How do I make a React component editable? react-native 314 Questions Making whole card clickable in Reactstrap; Clickable url value in ag-grid with react; How do you make a map with clickable countries in Angular 2? forms 116 Questions Add a new light switch in line with another switch? This allows you to tell what state object you are looking at if you need to debug your app. Would like to stay longer than 90 days. What you probably want to achieve is a Card Action (see specification) on the top part of the card. Update for v3 29 of August 2018. Can someone help me understand what I am doing wrong? Something like that - <Card handleClick= {this.handleClickMethod} />. It's confusing to include it in your question if you aren't using it. The current card you see in the above image is hard coded at the moment. How do you add multiple elements to Material-UI's AppBar component? What properties should my fictional HEAT rounds have to punch through heavy armor and ERA? Please use the following solution only if you are stuck with v1. How to limit number of characters in Field using Redux? I see people use a file named App.js, not sure why, but that's another question for later. How to make the entries in one column clickable in React Table? Then inside Card component you can call the handleClick function. As stated on Charles Bamford's response, you'll have to use the useState method. php 268 Questions How to add type FunctionComponent to React functional component using the "function" syntax and not "const"? I have the Card component which has an image(Card Media) and text(Card Text) inside it. So how can I pass it? (such as OpenLayers)?). - Matthew D. Scholefield Dec 23, 2019 at 2:56 While I think this works, I think implementing with <div> is working outside the utility of the library. Here's a typical card requirements list looks like: They should have headings and text and link to another document You should be able to click anywhere on the card to go to the other document Except, there could also be inline links in text that should go to another document And they should have a button to close them Semantic HTML how can I make a clickable image in react without showing the hyperlinks? You can easily reproduce that exact behaviour by composing MUI Card* components with the mighty ButtonBase component. How to make a component show/hide on scroll in react.js. How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery? How can I make the card component work with react-split-pane component? How to properly make a GET call in React returning an observable (resembling the method in Angular and not using promises)? Why does the USA not have a constitutional court? angular 333 Questions How can I display the data of an array from an API? Update for v3 29 of August 2018. The Material Components for Web library has this as its first usage example . What is the best way to secure Firebase API keys in a react app so it is not accessible publicly? It looks like this following image. The useState method creates a variable and a method to set the value of this variable. Let's look at the following example to understand how it basically works: APP.js. HTTPS inconsistency error, React Native Textinput Flickers when using Redux. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content. discord 109 Questions A specific CardActionArea component has been added to cover specifically this case in version 3.0.0 of Material UI.. It works now. javascript 12361 Questions If you only want a single card, add it in addItem(), then make sure to disable or remove the button when the card has been added. Previously I was doing the onClick functionality in my AddCard.js but for some reason the Alert I created was both being generated when the page was being reloaded as well as when the button was clicked. The way that you so that is by passing it on your MainCard component, like this: removeCard(index)} /> In your MainCard component you'll have to get it from the props, like this: const MainCard = ({ onRemove }) => { return ( And then you call it on your remove button: