[WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0241, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Statutory Authority: RCW, "Certificate of immunization status (child)", Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines. [14], WFP works across a broad spectrum of Sustainable Development Goals,[11] owing to the fact that food shortages, hunger, malnutrition and foodborne illness cause poor health, which subsequently impacts other areas of sustainable development, such as education, employment and poverty (Sustainable Development Goals Four, Eight and One respectively). (g) Accessible to the child's height so that he or she can find, use, and return materials independently. (2) An early learning provider may facilitate child learning and understanding through a variety of techniques such as: (a) Using a variety of teaching strategies (different techniques, curricula, or styles) and materials to address different learning styles, abilities, developmental levels, and temperament; (b) Helping children enter into and sustain play; (c) Encouraging children to participate by asking questions and providing guidance; (d) Providing opportunities for children's creativity; (e) Linking concepts and activities to one another and to the children's lives and interests; (f) Noticing and responding to teachable moments; (g) Clarifying and expanding children's understanding; (h) Describing and discussing children's learning processes; (i) Encouraging children's efforts and persistence; (m) Providing materials during the day, including daily routines such as meals and transitions, to encourage communication in English and children's home languages when possible; and. (1) Food prepared and served from an early learning program must not be tampered with or spoiled. (a) A child's record must be kept in a confidential manner but in an area easily accessible to staff. (1) To define capacity, licensed indoor early learning program space must have a minimum of thirty-five square feet per child in attendance and further comply with the requirements of this chapter. Chapter. The Sphere standards are periodically revised to make sure the Handbook reflects new evidence and evolving practice in the humanitarian sector. (4) The department may license a center located in a private family residence when the portion of the residence accessible to children is: (a) Used exclusively for children during the center's operating hours or when children are in care; or. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0147, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. (ii) Where children will safely stay inside the early learning program. (7) If an early learning provider uses water tables or similar containers, the tables or containers must be emptied and sanitized daily, or more often if necessary. (j) Documentation that a provider reported food poisoning or contagious diseases to the local health jurisdiction or the department of health, if applicable. (b) The early learning provider must obtain an alternative source of potable water such as bottled or packaged water. Monthly newsletter - Boletn mensual - Bulletin mensuel (11 x year/ao/an), Special campaigns - Campaas especiales - Des campagnes spciales (3-4 x year/ao/an), Accder au manuel par l'application mobile, Consulter plus de ressources autour du manuel Sphre, Participez activement lavenir des standards Sphre, Je souhaite en savoir davantage sur Sphre, I am interested in knowing more about Sphere. WebWelcome to books on Oxford Academic. If wooden fences, structures, and furniture are suspected of having CCA, they must be tested. (c) An early learning provider must only serve water, unflavored milk or one hundred percent fruit or vegetable juice. Initial, nonexpiring, dual licenses, and license modification. Statutory Authority: RCW. (5) To ensure a safe environment for children in care, an early learning provider must comply with the following electrical requirements: (a) In areas accessible to children, electrical outlets must have automatic shutters that only allow electrical plugs to be inserted (tamper-resistant) or that are covered by blank plates or other tamper-resistant covers appropriate to the electrical outlet; (b) Outlets near sinks, tubs, toilets, or other water sources must be inaccessible to children or be tamper-resistant and equipped with a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet type; (c) Electrical cords must be in good working condition, not torn or frayed, and not have any exposed wires; (d) Electrical cords must be plugged directly into a wall outlet or a surge protector; (e) Power strips with surge protectors may be used but must not be accessible to children in care; (f) Extension cords may only be used for a brief, temporary purpose and must not replace direct wiring; and. (e) A staff signature when a child leaves the early learning program to attend school or participate in off-site activities not offered by the early learning program. Bottles must be immediately refrigerated. (b) Cleaned and sanitized weekly or more often as needed if assigned to only one child. Firearms, guns, weapons, and ammunition on the premises of a family home early learning program must be stored in a locked gun safe or locked room inaccessible to children. (d) Drills must be recorded on a department form and include: (ii) The number of children and staff who participated; (iv) Notes about how the drill went and how it may be improved. * (You may pick more than one option). (1) An early learning provider must take appropriate steps to safely prevent or control pests that pose a risk to the health and safety of adults and children in and around the licensed space. A platform may be used to accommodate the height and size of children. (c) Public safety related lockdown scenarios where an individual at or near an early learning program is harming or attempting to harm others with or without a weapon. (2) An early learning provider must arrange for a fire safety inspection annually. [31] WFP's response to Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas in September 2019 was assisted by a regional office in Barbados, which had been set up the previous year to enable better disaster preparedness and response. (g) Include evening and overnight care, if applicable. (b) If caring for infants, a provider must either place a safe and clean material over large rugs or carpet, or clean rugs or carpet at least once per month or more often if visible stains are present. (v) Solid without cracks, breaks or separation. (v) Registered nurse or advanced registered nurse practitioner. Statutory Authority: RCW. Statutory Authority: RCW, (1) An early learning provider or staff must clean and sanitize food preparation areas and eating surfaces before and after each use, pursuant to WAC. (6) Child usable and accessible areas must be arranged to provide sufficient space for routine care, child play, and learning activities. The written authorization must be: (i) A specific event, date, and anticipated travel time; (ii) A specific type of trip (for example, transporting to and from school, or transporting to and from a field trip); or. An early learning provider must actively supervise children who are able to access a garden where commonplace toxic plants or plants with poisonous leaves are growing. (v) The department's child protective services. (2) Food prepared and served from an early learning program must be obtained from an approved source licensed and inspected by the local health jurisdiction, the Washington state department of agriculture (WSDA), or the USDA. If an early learning provider is using prepackaged art materials, the material packaging must be labeled "non-toxic" by the manufacturer and meet ASTM standard D-4236 as described in 16 C.F.R. (2) License applicants and early learning providers must register with the electronic workforce registry prior to being granted an initial license or working with children in an unsupervised capacity. (g) Properly discard paper single-use cloth towels after each use. WebThis page may have been moved, deleted, or is otherwise unavailable. (8) If the department determines that a licensee is not meeting all applicable requirements and regulations: (a) The department and licensee may agree to modify the child care license; (b) The licensee may give up one of the licenses, certifications, or authorizations; or, (c) The department may suspend, deny, or revoke the early learning license, pursuant to RCW. (iii) Playing games in different languages. [30], WFP provided cash to vulnerable groups ahead of torrential rains in Bangladesh in July 2019. (ii) Methods to be used for sounding an alarm and calling 911; (iii) Actions to be taken by a person discovering an emergency; (iv) How the early learning provider will evacuate children, especially those who cannot walk independently. (8) A center licensee must conduct activities for each group of children in a specific room or other defined space within a larger area. (5) For bodies of water not located in early learning program space, but that are in close proximity, a physical barrier on the property must make such bodies of water inaccessible to children in care. (h) Furniture and equipment, which must be cleaned monthly or more often as needed. (a) Identify foods that must not be consumed by the child and steps to take in the case of an unintended allergic reaction; (b) Identify foods that can substitute for allergenic foods; and. Soft furnishings may include, but are not limited to, carpeted areas and area rugs, upholstered furniture, cushions or large floor pillows, and stuffed animals. (5) Sinks that are not used for handwashing after toileting, diapering, or food preparation must be cleaned and sanitized daily or more often as needed. Statutory Authority: RCW, (1) An early learning provider must have and follow an expulsion policy, pursuant to WAC. (2) An early learning provider must encourage positive interactions between and among children with techniques such as: (a) Giving children several chances a day to interact with each other while playing or completing routine tasks; (c) Encouraging socially isolated children to find friends; (d) Helping children understand feelings of others; and. (2) An early learning provider must dress children for weather conditions during outdoor play time. (5) A center early learning provider must enter into a department approved written agreement for services with a child care health consultant. (2) Garden beds must be made of materials that will not leach chemicals into the soil including, but not limited to, wood treated with chromated copper arsenate, creosote or pentachlorophenol, reclaimed railroad ties, or tires. (3) To determine whether the new licensee's child care operation is substantially similar to or an improvement of the original child care operation, the department must assess the following factors of the new child care operation: (a) The physical environment and all anticipated changes or updates; (b) The qualifications and number of all retained and newly hired staff members; (c) The program operations and all anticipated changes or updates; (d) The relation or connection, if any, between the original and new licensee; and, (e) Whether the new child care operation is able to comply with the licensing requirements described in chapter. (2) The following indoor space must not be counted in the overall capacity: (b) Hallway space that is used for emergency evacuation or is not approved to be used for program activities; (c) Bathrooms and diaper changing areas (including twenty-four inches surrounding diaper changing areas and handwashing sink, unless the diaper changing area has a two foot high barrier); (g) Floor space occupied by shelves, built-in cabinets, file cabinets, desks, or other office equipment not intended to be accessible to children. Concept development and feedback quality. The work of For the purposes of this section, equipment, material, or objects that have a diameter or overall dimension of one and three-quarter inches or less are considered items that may pose a risk of choking, aspiration, or ingestion. (v) A breakfast or morning snack must be available to children in care. WebNutrition Essay Sample; History Essays and Dissertation; Write your Nursing paper like a pro; Term Paper Writing; Pricing; Our Guarantees; Why Us? Routine care, play, learning, relaxation, and comfort. [8][9], WFP is an executive member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group,[10] a consortium of UN entities that aims to fulfil the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), with a priority on achieving SDG 2 for "zero hunger" by 2030. Statutory Authority: RCW. Individuals with head lice, ringworm, or scabies must be excluded from the child care premises beginning from the end of the day the head lice, ringworm, or scabies was discovered. (i) A family home provider licensed to care for children ages two years old and above must not exceed a maximum staff-to-child ratio of 1:8 when operating with 13 or more children. (5) A center early learning program must do the following to mix groups of children twelve to thirty-six months old: (b) Keep a staff-to-child ratio of 1:5 with a maximum group size of fifteen children. (5) An early learning provider may accept homeless or foster children into care without the records listed in this section if the child's family, caseworker, or health care provider offers written proof that he or she is in the process of obtaining the child's immunization records. [54], Some surveys have shown internal culture problems at WFP, including sexual harassment. "Sinc [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0170, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. (b) Refrigerate foods requiring refrigeration at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less and freeze foods required to be frozen at 10 degrees Fahrenheit or less. The Partnership helps users of humanitarian standards through harmonized approaches to creating, revising, and disseminating their standards. Alternatively, a family home provider may develop a plan to rotate groups of children to play outdoors or a department-approved plan to use an off-site play area. (c) Be stored separately from bedding used by another child, unless it is cleaned and sanitized after each use. (5) An early learning provider must consult with a child's parent or guardian before that child is transitioned from infant sleeping equipment to other sleep equipment. Platforms must be easily cleanable and resistant to moisture and slipping. (g) Electrical devices accessible to children must not be plugged into an electrical outlet near a water source such as sink, tub, water table, or swimming pool. New standards have also been developed, informed by recent practice and learning, such as WASH and healthcare settings in disease outbreaks, security of tenure in shelter and settlement, and palliative care in health. The product must not be applied while children are present. (1) At least once per calendar year, an early learning provider must supply to parents or guardians kindergarten or school readiness materials when developmentally appropriate for enrolled children. Statutory Authority: RCW. The alarm must be sufficient to warn staff when children enter the outdoor area and could access the swimming pool; (c) Swimming pools must be maintained according to manufacturer specifications; (d) Swimming pools must be cleaned and sanitized according to manufacturer instructions, chapter, (e) A swimming pool must not be used if the main drain cover is missing; and. (B) Stairways with a wall on only one side must have a handrail with slats (balusters) on the side without the wall that prevents a child from falling off the stairway. (iii) Toilets for staff may be located outside of licensed space on the premises. Statutory Authority: RCW. State or federal rules may require health and safety training described under this chapter to be renewed annually. (v) Water controls on bathroom sinks must be accessible for the intended user. (c) Be available and able to respond in an emergency as needed to protect the health and safety of children in care. When the licensee is not on-site, they must designate a person on-site who meets the requirements of this subsection to manage the early learning program. Copy link Link copied. Lingala - LN (6) A licensee has no right to an adjudicative proceeding (hearing) to appeal the expiration, nonrenewal, or noncontinuation of a nonexpiring license resulting from a failure to comply with the requirements of this section. (5) If an early learning provider refuses a FLCA or probationary license, this may result in any of the following enforcement actions: (b) Noncontinuation of a nonexpiring license; (6) The department may place an early learning provider on nonreferral status, pursuant to RCW, (7) A probationary license may be issued to an early learning provider or program operating under a nonexpiring license as part of a corrective action plan. (c) Working with a qualified assistant, may request a capacity of up to 12 children birth through 12 years of age with a maximum of six children under two years of age with two children being able to walk independently. https://spherestandards.org/wp-content/uploads/What-is-new-in-the-2018-Sphere-Handbook-ENGLISH.mp4, Check the calendar (updated on a rolling basis). [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0295, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. (d) How parents or guardians will be contacted after the emergency ends. The number and variety of early learning materials. The numbers or signage must be legible and plainly visible from the street or road serving the premises. Statutory Authority: RCW. A platform may be used to accommodate the height and size of children. (a) The department may require the early learning provider to temporarily close until the water connection is restored or the water source is no longer contaminated; or. Table 1.1 shows the standards for metal concentration in drinking water and the health eects. Statutory Authority: RCW. WFP is governed by an executive board which consists of representatives from 36 member states, and provides intergovernmental support, direction and supervision of WFP's activities. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. (e) Aides may be counted in the staff-to-child ratio if they are working under the continuous oversight of a lead teacher, program supervisor, center director, assistant director, assistant teacher, or family home licensee. An early learning provider must make water for gardens inaccessible to children if the provider uses irrigation water. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0001, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. (4) A health record is required for every child who is enrolled and counted in an early learning program's capacity. (vi) Inappropriate sexual contact between two or more children. (8) Garbage cans and receptacles must be emptied on a daily basis and cleaned and disinfected as needed. (2) An early learning provider working directly with infants must complete the department required infant safe sleep training pursuant to WAC. (b) Frozen leftover food must be promptly served after thawing and being cooked. (A) Nonprescription (over-the-counter) medication needs to be labeled with child's first and last name and accompanied with medication authorization form that has the expiration date, medical need, dosage amount, age, and length of time to give the medication. (a) An initial license is valid for six months from the date issued. (2) When the family home licensee, center director, assistant director, program supervisor, lead teacher, or assistant teacher is the only staff supervising an aide or volunteer, the aide or volunteer may be out of the supervisor's visual and auditory range only when the aide, volunteer or supervisor is attending to personal needs. (b) Use or play on or near carpet areas until dry. (c) A second individual with a cleared background check is on-site and readily available to respond if needed, or the department approves an alternate plan. [8], The EFSA has been criticised, including by the European Court of Auditors in 2012,[9] for "frequent conflicts of interests",[10][11][12][13][14][15] some of them undeclared. Small parts from larger equipment, material, or objects that have a diameter or overall dimension of one and three-quarter inches or less, that may become detached from the larger equipment, materials, or object are also considered items that may pose a risk of choking, aspiration, or ingestion; (b) Eliminating and not using in the licensed space, pursuant to RCW, (i) Window blinds and other window coverings that have been manufactured or properly retrofitted in a manner that eliminates the formation of loops posing a risk of strangulation are allowed; and. (d) In compliance with the manufacturer's directions (including, not storing products near heat sources). (i) Be separate from areas where food is stored, prepared, or served; (ii) Have a sink with hot and cold running water, not used for food preparation and clean up; (C) Has a moisture resistant surface that is cleanable; and. (d) Information about early learning program staff: (i) List of applicant and household members, and if applicable and known, staff persons and volunteers required to complete the background check process as outlined in chapter. Guidance on context analysis to apply the standards has also been strengthened. A provider must complete the strengthening families program self-assessment, or an equivalent assessment, applicable to the early learning program type (center or family home). (1) An early learning provider must communicate with families to identify individual children's developmental goals. (ii) A plan is not already a part of the child's individual care plan. (b) Feeding infants and toddlers when hungry according to their nutritional and developmental needs, unless medically directed; (c) Serving only breast milk or infant formula to an infant, unless the child's health care provider offers a written order stating otherwise; and. A gate that is not an emergency exit must be locked or self-closing and self-latching. (10) When only one center staff is required to care for the only group of children on-site for up to an hour at the beginning or end of the day, the center licensee must ensure: (a) That staff member provides an appropriate level of supervision at all times to the children in care; (b) That staff member is free of all other duties while providing care to children; and. (c) Glass thermometers containing mercury must not be used. (1) A garden in an early learning program space must: (a) Have safeguards in place to minimize risk of cross-contamination by animals; (b) Use soil free from agricultural or industrial contaminants such as lead or arsenic if gardening directly in the ground; (i) New soil that is labeled "organic" or "safe for children" and was obtained from a gardening supply store or other retail store; or, (ii) Composted soil made from material that is safe according to the Washington State University's extension master gardener composting guidelines; and. This early learning staff member must remain in visual or auditory range, and be available and able to respond if needed. WebFormal theory. (2) Developmentally appropriate curriculum may include, but is not limited to: (a) Developing infant and toddler language and communication by: (i) Talking and listening to children, encouraging soft infant sounds, naming objects, feelings, and desires, and describing actions; (ii) Giving individual attention to children when needed; (iv) Mirroring similar infant sounds and sharing a child's focus of attention; (v) Communicating throughout the day and during feeding, changing, and cuddle times; and. (6) An early learning provider must transition children who are able to climb out of their sleeping equipment to developmentally appropriate sleep equipment. (5) Any individual hired or promoted into a position detailed in subsections (2), (3), and (4) of this section who does not have an ECE state certificate or equivalent as required under subsections (3)(a)(ii), (b)(ii), and (4)(a)(ii) of this section must instead meet the following requirement as approved and verified in the electronic workforce registry by the department: If a center is licensed for this number of children: Then the director, assistant director, or program supervisor must have completed at least this number of college quarter credits in early childhood education core competencies: (a) A lead teacher must meet the following qualifications: (iii) Complete the applicable preservice requirements, pursuant to WAC. (4) A granted waiver may be time specific or may remain in effect for as long as the early learning provider continues to comply with the conditions of the waiver. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This includes a family home licensee's own children, children of staff, or visiting children not accompanied or supervised by an adult. (1) An early learning provider must develop an individual care plan for each child with special needs and must notify the department when a child with special needs is enrolled or identified in the early learning program. If CCA is present, fences, structures, and furniture must be removed or sealed with an oil-based outdoor sealant annually or more often as needed. To ensure proper nutrition of children in care, an early learning provider must comply with the child nutrition requirements described in this section. (3) An early learning provider must have written permission for water activities from each child's parent or guardian. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0495, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. WFP is a member of a global consortium that forms the .mw-parser-output .vanchor>:target~.vanchor-text{background-color:#b1d2ff}Farm to Market Alliance, which helps smallholder farmers receive information, investment and support, so they can produce and sell marketable surplus and increase their income. [29] The WFP-managed United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) serves over 300 destinations globally. o The humanitarian standards and principles. Statutory Authority: RCW. (4) An early learning provider must prevent enrolled children from being exposed to the following known hazards within and around the licensed premises: (b) Plumbing and fixtures containing lead or lead solders; (d) Arsenic, lead, or copper in the soil or drinking water; (5) An early learning provider must place address numbers or signage on the outside of the house or building that contains the early learning program space. (3) Payment must be in the form of a check, credit or debit card, or money order. Il est test sur le terrain depuis une vingtaine dannes, et est rgulirement mis jour afin de continuer rpondre ses objectifs dans un monde en constante volution. If a barrier is used, it must be: (iv) Extend at least twenty-four inches in height from the counter or changing surface; and. (d) The local health jurisdiction or the department of health immediately, and to the department within twenty-four hours about an occurrence of food poisoning or reportable contagious disease as defined in chapter, (e) The department at the first opportunity, but in no case longer than twenty-four hours, upon knowledge of any person required by chapter, (i) A pending charge or conviction for a crime listed in chapter, (ii) An allegation or finding of child abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation under chapter, (iii) An allegation or finding of abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult under chapter, (iv) A pending charge or conviction of a crime listed in the director's list in chapter, (f) A child's parent or guardian as soon as possible, but no later than the release of the child at the end of the day, and to the department within twenty-four hours, about using physical restraint on a child as described in WAC. 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