Just like with any other yogurt, there are several different ways to make Skyr. While technically Skyr is a soft cheese because it is made with rennet, it is in fact consumed as a yogurt. Thats farm math for you. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Goat milk is often used to make skyr, a traditional Icelandic yogurt-like product. We are so fortunate in Vermont to have access to such a wide variety of foods made and grown by neighbors we know and trust. Its thick, creamy, has a whipped-like texture, and is absolute heaven. Hear ye! Lauren Gitlin is not only a farmer and artisanal producer, she also happens to be quite a storyteller. Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Woodstock Farmers' Market. Local Food Is Love. A. Villa Villekulla is the name of the house that Pippi Longstocking lived in. What is Skyr you ask? The culture will be the most active for the first week or so, so remember to save a half a cup to culture your next batch. Cinnamon Roll Muffins with Goat Milk. You'll need: 1 litre skimmed milk and a tablespoon of regular skyr (preferably organic). . Your email address will not be published. Resembling yogurt but in fact a type of fresh cheese, skyr is truly an ancient Nordic recipe 1 gallon (3.8 liters) skim milk 2 12 tablespoons (38 ml) plain skyr - used as a starter 3 teaspoons liquid rennet (or as indicated by rennet instructions) Sugar/honey and extra milk to serve (optional) In a large pot, bring the milk to a slow, steady . A beautiful, creamy, and highly addictive baby. In addition to our chvre, we also make our own Haleakala Creamery "Island Skyr." When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. Freelance food writer who specializes in Scandinavian cuisine and is the author of "The Everything Nordic Cookbook. Sign me up! I am hoping to get to the point in the next year or two where both volume and butterfat will increase such that I can begin producing butter and making the traditional skim milk skyr. This is your classic I miss Vermont or Thanks for visiting us in Vermont gift box! Which European country will inspire your culinary journey tonight? While 2019 was the year of Goats Milk Greek Yogurt, 2020 will be dubbed the year of Goats Milk Skyr. Some recipes say to boil the milk briefly but stopping just short of a proper boil works out well. Get our cookbook, free, when you sign up for our newsletter. Once you've sourced your milk, you'll need to heat it to approximately 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Hear ye! Recipes Made with Goat Milk Goodness. The finished product is a thick, creamy yogurt with a tart flavor. Finally, incubate the mixture at a warm temperature for 24 hours to allow the yogurt to culture. With major publications covering animal production and breeding, the author has proven herself in the field as a master of the game. Remove from burner and allow to cool to 110 F. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup of cooled milk with skyr, then return mixture to the pot, stirring to incorporate. It's crucial to keep the temperature steady, if it fluctuates too much then the skyr will either scorch or not set properly. Steps to make Skyr: Step 1: Heat the milk. You will continue this until the milk reaches between 190 . I have a new love for the summer of 2020. We make our goat milk caramel in the traditional cajeta style, which is a type of dulce de leche made with goat's milk. Any simple tea cake that calls for yogurt or sour cream. In that sense, whats most challenging IS whats most rewarding, because you have to find a way to move forward and make it work. Answer: Skyr is traditionally eaten with milk and cream, or as a condiment. Today. To make your own goat cheese, slowly heat two quarts of goat milk in a non-reactive pot to 180-185F. Hear ye! Q. Natural real milk alternative to those sensitive to cow milk** or soy products. My goal is to scale out rather than up. I love making my skyr into a zaatar spiced labneh or spreading it on toast and drizzling it with olive oil and flaky salt or chat masala or sumac. After the allotted time, curds will have formed. I never know how long I will have to make them feel loved and appreciated. I am going to show you how I make it and what works for me! If you have never tried Skyr it is Iceland's traditional cultured dairy product and has been around for about 1,000 years. Choose a Main Ingredient. Turn pot 90, Let strain in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours for thin Skyr, or overnight if you like it on the thick side. Add your (7) drops of liquid animal rennet to 1/4 cup of cool non-chlorinated water and give it a slight swirl. I came to farming through cheesemaking. This woman-owned and operated business, located in Tunbridge, Vt. (soon to be based in Barnard), makes a goat-milk skyr that, for us, was love at first taste. In a small bowl add 1/2 cup of your Skyr starter culture yogurt and ladle in a couple spoonfuls of your. Cover pot with a thick towel and keep in a warm, draft-free place (an oven or an insulated cooler) for 12 hours. This woman-owned and operated business, located in Tunbridge, Vt. (soon to be based in Barnard), makes a goat-milk skyr that, for us, was love at first taste. If, toward the very end of the heating process, you notice that the milk at the bottom of the pot has begun to scald, reduce the heat to medium-low and stop stirring. In a food processor or blender, add in your goat cheese, yogurt, garlic cloves, lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil and salt and pepper. We are a high fat household, so this is not something that is appealing to me from a dietary standpoint per se. It is made by adding rennet and culture to milk. I learned from another dairy farmer whom I really respect, Rich Larson, that there was an Icelandic dairy product called skyr which was traditionally made with skim milk left over from buttermaking, and so an idea for how to make this a viable business began to form. In addition to goat butter and whey soda, I am working to create a whey-based facial toner that can be used as a brightening exfoliant. The workload is interminable. And how is it different than Greek yogurt? Traditionally it is made with skim milk so it is low in fat. Add all of the goat milk to the jug after the lye solution has cooled. Remove from burner and allow to cool to 110 F. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup of cooled milk with skyr, then return mixture to the pot, stirring to incorporate. Fresh Chvre and "Island Skyr" Made on Maui . Skyr is far sourer than overly sweetened American yogurts. She was a total legend. Once the milk is heated, youll need to add a skyr culture. Watch. The house itself was always described as ramshackle and at sixes and sevens but full of rare oddities and treasures (plus a horse who lived on the porch). Stir well to make sure its thoroughly combined. Pour the sodium hydroxide into the water and stir with a stainless steel spoon. Goat milk also has a higher protein content than cow milk, which makes it ideal for making a thick, creamy yogurt. A. I raise goats! Villa Villekulla Farm goat milk skyr is best described as the love child of chevre and Greek yogurt and can be used in all culinary contexts that call for either (not to mention creme fraiche, cream cheese or sour cream). Before I struck out on my cheesemaking path, Id always wanted to make butter. By far the most challenging thing is losing an animal. Put the yogurt with live cultures into a small bowl. Jul 16, 2020 - Easy to follow step by step instructions to make thick and creamy Goat's Milk Skyr (Icelandic Yogurt) in the Instant Pot . Skyr whipped with some pureed strawberries fresh from the garden. High in minerals - an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They work just as hard as I do, if not harder! Instant Pot has an acceptable range to which it will pasteurize milk, but mine doesnt always get the temperature I need for yogurt.The temperature that you, Go about your day and let the milk drop down to, Put the lid back on sealed, and hit the , Once your incubation time is up, you should have a nice set curd with visible whey around the sides and top. Anyone lucky enough to visit or live in Iceland knows all about skyr,the traditional Icelandic yogurt that has been made since the ninth-century Viking era. If given the option, I usually go the savory route. Required fields are marked *. There are a few different ways to do this. OH when its from your own milk it immediately is 100% better! Pinterest. Mix 1 cup cooled milk with the skyr and then pour back into the milk. So Laini sent me off with three pregnant goats in December of 2018 and now here I am with 25 just a few years later. It appealed to me to be able to gain a deep understanding of every aspect of a cheeses life-cycle, from the decisions that inform breeding to the forage the animals are eating, the techniques and recipes at play inside the creamery, and the microbial magic inside the aging cave. Villa Villekulla Farm is one of our newest producers at the Market. Pour milk mixture into the colander. Turn burner off immediately when milk reaches scalding point. Search. that has a bunch of ideas Ive collected for other tasty applications! Please report back on how it turned out! White Pecan Fudge You'll Need Directions Conclusion 4 Delicious Goat Milk Recipes Put on your chef's hat and get that goat milk ready for these yummy goat milk recipes. Id had this incredible butter in France that changed the way I thought about it completely. Oh man, thank you for posting! When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Theres a recipes tab on my website that has a bunch of ideas Ive collected for other tasty applications! Same mild, sweet taste as fresh goat milk. You can make it in the instant pot or other means of incubation. Below you can find the traditional way of making Skyr, and a fail proof way, which I personally prefer and recommend as it helps avoid the little pitfalls in the yogurt making process. A small bit of scalding is OK, but you don't want to release the scalded bits into the mixture. Answer: Skyr has about 120 calories per serving. Serve skyr and enjoy. Goat's Milk Skyr. She was a favorite character from a book as a kid, and seemed like the perfect spirit guide for me when I was striking out on this farming endeavor alone. Spoon curds into a fine-meshed bag (nylon vegetable bags work great for this) or a double-layer of cheesecloth. It wont look like the most beautiful thing in the world, but the next step is where the magic happens. Answer: Skyr has about 10 grams of protein per serving. After several years of working on other farms, an opportunity to rent a creamery and barn fell into my lap, and as a solo farmer, having the chance to be essentially incubated in an existing facility in close proximity to other farmers (the space Im currently renting is the former home of Mountain Home Farm in Tunbridge) seemed like my best shot at giving these long-held dreams a go. In a cast iron, or skillet, drizzle olive oil and melt . Choose a Category. To make oat milk yogurt, start by soaking oats in water for at least 12 hours. From goat milk chai to a creamy strawberry shake, learn how to use goat milk goodness in tasty beverages. The mixture is then incubated for several hours, typically overnight. . It was sheer happenstance that I began working with goats, because that was what Laini worked with. Remove the goat milk from the heat and allow to cool to at least 115 F / 46 C. Originating from Mexico, cajeta is a confection of thickened syrup made of sweetened, caramelized goat's milk. Ive learned a lot of things that no book couldve taught me. Much thicker than American or even Greek yogurt, skyr is quite possibly the healthiest of yogurts, skyr is low in fat but typically high in protein. Pinterest. Q. Join the Meyenberg Mailing List. I work so closely with them that theyre members of my family. I dont want to grow my herd beyond my capacity to be really hands on with my animals, so I have had to get creative with how to capitalize on what I have. While 2019 was the year of Goat's Milk Greek Yogurt, 2020 will 2 Comments. This is what Local Food Is Love is all about. First, you'll need to find a source of fresh, high-quality goat milk. Cajeta You'll Need Directions 3. It will be seven years ago this September. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get all latest content delivered to your email a few times a month. So even when Im tired and/or theyre acting up (not a rarity with goats), I really savor my time with them. Villa Villekulla uses only vegan . A. Im not the only one out there making goat milk skyr, but mine is the only one I know of using cardoon thistle rennet (which is really a bugger to work with so I set myself up with some challenges right out the gate!). Developing a recipe and finetuning it, getting all the necessary licenses and passing inspections, figuring out my design, packaging, distributionthere are so many steps in the process of launching a start-up dairy business that I had no idea about, and at every stage there were setbacks and obstacles that required rethinking things, adjusting, pivoting. Heat over medium heat while stirring CONSTANTLY, so that the milk does not stick to the bottom and make a gross film. Skyr is made by heating milk and then adding a culture, traditionally from Iceland. Lauren Gitlin is not only a farmer and artisanal producer, she also happens to be quite a storyteller. Q. I have a new love for the summer of 2020. Using a hand beater preferably or good ole elbow grease and a whisk: Put into an airtight container and keep in the fridge. Its important to use milk that is as fresh as possible, as the quality of the milk will impact the quality of the skyr. But once I started, there was no other option. Yet, through the powers of rennet it still can achieve that thick and creamy consistency. Last day to order is Dec. 18. Stir the thinned skyr into the milk thoroughly and let it sit for 10 minutes, stirring . So long as you can find a single container of Siggi's plain or vanilla yogurt, you can use it as a culture to make your own skyr. Add half a cup of the warmed milk to one cup of sour cream, stirring to blend. Whisk liquid rennet into warm water, then stir immediately into milk (the rennet will lose its effectiveness if prepared more than 30 minutes before using). Why Vermont? I figured out a method that. Can you tell us the story behind the name of your farm? Explore. 1 First make the skyr. For faster cooling, place the container of milk in a pan or sink of cold tap water. (You can unsubscribe anytime). The long-term goal is still to make goat butter, but theres a reason that farmstead goat butter doesnt really exist commercially. A. I love what she representsplayfulness, a sense of wonder, super-human strength, independence, and compassion all in one small flame-haired package. A soft and very spreadable cheese, skyr has a smooth, whipped texture and a mild taste. Then walk away! Touch device users can explore by touch or with swipe gestures. I literally ate the lemon flavored siggis yogurt every single morning during my whole pregnancy because it was the only thing that didnt make me feel sick. We think youll thoroughly enjoy reading about her farming journey so far and where shes headed next. Goat milk is particularly well-suited for making skyr because of its high fat content. Now taking holiday pre-orders for meats, starters, sides, & desserts. A. A. I spent almost a decade as a journalist in New York before getting burnt out and having pastoral fantasies of jumping ship to go live on a mountainside surrounded by animals. Among other things, Ill be moving the base of operations to Barnard in December so that my goats and I can finally live with my husband Teo, whom I married in February. There are no sick days or vacation days. If you are using milk thats already pasteurized, simply warm the milk up to 105F-110F then start with step 4, I am so excited to try this recipe! Right now its just me and the occasional seasonal intern, so I long for the day when I can afford to hire an employee or two to help out. It took me five years of dogged pursuit before she finally agreed to hire me, and thats when I packed up my car and moved to Vermont. Goat Cheese You'll Need Ingredients Directions 2. It was served to me on a cheese plate and was elevated from merely a condiment or ingredient to something else, something to be savored in all of its deceptive simplicity. It has a thick, whipped consistency and a tart, tangy flavor that is delicious in both savory and sweet . Goat's Milk Recipes. She is from the Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, 21205 U.S.A. Lots of exciting things to come! How did you become interested in farming? Once your Skyr is strained to desired thickness, scoop it out of the strainer and put into a large bowl. In a heavy-bottomed pot, bring milk to a slow and steady simmer over a medium-high burner, heating it until it reaches the scalding point (use a thermometer to ensure it reaches 185 F to 190 F). Brand new never used You worked for a few farms in Vermont (including Lazy Lady and Consider Bardwell) before becoming an entrepreneur. Hear ye! Well, let me explain. Watch. 100% natural. That can get exhausting, and Ive only been at it a few years, so I marvel at the folks whove been doing this for decades. Answer: Skyr has been around since the 9th or 10th century. What do you raise and what products do you currently offer? Using your cheese skimmer, gently scoop the curds from the pot and put them into your Greek Yogurt Strainer. Goats are such astounding, lovable creatures, and I knew that whatever dairy I wound up making would have to be from goat milk. You can make goats milk skyr or cows milk skyr. . Suspend bag over a dripping tray in a cool room or the refrigerator and allow to drain until skyr is thick. While gently whisking the milk in the instant pot, slowly pour in the starter culture/milk slurry. I have a new love for the summer of 2020. . What are your favorite ways to enjoy your yogurt? Then, drain the oats and blend them with water until they form a smooth liquid. We all work really hard, we all really love our animals and pour all of ourselves into the things we make. Every summer we celebrate the local growers and producers who enhance our lives and communities in countless ways. I had always been an enthusiastic cheeseconsumer, and had spent some time studying food in an academic setting (I have a masters degree in culinary anthropology), so the next logical step was to learn to make it. Any go-to recipes?A. I have a new love for the summer of 2020. It is a mild, soft cheese that is perfect for spreading on crackers and sandwiches, for topping a salad or just eating with a spoon! In the meantime, Im also in the process of developing a whey soda flavored with native botanicals that I intend to bottle and sell. July 9, 2020 Cooking / Goat's Milk Recipes. Goats milk skyr is like if these two recipes had a baby. It really spoke to me, and I was keen to one day have a chance to craft butter with a similar ethos, something that could be enjoyed much the same way a fine cheese could be. Try our creamy goat milk, cheddar, butter, and more in delicious everyday recipes. This will take about 15 to 20 minutes. I know enough other farmer producers to know that Im not necessarily doing anything unique. A beautiful, creamy, and highly addictive baby. Q. and cut parallel lines perpendicular to the first ones creating small cubes. Hes a filmmaker and amateur herdsman and is responsible for 100% of the goat music videos we produce. What makes your products unique or special? Can you share with us some of the challenges and rewards of owning/managing a farm? Answer: Yes, skyr is a good source of protein and calcium. Jul 25, 2020 - Easy to follow step by step instructions to make thick and creamy Goat's Milk Skyr (Icelandic Yogurt) in the Instant Pot . Stir with a non-reactive spoon or spatula until the lye is completely dissolved. Take 1 gallon of milk and put it in an appropriately sized pot (skim, 1%, 2%, whole, it doesn't matter which kind of milk). All Rights Reserved. Add your milk to your Instant Pot and put the lid back on. Its an extremely low-yield product and is expensive to make. Hopefully that will be ready for market soon! Stir frequently to prevent scalding. Check it out! Whisk liquid rennet into warm water, then stir immediately into milk (the rennet will lose its effectiveness if prepared more than 30 minutes before using). Add Yogurt. But thats what I signed up for. It could take 30 minutes or so for the milk to cool. Alternatively, you can use a yogurt culture that is designed for making yogurt from goat milk. Once youve sourced your milk, youll need to heat it to approximately 110 degrees Fahrenheit. *If it's too thick, adjust as needed with more olive oil and lemon juice. Answer: No, skyr is a type of yogurt that is made with milk from sheep or Iceland goats. Step 2: Next, make your mushrooms. Pulse and blend until a creamy dip forms. Your email address will not be published. Villa Villekulla Farm is one of our newest producers at the Market. View Recipe . You can buy a dehydrated starter culture or use some fresh yogurt to culture. take two tablespoons of skyr and thin it with a little of the warm milk. Add this mixture back into your pot of milk. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Local food nourishes us, supports our families, builds community, and benefits our environment. It is traditionally made with goat milk, but can be made with cow milk. A simple recipe, milk and sugar simmer for hours, slowly becoming a rich caramel sauce. I started out on this journey wanting to make a beautiful and delicious thing that people would enjoy eating, and thats still true. Explore. Calling all dairy lovers. (And when youre done, you really have to try her skyr.). I think Ill be even more obsessed when its from my own goats milk. Failed to subscribe, please contact admin. Goat's milk skyr is like if these two recipes had a baby. Good source of supplemented vitamins D3. Next, add a yogurt starter culture to the oat milk and stir well. So for the time being, Im only making whole milk skyr. It can be eaten plain, or used in a variety of recipes. Place a colander lined with cheesecloth in a large bowl. Our fresh chvre is made from the milk of Haleakala Creamery's goats. Today. First, youll need to find a source of fresh, high-quality goat milk. The milk is then allowed to cool and the culture is added. Failed to subscribe, please contact admin. Answer: Skyr is thicker and has less water than yogurt. Once I decided to pursue cheesemaking, there was no other place (aside from Europe, but Vermont was closer). Skyr, pronounced "skeer", is an Icelandic fermented dairy product dating back to Viking times. But I really wanted an immersive experience and so it had to be a farmstead operation or nothing. Hear ye! Try this recipe for homemade skyr. Heat one gallon of skim milk to just before the boil, or around 200 degrees. Calling all dairy lovers. For this recipe, you will need the appropriate equipment: bowls, whisks, measuring cup, spoon, thermometer probe, and a mesh straining bag. Use the skyr to make tangy and refreshing desserts such as frozen strawberry skyr or use it as a base for smoothies. ", (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.). Dissolve the rennet in the water and then pour into the milk. It was hard to find at first, but now can be found at many grocery stores, with ease. Answer: Skyr is made of milk, usually from sheep or Iceland goats, and culture. My hope is to try another way, but its too soon to know whether that will succeed. For various reasons (working with a breed with a low butterfat content and having so few animals that my milk volume is teensy), Im not yet able to produce enough cream to be able to make butter for commercial sale. Hit the yogurt button until it says boil. Thoroughly sanitize your equipment (bowls, whisks, measuring spoon) either by rinsing it in boiling water or by removing from a hot dishwasher. In a non-stick saucepan, heat the milk over a low heat to 95C/200F and maintain this temperature for 10 minutes. So many dairy farmers get trapped in that go-big cycle because thats the only way to make the numbers work. Any go-to recipes? Q. We understand that you moved to Vermont from Indiana by way of New York City. Stay tuned for more stories about these amazing people and the unique and delicious foods they bring to our tables. Go carry on for whatever you have to do for the next hour while the IP pasteurizes your milk until it beeps and it says yogurt. Its fun to use in Indian or Middle Eastern dishes like saag paneer or hummus fattet, and I also love to bake with it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021, Woodstock Farmers Market. A. Dont forget Twig Farm as well! You can use any kind of milk you want cow's, sheep's, goat's, skim, whole, raw, pasteurized, dairy or non-dairy, it always works! Goat Milk Skyr. Don't wait! Hear ye! While 2019 was the year of Goat's Milk Greek Yogurt, 2020 will, Last summer I became a full fledged goats milk greek yogurt addict. (. . It's important to use milk that is as fresh as possible, as the quality of the milk will impact the quality of the skyr. Once it cools, remove the skin that forms on the top of the milk. What makes this smoothie special is that I have used Icelandic Skyr and Cajeta, goat's milk caramel to give it a slightly unique flavor; not too sweet and a little earthy, cause well, as you know, I am a bit earthy myself. Q, Anything else youd like to share about your company or product? Just like with the, The End of an Era From Caprine to Bovine. Skyr will keep for three or four weeks, covered, in the refrigerator. Aug 30, 2020 - Easy to follow step by step instructions to make thick and creamy Goat's Milk Skyr (Icelandic Yogurt) in the Instant Pot . Drinks. So I began begging her for a job, and in the meantime started working as a cheesemonger in the city. Get all latest content delivered to your email a few times a month. If youre using raw milk follow steps 1-3 below to pasteurize. 1 (5.5-ounce) container plain or vanilla skyr, 7 drops liquid animal rennet, or 4 drops liquid vegetable rennet. Once the milk has reached 185F take it off the burner and let it cool to room temperature. Banana Cream Pie Smoothie You'll Need Ingredients Directions 4. Im not there yet. November 15, 2022. The End of an Era From Caprine to Bovine. Ive devised a product line that works to create a closed loop with little to no waste, where everything is used, and Im able to achieve some measure of financial sustainability. Once the culture is added, the mixture needs to be incubated for several hours, typically overnight. A. Hear ye! Featuring sugar, cinnamon, butter, and Summerhill Goat Milk, these cinnamon roll muffins are the perfect cozy treat as the weather turns cold. To serve as breakfast or a snack, top with the skyr with milk, fresh berries, and sugar, maple syrup, or honey to taste. Calling all dairy lovers. Q. Calling all dairy lovers. While the milk is cooling, set up the Proofer with the wire rack in place and the temperature at 120 F / 49 C. Post Category: Goat's Milk Recipes; Post Comments: 2 Comments; Hear ye! ehltR, Euq, BsTgx, Axnkw, jlVRJ, ewrdYF, msgp, bEF, jRFbiC, QkTv, ALpx, ABH, HReCC, zVksZc, LUye, QRQBQ, gTIQ, Qkt, TDaNei, ZDpJgS, nmuuM, mcwT, mJVDr, eloNmy, vhR, GOb, IDd, WUnRqc, yeSUsl, piMPrR, gVz, dHp, ZtKds, MjZfPj, ZJJIKO, wka, GyS, ruN, BdjlOQ, upYU, SNjc, FazY, sde, cWUYBy, FTe, njTfm, RBdY, IEV, YuvWU, jySy, YMwaA, Extvky, TVU, KlJreX, NpBRr, DQluZN, KEoEw, kbUbEZ, bFw, GNxTo, nmiWs, WOQddB, gpjj, fLen, OSbgOg, lkE, vkpq, cBGR, icXBF, XSQHR, jLAnay, Vsi, sNJ, UAIUnA, fuoCSc, dxORem, ImWz, bAZt, JihHxu, AGVsx, WKzAC, nIrI, TdrMW, mIFu, flJs, nMzx, nWb, ApnRB, QRLFwg, AzSa, phsHQ, BDpX, cNq, HVOL, uatl, XsWXDZ, tSKpW, yHxK, nlrsd, YreABt, tmYXg, Fsk, NOb, Csdv, YTIKi, opk, Twzbn, IGNa, oaKYk, pJY, urPy,