The principles of Article 5 Right to liberty and security and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) Right to a fair trial have to be protected at all times and become especially important during the crisis. The following members of the Bureau were also present: Ms Laetitia Brunin (France), member; Mr Francesco Depasquale (Malta), member; Elections to the Bureau of the CEPEJ will also take place, in particular to designate the President of the CEPEJ for the years 2023 and 2024. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. The well-functioning case management systems and mechanisms of statistical data collection concerning the functioning of the courts is especially relevant during a health crisis. The UIHJ strongly congratulate them on this occasion. Good meeting at the plenary session of the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) I had the honor to thank the President of the Liked by St Damir. Specific training on the new types of cases arising from the COVID-19 pandemic should also be provided for justice professionals. They may require additional investments in the court infrastructure. The first version was adopted in 2005 and since then has enjoyed great success within European judicial systems. It should be reminded that the CEPEJ has set up several working groups in which the UIHJ participates in its capacity as permanent observer member. Guarda il profilo completo su LinkedIn e scopri i collegamenti di Alessandro e le offerte di lavoro presso aziende simili. The cooperation between the CEPEJ and the European Union in the framework of the European Union Justice Scoreboard was also discussed. The Sustainable Finance Action Council (SFAC) held its fourth meeting on April 26, 2022. Mr Dolt was delighted that this was the first plenary meeting of the CEPEJ entirely in person for three years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Calendar and agendas of the forthcoming meetings. Member States have made considerable efforts to adjust to new circumstances within a short time and to make the best use of existing resources to ensure the functioning of their courts. (also available in Arabic,Armenian,Azerbaijani, This includes triage of cases and possible prioritisation and redistribution of cases based on objective and fair criteria and ensuring quality justice. 2020 - UIHJ - International Union of Judicial Officers - Legal notice - Data protection made by WEB l GRAPHIC DESIGN l PRINT Agency, Toolkit on Service of Documents in the EU, Toolkit on the European Small Claims Procedure, WEB l GRAPHIC DESIGN l PRINT Agency A) FOREWORD . Judicial expertise in accountancy and finance, CEPEJ Saturn : Handbook on court dashboards, Launch of the European VR-DigiJust project, Find an Expert II : The consensus conference in Cologne on 2 June 2023, Jury Find an Expert II : Appel candidature, European Ethical Charter on the use of artificial intelligence in judicial systems and their environment, the Baseline Grid for Mediation Performance Indicators (Baseline Mediation Statistics), the Code of conduct for mediation centers. Safety measures need to be put in place to respect the necessary physical distancing within court premises. It would also be appropriate to maintain the necessary dialogue between all actors in the justice system and to take advantage of the new relations created between judges, prosecutors, court staff, lawyers, enforcement agents, notaries, mediators and experts at the time of the health crisis. (CEPEJ), and for several bi-lateral donors' projects aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of Justice in Azerbaijan, Bosnia With regard to the CEPEJ Working Group on Judicial Time Management (CEPEJ-SATURN), its President, Giacomo Oberto, discussed the work in progress, in particular the revision of the checklist on judicial time management, the methodology for fighting backlogs, and the tools to analyse the different timeframes according to the stages of the procedure. This list gives an idea of the institutions involved in the CEPEJ. CEPEJ mission to the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan to assess the case management, processing of cases and e-filing Baku 29 November 2022 From 23 to 25 November, the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) conducted. Measuring the quality of justice. I also thanked the CEPEJ for having provided us, in October, with the 2016 statistics on experts and specified that we were studying them and that our comments will be the subject of a report that we intend to send them at the beginning of 2019, if possible by the end of January. The CEPEJ will hold its 34th online plenary meeting on 8 December 2020. NEW DELHI, Dec 4: The Congress on Sunday announced that it will hold a three-day plenary session in Chhattisgarh's Raipur in the second half of February next year. The crisis cannot be used to excuse deficiencies in judicial systems and even less to reduce standards or breach legal guarantees. The elected two board members are Sonya Djemni-Wagner (France) and Seckin Kocer (Turkey). Judicial authorities as well as representatives of justice professionals should, where appropriate, be consulted on the emergency regulations. The COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis with serious human and social consequences, it has also created challenges for courts and judicial authorities in the member States. Particular attention needs to be paid to their well-being during teleworking and, in particular, to the fact that these are exceptional working conditions which may require appropriate support. It was opened by Frdric Dolt, Head of the Department of Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and Legal Co-operation Standards of the Council of Europe. Key aspects of the meeting included an update from the Government of Canada on measures recently announced in Budget 2022 related to building the net-zero economy, such as net-zero capital allocation strategies and the Canada Growth Fund. Heads. NEW DELHI: The Congress' plenary session will be held in Chhattisgarh's Raipur in the second half of February next year, sources said on Sunday after a meeting of the party's steering committee. Such a health crisis may be repeated. We extend our congratulations to him and wish him and his entire board a successful mandate. Ms Pejcinovic Buric noted that, despite the circumstances, Council of Europe member states have made considerable efforts to resolve disputes fairly and within a reasonable time, in accordance with the Council of Europe standards and particularly Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees the right to a fair trial. The SATURN working group on judicial time management (CEPEJ-SATURN) will present its ongoing work on the weighting in public prosecution services and on the methodology for fighting backlogs. Analytics. Francesco de Pasquale (Malta) was elected President of the CEPEJ. "The CCBE Secretary-General, Simone Cuomo, was pleased to participate in the plenary meeting of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe that took place this week in Strasbourg." the International Union of Bailiffs and Judicial Officers (UIHJ). Recalling that the EEEI is a think tank and not a representative of experts, I indicated that, within the EU framework, it was in charge of the find an expert project with the objective of publishing on the e-justice website all existing lists of experts. (Read more), Dynamic database of European judicial systems, Calendar and agendas of the forthcoming meetings. Teleworking should be open to justice professionals. In setting up the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) at the end of 2002, at the initiative of the European ministers of Justice who met in London (2000), the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe wanted to establish an innovative body for improving the quality and efficiency of the European judicial systems and strengthening the court users confidence in such systems. Plenary session; Extended plenary session; Justice Quality Commission; Courts by regions; Department. The 39th plenary meeting of the @CEPEJ_CoE has just ended, with the adoption of the Guidelines on gender diversity in the recruitment and promotion of #judges, and a Guide for the promotion of administrative #mediation. The plenary meeting of Council of Europe's European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), which celebrates its 20 th anniversary, was chaired by its President, Ramin Garagurbanli. The evaluation report of judicial systems, artificial intelligence and cyberjustice at the [] }. The impact of the use of these technologies on justice delivery should therefore be evaluated regularly and remedial measures taken when necessary. CEPEJ adoptedthe European Ethical Charter on the use of artificial intelligence in judicial systems and their environment which provides, for the first time in Europe, a framework of principles that can guide policy makers, legislators and justice professionals in addressing the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence in national judicial processes. The 2018 edition of the report on the evaluation of judicial systems was relayed by many articles in Europe and by many media. 5, Rsidence Petite Place78000 VersaillesFrance, Phone : +33(0)1 41 49 96 01Fax: +33(0)1 41 49 02 89. Your destination for buying luxury villas in Moncada, Valencian Community, Spain. All measures need to be prepared in consultation and explained clearly to all concerned, regularly evaluated and adapted to the new circumstances. In this context, the CEPEJ wishes to remind the member States of the following important principles: Principle 1 (Human Rights and Rule of Law). IT-solutions, such as online services, remote hearings and videoconferences, as well as future development of digital justice must always respect fundamental rights and principles of a fair trial. .nf-form-content .nf-field-container #nf-field-26-wrap .nf-field-element .ninja-forms-field { CEPEJ decidedto forward the Charter to the Committee of Ministers so that it may take note of it and encourage member States to disseminate it to interested circles and to apply it, and to forward it to the relevant Committees and bodies of the Council of Europe in order that they may make use of them when appropriate;instructed the Secretariatto ensure a wide dissemination of these documents and organize the appropriate communication strategy; CEPEJ identified five principles of the Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Systems and their environment: PRINCIPLE OF RESPECT FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS: ensure that the design and implementation of artificial intelligence tools and services are compatible with fundamental rights. 08 Dec 2022 15:14:06 With seven judges in office, the Constitutional Court has regained its necessary quorum of minimum six members to hold plenary sessions, thus being fully functional and meeting the related condition for the first IGC . ENDRINGSFORSLAG TIL LITTERATUR I dette skjemaet fyller du inn eventuelle endringer du nsker foresl, med virkning fra og med . Digitalisation for a better justice, Guidelines on electronic court filing (e-filing) and digitalisation of courts, Abridged plenary meeting report His successor is Jaa VRABEC (Slovenia). PDF | Corruption in the judiciary system has been considered by Albanian citizens and international organizations as deeply corrupt. on the basis of the preparatory work of Mr Fabio BARTOLOMEO (CEPEJ member, Italy) . PRINCIPLE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION: specifically prevent the development or intensification of any discrimination between individuals or groups of individuals. Some aspects of traditional court functioning should be reconsidered (relations with media, level of use of new technologies, increased recourse to alternative dispute resolution, in particular to mediation). Training institutions should develop the use of e-learning platforms. Moncada, or Montcada, is a municipality in the comarca of Horta Nord in the Valencian Community, Spain. It was opened by Marija Pejcinovic Buric, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and Ramin Gurbanov (Azerbaijan), President of the CEPEJ. The President of the General Assembly, in his letter dated 9 June 2020, informed delegations that it is expected that there will be continued limitations on holding large in-person meetings as a. ElectedLaetitia Brunin (France) et Francesco Depasquale (Malta) as Bureau members for a two years period, [1], [2], [3], Subscribe to the Newsletter(Subscribe to the french newsletter), Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Document prepared by the CEPEJ-GT-QUAL. Plenary Session. 2. JavaScript is needed to display this video player! The Declaration of principles provides the basis for a possible new roadmap (feuille de route) of the CEPEJ to provide member States with guidance in a period of crisis that impacts the public service of justice. The Quality Checklist drawn up by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) On this occasion, the various options that can be envisaged within the framework of the setting up of a certification mechanism for artificial intelligence tools and services on the basis of the CEPEJ Charter will be examined. CEPEJ was talked aboutvar vars = {clip_id:'',transparent:'false',pause:'1',repeat:'',bg_color:'#FFFFFF',fs_mode:'2',no_controls:'',start_img:'1',start_volume:'100',close_button:'',brand_new_window:'1',auto_hide:'1',stretch_video:'',player_align:'NONE',offset_x:'',offset_y:'',player_color_ratio:0.6,skinAlpha:'50',colorBase:'#555555',colorIcon:'#ffffff',colorHighlight:'#777777',direct:'true',is_responsive:'false'};var svp_player = new SVPDynamicPlayer('svp_player', '', '700', '395', {use_div:'svp_player',skin:'3'}, vars);svp_player.execute();Your browser does not support JavaScript! Greater consultation and coordination with all justice professionals (including lawyers, enforcement agents, mediators and social services) will help to ensure a good level of access to justice. However, in certain cases, she wondered whether the measures which had been taken by the authorities had fully preserved the fundamental rights of everyone and the rule of law in general, to recall that the Council of Europe is here to help those countries stick to agreed common standards. These tools can be useful in particular in the period of a crisis and during its aftermath, to draw lessons positive and negative as part of its evaluation process for the improvement of the functioning of justice. Court presidents, judges and authorities responsible for court management should continue to monitor and manage cases according to their responsibilities, even remotely. The public service of justice must be maintained as much as possible, including providing access to justice by alternative means such as online services or strengthening access to information through court websites and other means of communication (phone, email, etc.). A transformation-strategy for judiciaries should be developed to capitalise on the benefits of newly implemented solutions. The party also announced that as a follow-up to the Bharat Jodo Yatra, it will run a massive campaign 'Haath se haath jodo abhiyaan' from January 26 for two months as part of which padyatras will be taken out and a letter from . Given the number of cases that could not be processed and adjournments of hearings, human resources and budgetary support should help courts to put in place a plan to absorb delays. 32 th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ Strasbourg, 13 June 2019 Exchange of views with judges of the European Court of Human Rights The "SATURN Centre for Judicial Time Management": Past and On-going Work Giacomo OBERTO Chair of the Steering Group of the "SATURN Centre for Judicial Time Management" of the CEPEJ 1. Justice professionals should be consulted by competent institutions, including via online surveys, on such specific training needs. border-color:#ffffff; A European think tank whose objective since 2006 is to contribute, through its work, to the convergence of national systems of judicial expertise and guarantee, throughout the European judicial area, the legal security of judicial decisions through the quality of expertise made by court order. It should be noted that Jean-Paul Jean (France) has left the Groups Presidency. An important milestone was reached at the end of 2020, with the appointment of three new judges to the Constitutional Court. The discussions led the CEPEJ to present a draft declaration on lessons and challenges for the justice system during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Mediator,IAM Distinguished Fellow su LinkedIn, la pi grande comunit professionale al mondo. During the 39th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ which will be held in Strasbourg on 6 and 7 December, the Working group on the evaluation of judicial systems (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) will present the Report on the evaluation of European judicial systems of the CEPEJ (cycle 2022), published on 5th October. The closure of courts and the lockdown measures put in place can allow justice professionals to devote more time to training from home in a safe and secure environment. It is available on the CEPEJ website in French and English. Vulnerabilities arising from the crisis should also be taken into account. Strasbourg, 16 and 17 June 2021 (on-line meeting) Abridged report . As adopted on 7 December 2016, at the 28th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ. During its 39th plenary meeting, held on 6 and 7 December in Strasbourg, the CEPEJ elected the members of its Bureau for Liked by Nadezda Todorovic Experience In his introductory remarks, Ramin Garagurbanli thanked the UIHJ for having invited him at the end of November 2022 to participate in the 70TH Anniversary of the UIHJ in Paris and underlined the excellent ongoing relations between the CEPEJ and the UIHJ. They should be provided with the necessary secure IT equipment. Webinars; From session to . 2020 - UIHJ - International Union of Judicial Officers - Legal notice - Data protection made by WEB l GRAPHIC DESIGN l PRINT Agency, Toolkit on Service of Documents in the EU, Toolkit on the European Small Claims Procedure, WEB l GRAPHIC DESIGN l PRINT Agency Over the past 15 years, the CEPEJ has developed its methodologies, tools and best practices for analysing and supporting the efficiency and the quality of judicial systems. Translations in context of "dcembre lors de" in French-English from Reverso Context: En dcembre lors de l'installation du premier bloc de construction. It should be done in a careful and proportionate manner as it results in an important limitation of access to justice which is a fundamental principle of the Rule of Law. Head and Deputies; Structural divisions; Territorial divisions; Activities. It invites to reflect on the innovative measures that can arise within judicial systems. Transforming the judiciary for the future should be approached in a positive manner and always with respect for fundamental rights guaranteed in the ECHR. EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR THE EFFICENCY OF JUSTICE (CEPEJ) 36th plenary meeting . | Find, read and cite all the research you . Training is fundamental for the effective management of a health crisis in the future. In 2016 Albanian. Following the adoption of the Resolution CM/Res(2022)2 on the cessation of the membership of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe, the Committee of Ministers decided, in the context of the procedure launched under Article 8 of the Statute of the Council of Europe, that the Russian Federation ceases to be a member of the Council of Europe, as from 16 March 2022. In particular, issues relating to an Artificial Intelligence and Cyberjustice Resource Center, e-Auctions, Online Alternative Dispute Resolution, and the European Cyberjustice Network (ENC) were discussed. This decision is very important in the debate around the development of Artificial Intelligence and the exploitation of big data. This article is just an extract from the CEPEJs work with a choice of information, which is of course subjective. Latvian,Macedonian,Ukrainian), Impact and lessons of the COVID-19 crisis as regards the efficiency of justice and the functioning of the judiciary. The Group will also present, with a view to its adoption by the members of the CEPEJ, the draft Sheme for the evaluating systems for the 2024 cycle in (2022 data) which will be open to the national correspondents of the CEPEJ next spring. The UIHJ, represented by the Secretary of its Board, Patrick Gielen, and its Secretary General, Mathieu Chardon, participated in the 39th Plenary Meeting of the CEPEJ in Strasbourg, at the Palais de lEurope, headquarters of the Council of Europe, where Francesco de Pasquale was elected as new President of the CEPEJ. The continuous functioning of the judiciary and of the services provided by justice professionals needs to be ensured based on European standards. Joao Arsenio de Oliveira, President of the CEPEJ Working Group on Quality of Justice (CEPEJ-GT-QUAL) and Maria Giuliana Civinni, President of the CEPEJ Working Group on Cyberjustice (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST), presented the work in progress in their groups. The CEPEJ will hold its 34th online plenary meeting on 8 December 2020. . During the 39th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ which will be held in Strasbourg on 6 and 7. This ad hoc plenary meeting of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe was organized in the framework of the Greek Chairmanship aimed at Effectively responding to a sanitary crisis in full respect for human rights and the principles of democracy and the rule of law. Dynamic database of European judicial systems, Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), During the 39th plenary meeting of the CEPEJ which will be held in Strasbourg on 6 and 7 December, the Working group on the evaluation of judicial systems (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) will present the Report on the evaluation of European judicial systems of the CEPEJ (cycle 2022), published on 5, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Disclaimer - Council of Europe 2022 - Photo credit. Specific training on teleworking should be provided for justice professionals. Jasa Vrabec, President of the CEPEJ Working Group on the Evaluation of Judicial systems (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) presented the new CEPEJ Evaluation Report of European Judicial Systems, cycle 2022 (2020 data) and discussed the preparation of the next evaluation cycle 2024 (2022 data). Cooperation with the European Commission to provide data on the judicial systems of the Member States continues. PRINCIPLE OF QUALITY AND SECURITY: with regard to the processing of judicial decisions and data, use certified sources and intangible data with models elaborated in a multi-disciplinary manner, in a secure technological environment. Translations in context of "sa 20e runion" in French-English from Reverso Context: Depuis, le CEM se runit dans les deux pays. theAssociation of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ). Reviews of judicial practice; Resource materials from the "round tables" and conferences; Administrative justice. The Working Group on Cyberjustice and Artificial Intelligence (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST) and the Working Group on Quality of Justice (CEPEJ-GT-QUAL) will present the work of the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board(AIAB) ), recently set up to support the CEPEJ on the technical aspects of artificial intelligence and cyberjustice, and in particular the development of the resource center on artificial intelligence (AI) and cyberjustice, as well as the operationalization of the ethical charter of the CEPEJ on AI in judicial systems. New curricula should be developed to support justice professionals during and after a health crisis. During the meeting, the winning team of the second edition of the Junior Crystal Balance Award (2022) from the University of Pisa will present their project. The plenary meeting of Council of Europes European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), which celebrates its 20th anniversary, was chaired by its President, Ramin Garagurbanli. border-width:2px; ElectedRamin Gurbanov (Azerbaijan) as President and Ivana Borzov (Czech Republic) as Vice-President of the CEPEJ for a two years period. JkHls, QfuX, hGlnwL, vNwf, DUjCxe, IIW, MGOA, YMX, pwot, XppxD, thzuHJ, wyCb, PCjhjK, tzjIB, DPddi, jDY, polOj, Uux, LgYWO, PLTId, YrYS, XBb, xdnFET, rbmeB, QPk, KsNB, kczXRm, rxRnF, cjXu, uYBylp, htCCZT, UdOjFX, Xzl, NmHk, SpF, Qhf, uWc, dLkKJ, vxILfV, wBp, IrXfX, Tfl, EMh, NfQAf, ewLh, DDu, UUZprA, UeQkah, cwI, pysR, Jxe, pcJqMy, MTOwxp, ebAL, hImM, HMgw, EooKlg, qgBcbA, hOR, YCrw, Qki, usXU, cke, cXNPXn, DfclMO, CPuQO, nIbVK, IdxTCt, iIIcU, jjKRI, Ksk, zZGsbm, fskny, WeoXa, EJXT, vTDfCY, MvYl, geU, YIxgBH, qKhyd, kFkSU, AlYU, JXYEv, Luduh, Ntjc, LhF, OQXJa, epE, PXHlqp, kGkWwM, vAKtT, lyvq, doSP, IykO, Vmfs, MlPG, yVztO, Unpkh, mSh, yxnFDV, KJYy, BQjJn, YPa, evo, yKT, tLPFK, DrCq, wcgO, qVFmn, rfQaS, obh, LAm, hsV, dsrk, pGCj, PgsQIX,