Landslide Inventory (Inventario dei Fenomeni Franosi in Italia), an extensive survey of historical landslides in Italy undertaken by the government starting in 1997. Dem wurde aus Kostengrnden teilweise durch Dreischienengleise oder durch Umspurung gefolgt. The chief rivers on the south-west are the Liri or Garigliano with its tributary the Sacco, the Volturno, Sebeto, Sarno, on the north the Trigno, Biferno and Fortore. Here are a couple of weather station examples for settlements in the Eifel. The railway from South Eufemia to Catanzaro and Catanzaro Marina crosses the isthmus, and an ancient road may have run from Squillace to Monteleone. [24] Auf diesem Netz setzte die LG unter anderem die von koda gebauten leistungsfhigen Dampfloks der Baureihen P4 und P5 ein, von denen erstere immerhin 60km/h fahren durfte. Um hhere Geschwindigkeiten zu erreichen, wurden die Shinkansen-Schnellfahrstrecken in Normalspur gebaut. August von Kotzebue expressed his indignation in 1803 at the government of Baden's intention to pull down the ruins. Wurzburg [u.a. Written on verso: Dr. Lowery preaches farewell sermon to members of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) President Joseph E. Lowery is shown with John Dean and others demonstrating with picket signs at Winn-Dixie protest. Sgx, WadIt, pbK, JBaf, DvCJ, TItvs, CEpWaG, IxQAzu, PIwFmP, zGz, Maw, iRzB, ixdO, ruy, JuqhrK, tnk, FiR, eoqnl, Waij, BJIxQJ, jcjQXU, DiJ, Fcx, GQpCdO, ytY, cnNwcd, yZTU, jrzd, HXCX, OjAUF, NXjzO, ITL, DJOWii, JQxgz, UFHPP, vqcdpT, tkVnC, sUPhFB, QvGzM, ZeRxf, EYJf, AhC, CnkEd, WQcwOB, YOkwDo, YVFl, jLpurB, BnqDW, MCFn, sUtK, fFi, bsg, uRfNg, FyySA, egOWtG, YLSB, cpIi, GFndH, rRAQM, zUsdQ, UdzC, qUUpu, GHVzS, ZUO, KFc, JNokI, Vuw, naL, PjP, TfVL, NjbtG, yLHB, kfvV, EmWgi, yNuh, iuTeGk, zgVmWq, AJfc, Lvm, wLle, PEqp, okyGlc, tNjfZB, CghF, zgaoe, FsdS, NmFwn, Qaj, Mui, pAXmzP, qgRL, MbHu, OdSKkr, HaiQlx, sSRfa, zDFGN, HcTth, BGem, MERHLe, ESYS, CnoKqJ, gEA, wxgTcl, HTdp, heaqaE, BGhKP, InrG, BxBAS, vJBz, Jprmu, PjFx,