His purse earnings totaled over $35.8 million going into Saturdays races, which already surpassed his single-season record of $34.1 million in 2019. [91][92], Religious studies lecturer David G. Robertson writes that Icke's reptilian idea is adapted from Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet (1976), combined with material from Credo Mutwa, a Zulu healer. 25% of all real estate purchases were being made by institutional investors. The 30-year-old native of Puerto Rico broke the old mark of 76 set by the late Hall of Fame rider Garrett Gomez in 2007. The ones on our side didnt vote. Usually worked best if the chap had had a few in him. The No. Thus, just as a consumer would exit the housing market, so too will institutional investment groups now control the slow dumping of the asset to remove the equity they pumped into it. A friend who does foreclosures for a living said that there are a lot in the pipeline right now he is so busy he is turning down business. Find what you need to know about the federal campaign finance process. That was 1958-1960, I was 4 when he started. Posted by: Lathe biosas | Oct 5 2022 21:31 utc | 86. The same car was retailing 90 days ago for $20K. And not only does the red tape increase, but its purpose can in no way be accomplished, which amounts to a double failure. Icke has said that they came for what he refers to as "mono-atomic gold", which he claims can increase the capacity of the nervous system ten-thousandfold, and that after ingesting it the Anunnaki can process vast amounts of information, speed up trans-dimensional travel, and shapeshift from reptilian to human. Not 2021. Posted by: Hermit | Oct 5 2022 17:26 utc | 7. No reason why it need to be confined to ideas. [38] The couple divorced in 2001 but remained friends, and Atherton continued to work as Icke's business manager. Icke wrote in 1993 that he decided not to visit his daughter and had seen her only once, at Shaw's request. Individual landlords can be awful enough: I have known very few who were not runnng properties into the ground and turning areas into slums fairly quickly. Posted by: WTFUD | Oct 5 2022 20:18 utc | 57. Various western economies, including our own, have been pushed deeper into a state of contraction by central banks crushing consumer demand, and eliminating investment via increased borrowing costs. The opportunities will be very good. David Vaughan Icke (/devd vn ak/; born 29 April 1952) is an English conspiracy theorist and a former footballer and sports broadcaster. [147], One of the methods Icke claims they use is creating fake opposites, or what he calls "opposames", such as the Axis and Allied powers of World War II, which he believes were used to provoke the creation of the European Union and the state of Israel. by Wolf Richter Nov 23, 2022, https://wolfstreet.com/2022/11/23/massive-cancellations-make-mess-of-already-low-new-house-sales-inventory-glut-at-deep-housing-bust-1-level-buyer-traffic-plunges/. Satanism as Putin described - lizard people whatever, since Russia issued the mutual security ultimatums, Russia has exposed the true face of the west to world. Does that mean I will no longer be getting post cards and letters every week, stating that they want to buy my house? Just like we in the West believe. Must be 21 or older to gamble. Post -2008, Florida had huge numbers of foreclosures every city, every block. I look at new subdivisions going in on former hay fields, cornfields, potato fields, and the signs say starting at $400.000.. Militarily, Economically, Hearts & Minds or just the Info War? Buyers include Europe, Japan and South Korea. Taxes on dividends on said stocks are 27% income from R.E. He writes in The Biggest Secret, "The Brotherhood which controls the world today is the modern expression of the Babylonian Brotherhood of reptile-Aryan priests and 'royalty'". I keep getting this buying question, so with the above in mind I will answer it in the most brutally honest way I can present.. At a macro level, if you are going to purchase a home on this downslope, look at the historic valuation of that property (or a comparable property) in/around approximately the spring of 2021. Another term for Neoliberalism is Washington Consensus and the Rules Based Order was created for its support. life punishes those who come too late or Got 2 yesterday. So who knows .. A better approach is the the EU is a neo-colonialist appendage of US imperialism. A kind of madness is running through the European corridors of power. Escalating sanctions will make an even colder and bleaker reckoning for political elites come spring. His books sold 140,000 copies between 1998 and 2011, at a value of over 2million. The greens will implode after the Germans have digested their physics lesson: energy is everything! They have regulated, regimented the bejesus out of us for the last 100 years, literally every aspect of our lives is under their scrutiny. Not some attempt to impose its own will on others. They are entering a crisis as police leave and no one wants to be a responder, even with bonuses. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. Everyone's got a plan until their worthless paper products and financial chicanery/mechanisms return to punch them in the face - paraphrasing Mike Tyson. Sometimes crates of belted stuff are cheap enough its worthwhile to de-link it. Now, investors are reducing their buying activity in line with the decline in overall home sales, which have slumped with mortgage rates rising fast. He who has the gold, rules. [126], Icke claims the first reptilian-human breeding programmes took place 200,000300,000 years ago (perhaps creating Adam), and the third (and latest) 7,000 years ago. We called it driving the fool further. To support the overall goal of changing global energy resource and development (a false and controlled global operation), central banks raised interest rates. They dont know anything else. U nailed it! Humor here tends to be on a different level than the scatological variety that is prevalent on Farcebook and other similar social fora, so it might be challenging for the uninitiated to identify. Homebuilders reported plunging traffic of prospective buyers of new single-family houses, according to the National Association of Home Builders last week. Then the rent/mortgage moratorium will end. Crooke has also been trying to provide an explanation for the drive to attain Exceptionalism which is clearly both psychotic and ultimately self-defeating. Further, a genetically modified humanArchon hybrid race of reptilian shape shifters the Babylonian Brotherhood, Illuminati or "elite" manipulate events to keep humans in fear, so that the Archons can feed off the resulting "negative energy". Banks let people squat for as many as 3 years in Florida after 2008 because they were unwilling to sell their holdings. and as karlof1 and the prof note - this has nothing to do with freedom, democracy, international law and etc. [13] Books Icke wrote over the next 11 years developed his world view of a New Age conspiracy. Servis attorney, Rita Glavin, did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment. Brent Crude, which had fallen to $83/bl on September 26, has since risen to $93/bl. [197] Barkun argues that Icke has actively tried to cultivate the radical right: "There is no fuller explication of [their] beliefs about ruling elites than Icke's." Blackrock will trickle them out. These funds contribute to the Breeders Cup purses and go back into the host track. The Breeders Cup is part of a weekend of must-watch events November 5th and 6th on NBC and Peacock. I am not betting against the Government right now, because they are the only entity with the power to take away my own tiny amount of real estate without spending a dime for it, Our Constitution be damned, of course. But those are becoming the rule now, and thus undercut all the ideological blather about free markets etc. It seems that it would work well with proposed actions as well. He began to talk about the big conspiracy by a group of bankers, media moguls, etc. Were seeing price cuts here in Northern California, properties taking longer to sell. Posted by b on October 5, 2022 at 16:48 UTC | Permalink. [52], A week later, shortly after his father died, Icke and his wife, Linda Atherton, along with their daughter and Deborah Shaw, held a press conference to announce that Icke was a son of the Godhead. It feels more like fraud, with the exception of Florida which was allowed a free election. Yep, same here. By the time the rent is raised in order to keep up with taxes, insurances, etc, there will be no place the tenant can go, and get what they have, for what they are paying. There is a significant lag in all data within the housing market. He was the last defendant facing charges in the scheme, and now 23 of the 31 individuals charged have pleaded guilty. They point back at Russia and say: that is the source of all your troubles. That may be a factor in why that ratio is out of whack. So far, havent seen any ammo problems, though I rarely go to town for ammo since its quite a drive. The horse racing world closes out a thrilling year with the 39th edition of the Breeders Cup World Championships at Keeneland, with coverage exclusively across NBC, USA Network, NBCSports.com and Peacock. According to historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, the book contains "all the familiar beliefs and paranoid clichs" of the US conspiracists and militia. The only party that will profit from that will be the AfD, a right-wing party that has positioned itself against sanctions and unconditional support for Ukraine, they call for a negotiated peace. CBS Sports has the latest NFL Football news, live scores, player stats, standings, fantasy games, and projections. [203][204][205], English conspiracy theorist, author, broadcaster, and former football player, Green Party resignation and press conference, Des Christy, "Crucifixion, courtesy of the BBC,". ABC News Live Rundown: Monday, October 17, 2022. Tune in to the Breeders Cup Saturday at 3:30pm Eastern, followed by Notre Dame Football taking on Clemson at home and Amy Schumer hosting Saturday Night Live. Despite claims to the contrary, this 2021 inflationary explosion had nothing to do with the pandemic or supply chain shortages. The President replied: 'Hell yeah'. Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 5 2022 21:11 utc | 77, GuyFromTheEast @65: "But, after reading a fair amount of comments here on this side, I can't help but notice, there is no humour here.". [1][3][4][5][6] He has written over 20 books, self-published since the mid-1990s, and spoken in more than 25 countries. Watch the latest news videos and the top news video clips online at ABC News. Wait for the avalanche downslopes are for the beginners. The 65-year-old New Jersey-based trainer faces four years in prison when he is sentenced next May in U.S. District Court in Manhattan. I wonder how much better our relations with Russia would be if we didn't have such heavy Jewish influence in foreign policy. Posted by: Arch Bungle | Oct 5 2022 16:56 utc | 1. Icke's next manuscript, And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), contained a chapter questioning aspects of the Holocaust, which caused a rift with his publisher, Gateway. The Jews who run foreign policy have this irrational hatred of Russia frozen in 1917. The interview led to a difficult period for Icke. Posted by: Johnycomelately | Oct 5 2022 20:13 utc | 54. [15] Critics have accused Icke of being antisemitic and a Holocaust denier with his theories of reptilians serving as a deliberate "code". Or the local Community College secretary for each head of a Department makes the same amount with benefits and pensions and those rungs of the ladder that start with a G- number and go up to eventually massive salaries and benefits depending upon how long you can hang in there, not on what you produce. And they keep bailing out the EU and Ukraine. Nordstream is 51% Russian owned. Not in any malicious way, but I knew something had to give once people started buying $150,000 homes for $900,000 (in Canada rural Ontario). There is no avoiding what is coming. [46] He also published his first book that year, It's a Tough Game, Son!, about how to break into football. Both men said they were not lizards. Biden very spritely gets down off his horse, walks towards the cow, unzips his trousers and starts having sex with the cow. People tend to focus on and be paralyzed by the crash. But this time, the descent has been far faster than during Housing Bust 1, Ocean Shipping Costs Decline 84%, Truckers On Verge Of Losing Money Sounds like an unworkable plan, and China and India both require vast amounts of energy will never get onboard with this. This means taking measures to lower pollution, CO2 output, and reduce waste) principles limit lending to the sector. [72], Wogan introduced the 1991 segment with "The world as we know it is about to end". I have personally witnessed the disappearance of the producers. So there is some humor to be had here. [42], In 1976, Icke worked for two months in Saudi Arabia, helping with the national football team. But banks did not make available all their foreclosed inventory. Thanks for your reply. Do take note of its legal relationship as described in Russia's Constitution, which is clearly different from privately owned banks. And suddenly, overnight, this was transformed into "Icke's a nutter." Fast forward to 2022. Danny Haiphong of The Left Lens interviews Scott Ritter. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I can do this in America? Greens are doing fine. To shorten the Age of Stupidity. [146], In Tales From The Time Loop (2003), Icke argues that the Illuminati create religious, racial, ethnic and sexual division to divide and rule humanity but believes that the many can only be controlled by the few if they allow themselves to be and that the power the Illuminati have is the power the people give them. David Icke, "Down but speaking out among the Greens," letters to the editor, Tyson Lewis, Richard Kahn, "The Reptoid Hypothesis: Utopian and Dystopian Representational Motifs in David Icke's Alien Conspiracy Theory,", Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic, "Conspiracy Theories The Reptilian Elite", "Acclaimed author Alice Walker recommends book by notorious conspiracy theorist David Icke", "How David Icke helped unite Labour's factions against antisemitism", "David Icke and the Rise of the Lizard People", "David Icke And The Politics Of Madness Where The New Age Meets The Third Reich", "Mocked prophet: what is David Icke's appeal? But Im betting it wont be. There was a little bit of a slow down in shooting out here a year or so ago, but that had more to do with shortages of ammo. I like how at the end SD gives advice on how to take advantage. IMO, people should stop looking at this from the standpoint of profiting on the suffering of others but rather how we can use economic tools to destroy the enemy whos, with malice and aforethought, perpetrated this attack on our Republic and all citizens. Saturday: Coverage resumes November 5th on USA Network, NBCSports.com and the NBC Sports app beginning at 1:00 p.m. Yes, prices can still fall, deflation remains a distinct possibility, which sounds better than inflation, but has its own dangers, rf. Give it a test: If you are from a minority ethnicity, religion, or "gender", post a joke poking fun at that minority group (called "self-deprecating humor"; something Millennial Americans lack the intestinal fortitude for) with your Twitter account and report back how long it took for you to get "cancelled". It has already come down 15-20%. Or even that naughty. Ah, but for whom? Meanwhile the veteran officer who chairs the Duma's Defence Committee wants the government to start telling the truth about the SMO. Once exposed, it disappeared from mainstream discourse until interest in it was renewed by the American far right in the 1950s. "Germany has relied too much on America", etc. Most people will be renters until the Government takes over the entire real estate industry. But move your radio dial and suddenly there they are, one after the other. "Brilliant" analysis of Nordstream attack here. The whole idea is crazy and way too complicate to achieve anything: Russian crude will come under an embargo in most of the European Union on Dec. 5, and petroleum products will follow in February. ET on USA Network, NBCSports.com and the NBC Sports app. "[155][156] Will Storr, writing for The Sunday Times in 2013, ponders if Icke's ideas suddenly "pop" into his head. If dumbo generals don't increase pressure in Ukr they'll end in a much worse situation than before. Our neighbors overpaid for their house 3 years ago and have had to put a lot of money into it to fix hidden problems. 'Well OK Joe if you say so' the hero of Keeve replied. These people have always made exceptions for themselves ("our history", "our culture", "our unique condition") as to why they treat their own citizens as captive subjects. There is no lasting solution through the fall in the price of oil. I like Robert Burns 'the best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley' - proverb, something ends badly from initial expectation. In 1968 he played in the Coventry City youth team that were runners up to Burnley in the F.A. Servis was charged in 2020 after a wide-ranging investigation into doping in the horse racing industry. After Caligula made his favorite horse a Senator, Rome lived for another 400 years, or so. They are constantly plotting. Inflation is a tax on the people. Id add a word of caution, though. Posted by: alek_a | Oct 5 2022 20:55 utc | 70. I also wonder what % are playing the system to sign up for SSI or such. This WSJ item's behind a paywall, but here's its gist: "Chinas ENN is expected to make a profit of between $110 million and $130 million on a single liquified natural gas shipment to Europe. [186][187] Two venues in Berlin cancelled live events scheduled to be hosted by Icke in 2017 following accusations of antisemitism. Just being rational and objective. This was not done out of Saudi solidarity with Russia. (Via Wall Street Journal) Investor buying of homes tumbled 30% in the third quarter, a sign that the rise in borrowing rates and high home prices that pushed traditional buyers to the sidelines are causing these firms to pull back, too. If he could replace Justin, it sounds like he has a great anti-WEF vision for energy independence and economic turnaround for Canada. They're not laughing with you. You can't feed them with those pieces of paper, and the virtual, inflated capitalisation of western social media companies can't heat their homes. They go into the circular file. })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); You identify a growing contradiction in US strategy. [18] Icke has said he is not using allegory. Does anyone else see the pattern, yet? [24] Posted by: Anne B | Oct 5 2022 19:53 utc | 45. They may remember their parents using them though. [157] In April 2020, Icke claimed in a YouTube video on Brian Rose's London Real channel that there was a link between the COVID-19 pandemic and 5G mobile phone networks. Perhaps what's right for the albanians in Jugoslavia is wrong for the ukrainians in Donbas and Crimea, the usual USA-style difference between "freedom fighters" (our bastards) and "terrorists" (their citizens). Putin and China need to get real about what they are facing. They will not stop. Posted by: Republicofscotland | Oct 5 2022 18:40 utc | 31. Bally Sports RSNs Seek Emancipation From Sinclair Amid Parent's 'Strained Relationship' With Sports Leagues Former NBC Sports and ESPN executive David Preschlack will now head Diamond Sports Group, the subsidiary that manages the RSNs, as creditors reportedly grow concerned about the 'animosity' between the sports leagues and Sinclair Some McMansion cookie-cutter neighborhoods were also visible, e.g. Public housing cannot be any different in the USA than what it has always been in Socialist controlled countries. On the one hand, it vomits the liberal ideology of free, open markets and universal rules, etc. June or July of 2023. @Posted by: GoFast | Oct 5 2022 21:04 utc | However, if we were to accept that Icke himself does not hold such views, and that his work is merely co-opted by groups who undeniably are anti-Semitic, we also have to acknowledge that Icke often does his case no favours. DeSantis worked with the legislature to put changes in place to prevent a drugged out Democrat opponent from winning against him. After a 2018 talk by Icke in Southport, Merseyside, Michael Marshall reported: The appearance of the 'unseen' in the Middle East 6,000 years ago seems to be no coincidence, and it's little wonder that Icke's work is so often accused of anti-Semitism. wall street uses it to buy up the land. I live in the rural forest. "bureaucracies whose effect is to do the opposite of the stated purpose of the organization.". 9mm 223s and 12ga are all cheap right now, around here anyway. [58][59], Icke had been sent to heal the earth, she said, and would become famous but would face opposition. [163] He made an unsupported claim that Israel was using the crisis "to test its technology" and suggested any attempt to require people to be vaccinated against COVID-19 amounted to "fascism". 24 Oct 2022, https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/ocean-shipping-costs-decline-84-truckers-verge-losing-money. It is at that point when the craziest ideas are going to be considered. When was the last time any genuinely good and constructive anything for the world came from the West? It's been run by imbecillic rejects who have destroyed Europe. Agree with the rural areas probably being far more survivable than urban or inner-city locations. There are signs that the Americans are threatening the House of Saud if it cuts production further. As he stood in the circle he had two thoughts: that people would be talking about this in 100 years, and that it would be over when it rained. The federal and state governments are never going to let go of that regardless of BBB and all the other BS they are spewing out as they have nothing to replace it with. If youre ever near Pittsburgh, drive through Braddock and see how run down it is. Horses from around the globe will compete in 14 races over two days, with the Breeders Cup Classic closing out the weekend. You do not. If so, this would be a perfect opportunity to take advantage of Ukrainian regrouping after the taking of Krasny Limanwhether that regrouping was done in the direction of Svatovo (with Kupyansk forces joining) or Lisichansk. [50], In August 1990, his contract with the BBC was terminated when he initially refused to pay the Community Charge (also known as the "poll tax"), a local tax Margaret Thatcher's government introduced that year. They trickled them out to maintain values. In October 2012, he spoke for eleven hours to 6,000 people at London's Wembley Arena. . Overstocking for a huge but transient spike in demand, labor shortages from same leading to higher wages which are sticky and do not decrease after the demand surge is over, that leading to cost increases due to higher wages paid. had already given up trying to block NS2 when the German Greens stopped it. Especially when a significant number of our high quality dividend paying stocks are paying north of 5% and can be sheltered and may be tax deferred. We've heard a lot about Ukraine being an existential matter to Russia, but have not really seen Russia taking any actions that carry too much risk. The world economy also depends on the internet and several hundred satellites to function. The destruction we are bringing on the world doesn't even have to go nuclear. "[191] Icke issued a statement in which he described himself as "the victim of a smear campaign from politicians who have been listening to special interest groups". MBS better watch his throne Perhaps even his back. Was absolutely mindboggling and makes me sad I will likely never be able to afford to purchase a house in my lifetime (39). The Moon Matrix is a broadcast from that spacecraft to the human bodycomputer, specifically to the left hemisphere of the brain, which gives us our sense of reality: "We are living in a dreamworld within a dreamworld a Matrix within the virtual-reality universe and it is being broadcast from the Moon. His audiences hold a wide range of beliefs, uniting individuals, and left and right wing groups; from New Agers, and Ufologists,[7][105] as well as far-right Christian Patriots, and the UK neo-Nazi group Combat 18, which supports his writings. The Breeders Cup features a total of 14 races contested across two days the first weekend in November. There really are a few Galts Gulchs out here and they are also hidden as well as the one in the book. Honest & sincere question here, seeking an explanation of the phrase: We will own nothing and be happy. If you want to test out the sense of humour of the compradors try this one. [26], Icke states that at the apex of the Babylonian Brotherhood stand the Global Elite, and at the top of the Global Elite are what Icke has referred to as the "Prison Wardens". Now a report came in that our troops had taken Krasnoye Dibrovo (Dibrovo) overnight. The house is well built and in good condition so we left it as is except for replacing carpet in the kitchen and bathrooms. Well, we swallowed the Corporations Are People nonsense. but Americans are experts at creating bureaucracies whose effect is to do the opposite of the stated purpose of the organization. And those are the institutions that need to be constructed so a new international trading regime can be implemented bypassing dollar hegemony. If they (hedge funds) choose to start dumping its NOT because of debt service. My sliding-into-wokeness blueMA town virtue-signalled away the useful plastic and started killing trees several years ago. Can USA stop Indian and Chinese ships on open see to enforce embargo? The forums and places of the other team, you know, my team, there is always laughing and jokes galore. The pitch the buy as is, they claim to pay cash. [10] This led him to claim in 1991 to be a "Son of the Godhead"[6] and that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. China is getting nearly 30% more gas from Russia so far this year.". 49 Public Law 117-103 117th Congress An Act Making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for providing emergency assistance for the situation in Ukraine, and for other purposes. [167] His YouTube channel was deleted a day later. 'All American patriots do this in America' said the President adjusting his riding chaps. I hope things improve for you, and that your house dreams come true. Look at every business which has a high barrier to entry. Job losses force mortgage defaults. [164], After Ofcom's formal investigation, the UK media regulator decided the 80-minute interview broke the terms of the broadcasting code as it "expressed views which had the potential to cause significant harm to viewers in London during the pandemic" which "were made without the support of any scientific or other evidence. We own a handful of mortgage free single family rental homes. Not a target and its paid for. The crash is old news, everyone agrees where the market is headed for now. Nicer areas typically have an influx of East Indian and Asian buyers. EU Chief diplomat (if ever an oxymoron existed) Borrel said today that a European Union diplomatic solution on Ukraine is possible should 'the circumstances permit'. Dont worry, as long as the institutional invester class believes they will eventually be landlords to all of us, these buy/sell cycles will continue to happen at even shorter intervals until the mortgage loan industry is eventually transformed into the mortgage bankers holding the assets they now merely control. Posted by: Eighthman | Oct 5 2022 20:39 utc | 63. Read the latest news, updates and reviews on the latest gadgets in tech. Belgium of, core of the EU, Benelux fame makes a lot of money importing Russian diamonds. from the Nazis who staff the education systems of Europe? The Biden administration economic policy, energy policy and monetary policy, was going to cause massive inflation. Should the demand stay up the 2% reduction in OPEC+ production will have significant price effects and $100 per barrel will be in easy reach. He has written over 20 books, self-published since the mid-1990s, and spoken in more than 25 countries. He also earned nine other Grade 1 wins in New York, including Life Is Good in the Woodward and Whitney and Nest in the Alabama and Coaching Club Oaks. Shut off the water for a week will pretty much cause a terrible nationwide sewer and septic backup. Find the latest sports news and articles on the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA college football, NCAA college basketball and more at ABC News. Posted by: mijj | Oct 5 2022 21:59 utc | 92. deal, Greece, Malta and Cyprus will be permitted to continue shipping Russian oil. And jokes galore did not make available all their foreclosed inventory horse racing industry SSI. Had seen her only once, at Shaw 's request Shaw 's request Association of Home Builders last week plastic. Books Icke wrote in 1993 that he decided not to visit his and... Up to Burnley in the book Icke wrote over the next 11 years developed his world view a... The EU, Benelux Fame makes a lot of money importing Russian diamonds and as karlof1 the... 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