The main difference lies in the function notation. The practical application of production functions is obtained by valuing the physical outputs and inputs by their prices. These works were preceded by a pioneering paper by Toussaint, in which he introduced the concept of a relative neighborhood graph. [8], Proximity graph methods (such as HNSW[9]) are considered the current state-of-the-art for the approximate nearest neighbors search.[9][10][11]. The basic algorithm greedy search works as follows: search starts from an enter-point vertex This algorithm, sometimes referred to as the naive approach, has a running time of O(dN), where N is the cardinality of S and d is the dimensionality of S. There are no search data structures to maintain, so the linear search has no space complexity beyond the storage of the database. Now, check the ratio (difference in y)/(difference in x) every time. There are many real-life examples of linear functions, including distance and rate problems, dimension calculations, pricing problems, mixing percentages of solutions, and more. In the formula, m denotes the slope. 1 t Independent variable is an object or a time period or a input value, changes to which are used to assess the impact on an output value (i.e. is the so-called total factor productivity. V ( {\displaystyle \mathrm {d} F/\mathrm {d} y>0} The graph intersects the vertical line at most one point. There is a linear relationship between the money you spend and the number of biscuit packets you buy. X Hence the function represented by the table is nonlinear. if((emailVal.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')).length!=0 ) alert(fldLangVal[i] +' cannot be empty. A weighted graph or a network is a graph in which a number (the weight) is assigned to each edge. } So different types of nonlinear functions are polynomial functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, rational functions, modulus function, etc. Another is as a CobbDouglas production function: where Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. In general, economic output is not a (mathematical) function of input, because any given set of inputs can be used to produce a range of outputs. Such graphs arise in many contexts, for example in shortest path problems such as the traveling salesman problem.. Types of graphs Oriented graph. 0 X {\displaystyle v_{i}\in V} h {\displaystyle G(V,E)} In the field of. [8], Natural resources are usually absent in production functions. X For some applications (e.g. (c) f(x) = sin x is a trigonometric function and hence it is nonlinear. , The graph has the same x-values for y values of -5 and 1.. i.e. Robert Solow and Joseph Stiglitz describe an approach to modelling energy as a factor of production which assumes the following:[11]. Used to define marginal product and to distinguish allocative efficiency, Homogeneous and homothetic production functions, Criticisms of the production function theory, On the history of production functions, see, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Criticising neoclassical economics (weak versus strong sustainability), Productivity improving technologies (historical), Sickles, R., & Zelenyuk, V. (2019). Generally, it is a polynomial function with a maximum degree of 1 or 0. F F K If this distance is greater than that returned in the earlier result, then clearly there is no need to search the other half-space. var allTooltip = document.getElementsByClassName('zcwf_tooltip_over'); {\displaystyle a_{1}+a_{2}+\dotsb +a_{n}>1} d The derivative of a constant is equal to zero, hence the derivative of zero is zero. 1 + In practice this technique has an average search time of O(1) or O(K) for the k-nearest neighbor problem when applied to real world stereo vision data. Find the differences between every two consecutive x values. ) Feature selection approaches try to find a subset of the input variables (also called features or attributes). Because of budget constraints and varying prices, purchasing more of one will require purchasing lesser of the other. Nevertheless, Anwar Shaikh has demonstrated that they also have no empirical relevance, as long as the alleged good fit comes from an accounting identity, not from any underlying laws of production/distribution. If } If a production function is homogeneous of degree one, it is sometimes called "linearly homogeneous". As additional units of the input are employed, output increases but at a decreasing rate. since we cannot produce anything without inputs. The absolute distance is not required for distance comparison, only the relative distance. [14][15] These techniques construct a low-dimensional data representation using a cost function that retains local properties of the data, and can be viewed as defining a graph-based kernel for Kernel PCA. + The algorithm stops when it reaches a local minimum: a vertex whose neighborhood does not contain a vertex that is closer to the query than the vertex itself. Homothetic functions are of the form {\displaystyle K=K(E(t))} The correlation of two variables in day-to-day lives can be understood using this concept. v GDA deals with nonlinear discriminant analysis using kernel function operator. Linear Function Graph. Before [they] ever do ask, [they] have become a professor, and so sloppy habits of thought are handed on from one generation to the next".[7]. Find the differences between every two consecutive y values. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. f a The profit-maximizing firm in perfect competition (taking output and input prices as given) will choose to add input right up to the point where the marginal cost of additional input matches the marginal product in additional output. The central idea of MVU is to exactly preserve all pairwise distances between nearest neighbors (in the inner product space), while maximizing the distances between points that are not nearest neighbors. {\displaystyle c} The eigenvectors that correspond to the largest eigenvalues (the principal components) can now be used to reconstruct a large fraction of the variance of the original data. A linear function is a function whose graph is a line. But in practice, usually we only care about finding any one of the subset of all point-cloud points that exist at the shortest distance to a given query point.) n So, what is a linear function? , a) f(x) = 4 (b) f(x) = 3x - 7 (c) f(x) = sin x. where Since the 1970s, the branch and bound methodology has been applied to the problem. = '); var emailFld = form.querySelectorAll('[ftype=email]'); n . I witnessed a significant improvement in the English language skills of my son Trijal, after enrolling in Turitos one-on-one tutoring. The resulting technique is capable of constructing nonlinear mappings that maximize the variance in the data. 2 Linear relationships apply in day-to-day situations where one factor relies on another, such as an increase in the price of goods, lowering their demand. if(fieldObj.checked == false){ A typical (quadratic) production function is shown in the following diagram under the assumption of a single variable input (or fixed ratios of inputs so they can be treated as a single variable). , k Login details for this Free course will be emailed to you, It best describes the relationship between two variables (independent and dependent) commonly represented by x and y. E Learn how and when to remove this template message, "GPU-accelerated nearest neighbor search for 3D registration. i.e., its graph is a line. ( a = K Great learning in high school using simple cues. < The tutors are very co-operative and the valuable tips given by them made his learning more enjoyable.They were also very interactive and my son is able to communicate better than ever before. In this article, we will learn in detail about: Linear function definition: A linear function is an algebraic function that forms a straight line in a coordinate plane. Since all the ratios of differences of y to the differences of x are NOT same, the function is a nonlinear function. . [17][18] Similar to LDA, the objective of GDA is to find a projection for the features into a lower dimensional space by maximizing the ratio of between-class scatter to within-class scatter. Moreover, the first few eigenvectors can often be interpreted in terms of the large-scale physical behavior of the system, because they often contribute the vast majority of the system's energy, especially in low-dimensional systems. Also, in a linear function, the rate of change of y concerning the variable x remains constant. , Recently, a Bloomberg Economics study led by economists established a linear correlation between stringent lockdown measures and economic output across various countries. The VA-file approach is a special case of a compression based search, where each feature component is compressed uniformly and independently. There is nolinear associationbetween variables in anonlinear relationship, such as the effectiveness of a drug and dosage duration. This is the principle how the production function is made a practical concept, i.e. X [13] Note that, while inappropriate for energy, an "independent" modelling approach may be appropriate for modelling other natural resources such as land. Any function that is not linear is a nonlinear function. if (((fieldObj.value).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')).length==0) { 1 This function represents a straight line on the coordinate plane. = A linear function representing this situation would be y=150x200. Q Several space-partitioning methods have been developed for solving the NNS problem. Yes, this is because a linear function represents a line, i.e., its graph is a line. In mathematics, an integral assigns numbers to functions in a way that describes displacement, area, volume, and other concepts that arise by combining infinitesimal data. 1 The below-mentioned linear function examples from real-life applications help us understand the concept of linear functions. Let us consider the following table with x and y values. In the production function itself, the relationship of output to inputs is non-monetary; that is, a production function relates physical inputs to physical outputs, and prices and costs are not reflected in the function. doi:10.1017/9781139565981, "Retrospectives: Whatever Happened to the Cambridge Capital Theory Controversies? It is a statistical method to get a straight line or correlated values for two variables through a graph or mathematical formula. 2 , Read More. An alternative approach to neighborhood preservation is through the minimization of a cost function that measures differences between distances in the input and output spaces. {\displaystyle a_{1},\dots ,a_{n}} A linear function is a function with either one or two variables without any exponents. Process of reducing the number of random variables under consideration, For dimensional reduction in physics, see, Kevin Beyer, Jonathan Goldstein, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Uri Shaft (1999), t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding, Uniform manifold approximation and projection, "Dimensionality Reduction: A Comparative Review", "Reducing Vector Space Dimensionality in Automatic Classification for Authorship Attribution", Adaptive Dimension Reduction for Clustering High Dimensional Data, "A Survey of Multilinear Subspace Learning for Tensor Data", "Nonlocal Estimation of Manifold Structure", "Dimensionality Reduction Methods for HMM Phonetic Recognition", "Intrinsic t-Stochastic Neighbor Embedding for Visualization and Outlier Detection", JMLR Special Issue on Variable and Feature Selection, Visual Comparison of various dimensionality reduction methods, A Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction,, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 November 2022, at 20:01. = 'block'; Any of these equations can be plotted on a graph. in man-hours of labor; [they] are told something about the index-number problem in choosing a unit of output; and then [they] are hurried on to the next question, in the hope that [they] will forget to ask in what units K is measured. This production function is given by. , In theory, they are the summation of all the production functions of individual producers; however there are methodological problems associated with aggregate production functions, and economists have debated extensively whether the concept is valid. Although linear and non-linear relationships describe the relations between two variables, both differ in their graphical representation and how variables are correlated. ( A curve drawn in a graph represents a function, if every vertical line intersects the curve in at most one point. A linear function gives a graph that is a straight line. In the table of a linear function, the ratio of difference of y and difference of x is a constant. Georgescu-Roegen can be understood as criticizing Solow and Stiglitz's approach to mathematically modelling factors of production. It is used in CBIR to retrieve pictures through a "query by example" using the similarity between local features. {\displaystyle m>1} var fldLangVal = new Array('First\x20Name','Email','Phone'); ) The appeal of this approach is that, in many cases, an approximate nearest neighbor is almost as good as the exact one. 0 for (i = 0; i < emailFld.length; i++) It is claimed as one possible approach to addressing the vanishing gradients problem when training deeper models. n , Likewise, a slope represents how steep the line is and how to describe the relationship between the variables. For high-dimensional datasets (i.e. One can graphically plot the same to show the linear relationship. A linear relationship graph will look like this: Let us take you through a detailed explanation of a linear equation or function. [2] Dimensionality reduction can be used for noise reduction, data visualization, cluster analysis, or as an intermediate step to facilitate other analyses. is uniquely associated with vertex return false; [3], Feature projection (also called feature extraction) transforms the data from the high-dimensional space to a space of fewer dimensions. An equation in slope-intercept form of a straight line. L X Queries are performed via traversal of the tree from the root to a leaf by evaluating the query point at each split. = It is known as the initial value. The direction of linear functions can be increasing, decreasing, horizontal or vertical. alert(fldLangVal[i] +' cannot be none. L A nonlinear function is a function whose graph is NOT a straight line. h is a quantity of labor, However, the dissimilarity function can be arbitrary. The utility obtained from these alternatives is an unknown function of the utilities obtained from each alternative, not the sum of each alternative. , Home math Linear Function Definition, Equation, Graph, Examples. , To simplify the interpretation of a production function, it is common to divide its range into 3 stages. The search for the nearest neighbors to a query q in the set S takes the form of searching for the vertex in the graph Point B is just tangent to the steepest ray from the origin hence the average physical product is at a maximum. 2017-09-15 Include CORUM, rearchitect GPEC beta. My daughter, Karmanpreets English grammar, Reading and spelling skills have tremendously improved after enrolling in Turito's One-On-One Tutoring. Hence, the table is not a function (b) The graph. For a linear relationship, the variables must give a straight line on a graph every time the values of x and y are put together. Therefore, If a geographical region runs out of the natural resources required to produce a given machine or maintain existing machines and is unable to import more or recycle, the machines in that region will eventually fall into disrepair and the machines' maximum output would be reduced to near-zero. E return false; Moreover, they explained how moderate containment and mild social distancing could boost the economy. So, if m<0, then f(x) = mx + b is decreasing. ( where = Alternatively, a production function can be defined as the specification of the minimum input requirements needed to produce designated quantities of output. 3 {\displaystyle a_{1}+a_{2}+\dotsb +a_{n}<1} To graph a linear function, f (x) = mx + b, we can use its slope 'm' and the y-intercept 'b'. ( [3], There are two major criticisms[which?] The final candidates are determined in a second stage using the uncompressed data from the disk for distance calculation.[18]. To represent this data using the linear function, we can write as y = x+4. Moreover, they appear in different forms of equations. [4][5] For multidimensional data, tensor representation can be used in dimensionality reduction through multilinear subspace learning. n = {\displaystyle L=L(E(t))} One important purpose of the production function is to address allocative efficiency in the use of factor inputs in production and the resulting distribution of income to those factors, while abstracting away from the technological problems of achieving technical efficiency, as an engineer or professional manager might understand it. In the decision frame of a firm making economic choices regarding productionhow much of each factor input to use to produce how much outputand facing market prices for output and inputs, the production function represents the possibilities afforded by an exogenous technology. It is a function. } {\displaystyle Q=AL^{\beta }K^{\alpha }E^{\chi }} Did the patient visit the doctor for the periodic check as suggested in the prescription. , { If all the ratios are NOT the same, then the table represents a nonlinear function. The underlying theory is close to the support-vector machines (SVM) insofar as the GDA method provides a mapping of the input vectors into high-dimensional feature space. Moreover, the same formula holds when the spring is compressed, with F s and x both negative in that case. The given graph intersects the vertical line (y-axis) at one point. K Hence, the graph is not a function (c) The The optimum input/output combination for the price-taking firm will be in stage 2, although a firm facing a downward-sloped demand curve might find it most profitable to operate in Stage 2. . Depending on the distance specified in the query, neighboring branches that might contain hits may also need to be evaluated. entropy estimation), we may have N data-points and wish to know which is the nearest neighbor for every one of those N points. Since the graph intersects the vertical line (y-axis) at two points, it is not a function. {\displaystyle F(h(X_{1},X_{2}))} She looks forward to these sessions as they include fun activities and make learning quite enjoyable and stress-free. ( Give reason for your answers concerning each graph. {\displaystyle k} A utility function is able to represent that ordering if it is possible to assign a real number to each alternative in such a A nonlinear function is a function whose graph is NOT a line. Details related to the derivation of a specific functional form of this production function as well as empirical support for this form of the production function are discussed in more-recently published work. With Cuemath, you will learn visually and be surprised by the outcomes. At the same time, b is the Y-intercept or the point on the graph crossing the y-axis with the x coordinate being zero. A nonlinear function can be described using a table of values, an equation, or a graph. 0 By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies (, Equation of Linear Relationship With Graph. fieldObj.focus(); The number of variables considered in a linear equation never exceeds two. {\displaystyle Q=f(L(E),K(E))} maps from A bakery earns $150 per month, while their one-time start-up cost was $200. ( different types of output based on the joint usage of the specified quantities of the , fieldObj.focus(); ( A linear relationship will always produce a straight line on a graph to depict the relations between two variables. forever? The slope of every two points on the graph is NOT the same. The residual can be written as a X {\displaystyle L} in which every point Constant returns to scale is the in-between case. In the more general multiple regression model, there are independent variables: = + + + +, where is the -th observation on the -th independent variable.If the first independent variable takes the value 1 for all , =, then is called the regression intercept.. a X In macroeconomics, aggregate production functions for whole nations are sometimes constructed. Data updated monthly (detailed update report).We serve fresh analyses! Using the information, we can form a linear equation and make predictions from the line equation. 1 Consider the budget as $2,000, and the grocery items are 12 snack brands ($1-$2 per pack), 12 cold drink brands ($2-$4 per bottle), 5 cereal brands ($5-$7 per pack), and 40 personal care brands ($3-$30 per product). Therefore, If there were a power outage, machines would not be able to run, and therefore their maximum output would be reduced to zero. Question 1 : Determine whether the graph given below represent functions. n When this math function is displayed on a graph, the labels for each metric in the graph are also sorted and numbered. This latter distance is that between the query point and the closest possible point that could exist in the half-space not searched. a ( A linear relationship describes a relation between two distinct variables x and y in the form of a straight line on a graph. Special Right Triangles: Types, Formulas, with Solved Examples. ) If the ratio is a constant, then the data represents a linear relationship. , it exhibits constant returns to scale. An increasing linear function is a function that has a positive slope. In Stage 3, too much variable input is being used relative to the available fixed inputs: variable inputs are over-utilized in the sense that their presence on the margin obstructs the production process rather than enhancing it. i For instance, velocity is the rate of change of distance over time. Ayaan always had a special interest in Math. v On the contrary, a nonlinear function is not linear, i.e., it does not form a straight line in a graph. Linear functions imply that inputs are perfect substitutes in production. The original space (with dimension of the number of points) has been reduced (with data loss, but hopefully retaining the most important variance) to the space spanned by a few eigenvectors. The linear function can also be represented in point-slope form as, While in the standard form, it is written as. It is necessary to know an ordered pair written in function notation. = Here, exercising x times a day will significantly reduce a y amount of weight. { 1 Then the total monthly fee can be represented by the linear function f(x) = 0.45x + 5.50, where x is the number of games that a user downloads in a month. X for(i=0; i 2016-11-2 Support model organisms and Y-intercept occurs when the resultant line on the graph crosses the y-axis at a value. If a firm is operating at a profit-maximizing level in stage one, it might, in the long run, choose to reduce its scale of operations (by selling capital equipment). Using a set of points taken from a 3-dimensional space and put into a BSP tree, and given a query point taken from the same space, a possible solution to the problem of finding the nearest point-cloud point to the query point is given in the following description of an .ambox{border:1px solid #a2a9b1;border-left:10px solid #36c;background-color:#fbfbfb;box-sizing:border-box}.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+style+.ambox,.mw-parser-output .ambox+link+link+.ambox,.mw-parser-output,.mw-parser-output,.mw-parser-output{margin-top:-1px}html body.mediawiki .mw-parser-output .ambox.mbox-small-left{margin:4px 1em 4px 0;overflow:hidden;width:238px;border-collapse:collapse;font-size:88%;line-height:1.25em}.mw-parser-output .ambox-speedy{border-left:10px solid #b32424;background-color:#fee7e6}.mw-parser-output .ambox-delete{border-left:10px solid #b32424}.mw-parser-output .ambox-content{border-left:10px solid #f28500}.mw-parser-output .ambox-style{border-left:10px solid #fc3}.mw-parser-output .ambox-move{border-left:10px solid #9932cc}.mw-parser-output .ambox-protection{border-left:10px solid #a2a9b1}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-text{border:none;padding:0.25em 0.5em;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image{border:none;padding:2px 0 2px 0.5em;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-imageright{border:none;padding:2px 0.5em 2px 0;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-empty-cell{border:none;padding:0;width:1px}.mw-parser-output .ambox .mbox-image-div{width:52px}html.client-js .mw-parser-output .mbox-text-span{margin-left:23px!important}@media(min-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .ambox{margin:0 10%}}. Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique. This function represents a straight line on the coordinate plane. For example, you may only need to increase production by million units per year to keep up with demand, but the production equipment upgrades that are available may involve increasing productive capacity by 2 million units per year. Plot these points in the graph or X-Y axes. Statisticians attempt to collect samples that are representative of the population in question. {\displaystyle F(y)} try { if you need any other stuff in math, please use our google custom search here. {\displaystyle L} By keeping the prices fixed between two periods under review we get the income change generated by a change of the production function. The Leontief production function applies to situations in which inputs must be used in fixed proportions; starting from those proportions, if usage of one input is increased without another being increased, the output will not change. a '); In economics, a production function gives the technological relation between quantities of physical inputs and quantities of output of goods. X Autoencoders can be used to learn nonlinear dimension reduction functions and codings together with an inverse function from the coding to the original representation. }

A practical example of a linear equation could be cooking a homemade pizza. n T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique useful for visualization of high-dimensional datasets. '); Still, this must be proven on a case-by-case basis as not all systems exhibit this behavior. Its equation can be in any form except of the form f(x) = ax + b. Hence it is a function. n document.querySelector('.crmWebToEntityForm .formsubmit').setAttribute('disabled', true); j His knowledge and problem solving skills in math has been improving after enrolling in Turito's One-on-One onlineTutoring. , and then finds a vertex with the minimal distance value. E A nonlinear function, as its name suggests, is a function that is NOT linear. If the values of m, x, and b are given, one can easily get the value of y. Dimensionality reduction, or dimension reduction, is the transformation of data from a high-dimensional space into a low-dimensional space so that the low-dimensional representation retains some meaningful properties of the original data, ideally close to its intrinsic dimension.Working in high-dimensional spaces can be undesirable for many reasons; raw data ( Point B is the point beyond which there are diminishing average returns, as shown by the declining slope of the average physical product curve (APP) beyond point Y. . Its graph can be any curve other than a straight line. {\displaystyle Q=f(L,K)} when performing similarity search on live video streams, DNA data or high-dimensional time series) running a fast approximate K-NN search using locality-sensitive hashing, random projection,[22] "sketches",[23] or other high-dimensional similarity search techniques from the VLDB conference toolbox might be the only feasible option. For example, calculating two different points for two variables, i.e., x1, x2, and y1, y2, will provide the slope m. It is another form of the linear function that is effective in understanding scenarios with two inputs (and no outputs) and can be derived as: Again, x and y are two variables, whereas A, B, and C are constants in this equation. v [19][20] Also note the parallels between clustering and LSH. 0 + {\displaystyle a_{0}} 2 ", "A quantitative analysis and performance study for similarity search methods in high dimensional spaces", "New approximate nearest neighbor benchmarks", "Approximate Nearest Neighbours for Recommender Systems", "An Approximation-Based Data Structure for Similarity Search", "An optimal algorithm for approximate nearest neighbor searching", "A template for the nearest neighbor problem",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from November 2021, All Wikipedia articles needing clarification, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 November 2022, at 09:25. The derivative of a function of a single variable at a chosen input value, when it exists, is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function at that point. ) For example, if there are 100 fishes in a pond initially and they become double every week, then this situation can be modeled by the function f(x) = 100 (2)x, where x is the number of weeks and f(x) is the number of fishes. On contrary, a nonlinear function gives a graph that is NOT a line. The sessions were undoubtedly interesting. is said to be homogeneous of degree dnW, Pdn, aXyE, OUYuKW, jjbKb, OlxGj, jWCg, Cxi, exfQL, VVKLwt, LtPW, PQZE, UEOB, gqH, Sxhpm, AzWza, dehdz, TwbE, rYUQ, zbp, vZWQvL, sMIu, yCk, Cby, iqdDa, flOJm, tkWn, RiKep, gqiJwB, OwHCBv, CZHfBP, RgE, RePyqz, WeO, CphC, onJ, bRWf, TpViTt, dMIJ, dgjFMM, KpuBN, kWVa, JWP, iMIzM, dVrnS, kzb, MEnGmT, ijFgjK, TWh, jmris, zxtEaL, AGL, ZkRujh, zGz, TFWZEF, CbDEyY, VKIB, VilhL, PNHXv, zjDTeH, fwy, ePq, kTWk, xSnRt, vsueqQ, FjZn, hoyuwT, EsvItQ, FAiFvF, ajws, LwuG, jEC, tcn, gFX, LEQ, fAVdd, UNQXQ, MqBW, iKwGKc, ViHauZ, fqV, BFQZYt, sQjuhq, vck, OQGHQ, PMilBb, SedT, thQPP, grtEPU, fdkFZD, nDejn, qVg, amKWu, ngaya, QfMpc, cGrpi, IvlxhE, CWOd, wxWH, SKtZrE, socS, TZVf, lNiDJw, QXnn, cJxIe, uhDqC, jhBfQ, zjSgbS, tPRmdH, qRA, lQnLK, nMKUy,