requirements for trusted certificates in ios 15

This is because code signing uses extended attributes to store signatures in non-Mach-O executables such as script files. However, most organizations use a single identity for a given platform and purpose. No action is required to use DDM. Let's begin optimizing that scarce bandwidth 15.10.2. When you sign up for the Apple Developer Program, you gain access to the developer portal, where you can generate certificates for a variety of purposes, including Developer ID certificates (for public distribution of Mac apps), Mac App Distribution certificates (for submitting to the Mac App Store), iOS Distribution certificates (for submitting to the App Store), and others. The .tar.gz archives for Linux are signed using GnuPG Validates that the certificate has not been modified or swapped out. That means that the signing identitys private key must never, under any circumstances, be given to end users, and should be restricted to one or a small number of trusted persons within your company. 14. the MPL-2.0 license. EVERYTHING. want to generate your own certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs) The UI As with any form of authentication, you occasionally need to re-validate the information youre using in order to make sure its accurate. Unfortunately, this problem isnt going anywhere even with the rise of automation the sheer volume of digital certificates being issued to new websites, IoT devices and end points means somewhere, someplace, theres always going to be one expiring. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Xcode helps manage your code signing identities when you use the certificates available through the developer portal. GAGEtrak. The basic syntax for code signing assessment is shown below: If your application or package signature is valid, these tools exit silently with an exit status of 0. If you want to read more about how it works, see our article that offers a deep dive on how PKI works. This enables users to tell whether its been tampered with since it was signed originally. Make sure the framework is structured correctly per the requirements above. (Choose two.). And this is what helps the website to establish trust with your browser. You can also use the csreq command to write the requirements out to a file, and then use the path to that file as the input value for the -r option in the codesign command. To approve a program (exactly as if done through a user prompt), type: The --label is an optional tag that you can add to your own rules. Default large wallpaper to use for kids accounts (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG file). HTTP vs HTTPS: Whats the Difference Between the HTTP and HTTPS Protocols? Similarly, if your company is a certificate issuing authority, contact your IT department to find out how to get a signing However, its really just the top dozen or so that issue most of the certificates that are in use online. Depending on your clients there may be pki --self command, which can be listed with the pki --print command. Please try submitting your feedback later. When you use Certificate Assistant to generate the certificate request, the one and only copy of the private key is the one Certificate Assistant placed in your keychain at that time. Code signing uses digital certificates to authenticate and verify the identity of a website. It does not currently accept a reference to the certificate in a keychain, so you have to export the certificate before executing this command. Gatekeeper also rejects apps containing symbolic links that: Point to places that are legitimately excluded from the app's signature. key and you. At one point, SSL certificates could be issued for as long as five years. In simple terms, the digital signature: But cant someone just fake a digital signature? Alice uses a private key to encrypt the message digest. 2 Swift 5.7.1 Windows 10 toolchain is provided by Saleem Abdulrasool. Dont ever disable SSL. Please provide your feedback. Who Decides Which Certificate Authorities Are Publicly Trusted? of the defined CRL distribution points during the next IKEv2 authentication. What is another name for confidentiality of information? Easily organize your gages, manage calibrations, and conduct MSA with GAGEpack. Every time you visit a website that starts with HTTPS, youre using a certificate authority. This helps to establish trust with the customers web browsers. that are automatically created from mainline development branches. 23. The Swift toolchain installer on macOS SSL/TLS certificates are based on PKI, and there are a few key parts that need to be in place for the SSL certificate to work: Lets take a look at this visual. The private key is not part of the certificate. An issue prevents the correct re-signing of already-code-signed disk images. The website looks like, and the domain says that its but how do you know that youre actually connected to a server thats run by BB&T? Xcode uses the selected toolchain for building Swift code, debugging, and even code completion and syntax coloring. Rate limiting a single host or netmask 15.10. Did you catch that? It makes your sight nigh unreachable. A certificate authority adds a certificate to this list of shame to communicate that somethings wrong with a particular certificate and that its no longer trustworthy. To check a particular requirement, use the -R option. 15. Together, these are referred to as hash agility. To get information about a code signature (without actually verifying it), use the -d option. Lets just make this simple by saying that digital signatures cant be copied, faked, or modified. Explanation: Digital certificates are used to prove the authenticity and integrity of PKI certificates, but a PKI Certificate Authority is a trusted third-party entity that issues PKI certificates. The policy is simple: A program may link against any library with the same team identifier in its code signature as the main executable, or with any Apple system library. To combat this problem, beginning in macOS 10.12, when an app is launched from a read-only disk image, the operating system employs Gatekeeper path randomization. In which method used in cryptanalysis does the attacker know a portion of the plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext?, Explanation: There are several methods used in cryptanalysis:Brute-force The attacker tries every possible key knowing that eventually one of them will work.Ciphertext The attacker has the ciphertext of several messages encrypted but no knowledge of the underlying plaintext.Known-Plaintext The attacker has access to the ciphertext of several messages and knows something about the plaintext underlying that ciphertext.Chosen-Plaintext The attacker chooses which data the encryption device encrypts and observes the ciphertext output.Chosen-Ciphertext The attacker can choose different ciphertext to be decrypted and has access to the decrypted plaintext.Meet-in-the-Middle The attacker knows a portion of the plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext.. Note:Bundle-style installer packages are no longer supported. Beginning in macOS 10.11.5, you can apply a code signature to read-only, compressed disk images that you use to distribute content. The code signing machinery performs some framework checks specifically on frameworks that are nested within other code. Download the latest binary release above. Weve got over a decades worth of experience helping organizations of all sizes tackle these challenges. The Swift project uses one set of keys for snapshot builds, and separate keys for every official release. (EKU) flag which can be included with the following option, If you want to use the dynamic CRL fetching feature described in one of the I see how to upload a certificate on but not a provisioning profile. DataLyzer Gage management software is 40 years on the market and is a complete solution for calibration of gages and MSA studies. All of these regulations involve the use of certificate authorities in some way. First, refresh the keys to download new key revocation certificates, Copyright 2021-2022 The local end represents the client side of the protocol, which is usually in the form of language-specific libraries providing an API on top of the WebDriver protocol.This specification does not place any restrictions on the details of those libraries above the level of the wire protocol. Add one or more additional -v options to get details on the validation process. 15.8.3. As we discussed a few days ago, Roots certificates are an integral part of the SSL/TLS trust model. In the first half of 2018, Cisco had an issue that superseded regular SSL certificate expirationCisco had a root expire. We will update answers for you in the shortest time. Originally, only Lets Encrypt supported this. Whether you code sign manually or Xcode does it for you, when you want to test the integrity of signed code or evaluate the way in which the system is going to treat signed code, you use the codesign and spctl command line tools. When launching an app from a code-signed disk image, Gatekeeper disables path randomization because all the contents of the disk image are covered by a code signature. For example, place all your XPC services directly in the Contents/XPCServices directory. Websites change hands. if any are available: Then, use the signature file to verify that the archive is intact: If gpg fails to verify because you dont have the public key (gpg: Can't The codesign utility places the signatures of any nested code here as well, which is why nested code is signed first. Niantic seems to be having a bit of a resurgence with Pokemon Go, but back in January of 2018 the game was running into game-breaking bugs and a litany of other problemsone of which was the expiration of one its SSL certificates. Robust, customizable, and easy to use. There is nothing you need to do to opt in. While this seems like a lot of work, its critical, because anyone possessing your identity can distribute potentially malicious or destructive code that looks like it came from you. Companies are bought and sold. To avoid signing errors when using library validation in your project, create embedded frameworks as Xcode targets of the same project, and build with standard settings. Both cloud based and on-premise deployment options are available. Alternatively you could You work your way outward, finally signing the top level entity that contains all the others. from the root CA or another subordinate CA at the same level, from the root CA or another subordinate CA anywhere in the tree, to establish an encrypted connection to exchange confidential data with a vendor website, to authenticate the identity of the system with a vendor website. (Choose two.). Lets start by answering the question we posed at the outset and then well delve into some of the minutiae. available on every recent Intel platform could be used as a virtual smartcard to Next. To obtain a signed certificate using Certificate Assistant, To obtain a self-signed certificate using Certificate Assistant, To add an Info.plist file to your single-file tool, Ensuring Proper Code Signatures for Nested Code, Apple's Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy. If the certificate is expired, it issues a warning like this: You dont need me to tell you that this message is essentially a death warrant for your sites traffic, sales whatever metric or KPI you value. Therefore, as long as you dont add this designated requirement to your code signature, the anchor certificate you use for signing your code does not have to be introduced to the users system for validation to succeed. PKCS#12 file into the Android trust store as usual and the CA certificate file Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. Certificate authorities are one of the integral parts that make up a larger system called public key infrastructure, or PKI for short. A certificate authority applies something called a digital signature to the digital certificate. At their core, the job of CAs is to make the internet a more secure place for organizations and users. Important:If you lose control of your Apple-issued signing identity, such as your Developer ID or Mac App Distribution identity, report this to Apple immediately. ), Explanation: A cryptographic hash function should have the following properties:The input can be any length.The output has a fixed length.The hash value is relatively easy to compute for any given input.The hash is one way and not reversible.The hash is collision free, meaning that two different input values will result in different hash values. Note: Apple uses the industry-standard form and format of code signing certificates.Therefore, if your company already has a third-party signing identity that you use to sign code on other systems, you can use it with the macOS codesign command. (Type echo $? Omitting the -certfile argument from the command above is indicated in the Keys with n bits produce a keyspace with 2^ n possible key values.. Any signed version of your code that gets into the hands of users will appear to have been endorsed by your company for use. For example, heres what it looks like in Chrome when no SSL/TLS certificate is installed (or if there is one but its improperly configured): SSL/TLS certificates are divided by their validation levels and functionalities: Developers and publishers use these types of certificates to digitally sign their code to ensure its integrity. Start up a new Command Prompt and install the Python library six. You will need to install Visual Studio with the following components. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Would love your thoughts, please comment. If you are downloading Swift packages for the first time, import the PGP Explanation: Secure communications consists of four elements: Data confidentiality guarantees that only authorized users can read the messageData integrity guarantees that the message was not alteredOrigin authentication guarantees that the message is not a forgery and does actually come from whom it statesData nonrepudiation guarantees that the sender cannot repudiate, or refute, the validity of a message sent. Typically PKCS12 bundle contains also CA certificate, but iOS does not install this CA, so self-signed CA certificate must be installed separately using PEM format. This is usually the best option, because Xcode evolves with each new version to match changes in recommended code signing procedures and settings. Explanation: In a hierarchical CA topology, CAs can issue certificates to end users and to subordinate CAs, which in turn issue their certificates to end users, other lower level CAs, or both. 13. to load this information is to put everything into a PKCS#12 container: The strongSwan pki tool currently is not able to create Theyre often divided by country or region. At the beginning of December 2017, LinkedIn allowed one of its SSL certificates to expire. Then last year it was down to twowhich was a compromise because the original Google proposal was for one year. This warning means that there is no path in the Web of Trust between this since a theft of this master signing key will completely compromise your The strongSwan Team and individual contributors. These certificates are useful for authenticating the document creator and validating the integrity of the document itself. Qualcy Calibration Software for Biotech, Pharma & Medical device companies to easily manage the Calibration Records. Only the root CA can issue a self-signing certificate in a hierarchical CA topology. So, the resulting plaintext is f=d, g=e, h=f, g=e, p=n, f=d, v=t, j=h, g=e, e=c, c=a, u=s, v=t, n=l, g=e.. Xcode includes a release of Swift that is supported by Apple. This is a topic weve discussed quite a bit in the past, but heres a quick rundown. Fortunately, that doesnt appear to have happened, users were just blocked from generating new end points. This restriction applies to the apps main executable and any other executable in the bundle, including libraries. These are independent, and usually only the native architecture on the end user's system is verified. --chrome-mojo-pipe-token : The Mojo pipe token for IPC communication between the Software Reporter and Chrome. SSL certificates are not valid forever though. Alternative key types are ecdsa, classic rsa and ed448. Get a free guided demo today! The installer for Swift is available in the Download section. About Our Coalition. Whether for a single department or an entire enterprise, your calibration practices can be automated, systematized and improved. While most browsers do offer an option to click through the warning, almost nobody does it. pki tool. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. A nested bundle may contain symlinks that point into the enclosing bundle. What popular encryption algorithm requires that both the sender and receiver know a pre-shared key? Explanation: IKE, or Internet Key Exchange, is a protocol to support asymmetric encryption algorithms. UNLIMITED USERS. Next. Thats going to take a heavy toll on your business financially, and the damage to your organizations reputation may be something that you cant come back from. For example, if you type: you might get a list of rules that looks like this: Notice that there are separate rules for execution (5) and installation (6), and you can enable and disable them separately. Lets dive into this topic in more detail. The error string includes the name of the process, the pid, and the path to the dynamic library. It authenticates a website and establishes a secure connection to exchange confidential data. Alice and Bob are using a digital signature to sign a document. For this process to work properly, ensure that you include nested code in standard locations within a bundle, as shown in Table 3-1. (More specifically, from my devices email client.). Now, imagine for a moment that SSL certificates didnt expire. GageList does not charge for user licenses. Seated at the top of the proverbial tree, Root certificates are used to sign and issue intermediates and end user SSL certificates. If Visual Studio is updated, you may have to repair the installation. To avoid With this in mind, this is what the chain of trust looks like for the BB&T website: Not sure how to read it? Swift Dockerfiles are located on swift-docker repository. It is an example of a trusted third party. Explanation: Privacy is another name for confidentiality. These interconnections are made up of telecommunication network technologies, based on physically wired, optical, and wireless radio-frequency methods that There is an industry forum, the Certificate Authority/Browser Forum, that serves as a de facto regulatory body for the SSL/TLS industry. So intuitive, NO TRAINING IS REQUIRED. Here is a longer example that demonstrates these concepts: If you pass a number rather than a path to the verify option, codesign takes the number to be the process ID (pid) of a running process, and performs dynamic validation instead. Date: November 1, 2022 check signature: No public key), please follow the instructions in These snapshots are not official releases. MULTI-SITE DASHBOARD. pki commands above to generate all files in PEM format This is why its crucial for every website ecommerce sites in particular to have an SSL/TLS certificate from a trusted certificate authority. CRLs can either be uploaded to a HTTP or LDAP server or put in binary DER (Remember that padlock icon we pointed out earlier? This means that the trust model that all public CAs use consists of: Since the three-part trust model is what all public certificate authorities use, thats the one that were going to focus on here. Find links to Help for older versions of the Windows products and services. The Windows Package Manager can be found in the App Store or be installed directly. Mozilla Firefox, or simply Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.It uses the Gecko rendering engine to display web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards. Clicking the lock brings up detailed information about the signature. Only special and production keys can be revoked in the event of a key compromise. Certificate authorities bring identity into the picture through certificate authentication. Calibration Management software automates the process of monitoring and calibrating gauges and other assets, helping organizations ensure consistent quality and increased efficiency. Thats a certificate authoritys job they verify websites/organizations so that you know who youre communicating with online. So it was ironic, then, on January 8, 2018 when the Tories website went down following the expiration of its SSL certificate. And there are some important distinctions to know about public vs private CAs. Ok, so maybe thats a little bit hyperbolic (and patently untrue everyone knows it was Googles wetwork). Whether Xcode manages your signing identity or you set it up manually, Xcode normally signs code that you build using the codesign tool. Which option describes the CA authentication procedure? Industry leading ProCalV5 software offers powerful and user-friendly functionality. Beginning in macOS 10.11.5, stronger cryptographic hashing is available to both create and evaluate code signatures. Certificate Management Best Practices Checklist, Matter IoT Security: A PKI Checklist for Manufacturers. We try to stay vendor agnostic, but, Decide on what CA(s) you want to work with and then set up. It helps you to avoid ugly warning messages like this: Email signing certificates are useful for authenticating individuals and clients to web servers. The platform dependencies cannot be installed through the Windows Package Manager as the install rules do not install the components necessary. An example of a transposition cipher is the rail fence cipher.. Data confidentiality can also be ensured using asymmetric algorithms, including RSA and PKI.. First, you recursively sign all of the helpers, tools, libraries, frameworks, and other components that your app relies on, and that are bundled with your app. It knocked out LinkedIn sites in the US, UK and Canada. A Subsidiary of DigiCert, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Without trusted CAs to issue digital certificates, you now know that wouldnt be able to: Lets imagine that youre a website owner and your customers are trying to connect to your website. do not use the downloaded toolchain. Certificates using RSA key sizes smaller than 2048 bits are no longer trusted for TLS. But certificate expiration can have some serious consequences. Which statement describes asymmetric encryption algorithms? System offers advanced format & functionality. Short validity periods fix this. A compatible Swift SDK will be installed at %SystemDrive%\Library\Developer\Platforms\Windows.platform\Developer\SDKs\Windows.sdk. format then just omit the --outform pem option. Which three security services are provided by digital signatures? Issue digital certificates that authenticate servers, individuals and organizations (establishing trust). Based on the certificate request the CA issues a signed end entity certificate with the pki --issue command Explanation: The keyspace of an encryption algorithm is the set of all possible key values. This problem is resolved in macOS 10.12 and later. At the enterprise level, allowing an SSL certificate to expire is usually the result of oversight, not incompetence. This section is not a full-blown tutorial on how to use the strongSwan If the lock is not displayed What is the purpose of a digital certificate? directly into the strongSwan app. Notice: By subscribing to Hashed Out you consent to receiving our daily newsletter. Think of it like an upside-down tree the root certificates are the base/foundation, the intermediate certificates are like the tree trunk and larger branches, and the individual server certificates are the leaf certificates that have limited lifespans. The macOS .pkg files are digitally signed by the developer ID of the Swift open source project to allow verification that they have not been tampered with. Certificate Authorities Are Like Passport Authorities for the Internet, How a Certificate Authority Works: The Technical Details, What Does a Certificate Authority Do? Multi-factor authentication (MFA; encompassing two-factor authentication, or 2FA, along with similar terms) is an electronic authentication method in which a user is granted access to a website or application only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence (or factors) to an authentication mechanism: knowledge (something only the user knows), You must use the x64 Native Tools for VS2019 Command Prompt to run the following steps. While LinkedIn will have thousands of certificates to keep track of, outages like yesterdays show that it only takes one expiry to cause problems. To get a sense of whether your app conforms to Gatekeeper policies when you distribute with Developer ID, you can use the following codesign command to mimic what Gatekeeper does: If your app is signed properly, the output looks like this: Alternately, the spctl utility is actually a command-line interface to the same security assessment policy subsystem that Gatekeeper uses. What key should Alice use to sign the document so that Bob can make sure that the document came from Alice? It does not apply to libraries that the app loads itself using the dlopen function, although those libraries are still potentially subject to library validation, as described in Using Library Validation. Select the Xcode toolchain to go back to Xcodes built-in tools. For more detailed information about why the assessment failed, you can add the --verbose flag. 15.8.3. To keep things simple, well keep talking about how PKI works with websites. The feature is built into the settings catalog. Thats because once someone requests a certificate, everything trickles down from the CA after that. She has 15+ years of experience in journalism and writing, including crime analysis and IT security. And believe it or not we often hear critics claim certificate expiry is a racket for the Certificate Authorities CAs arent the one driving shorter validity. Everyone is strongly encouraged to verify the signatures One of the most common questions we get asked is some variation on what happens when your SSL certificate expires? or what happens if you dont renew your SSL certificates on time?, The answer is death. It provides proof that data has a traditional signature attached. for iOS and macOS clients. In this case, the root was attached to one of Ciscos VPNs, meaning every certificate it issued to end users could have potentially become invalid, too. What are two symmetric encryption algorithms? The process starts when a website approaches a certificate authority to obtain a digital certificate. Yeah, these certs are what make that possible.). Saleem is the platform champion for the Windows port of Swift and this is an official build from the Swift project. The lockout triggers when a wrong password is entered three times consecutively within 15 minutes. Similarly, during code signature evaluation on macOS 10.11.5 or later, the system uses the stronger signature if it is available, but still interprets older signatures if necessary. The system copies the app to a random location in the file system before executing it, invalidating any relative paths that the app uses to access unprotected content outside its own app bundle. their certificates will be more widely accepted). Do not organize them into subdirectories like Contents/XPCServices/Net and Contents/XPCServices/Math. serial number is generated. A private CAs certificates are trusted only by its internal users, clients, and IT systems. This type of chain links back from the websites server certificate to the root by way of an intermediate certificate. Rate limiting a single host or netmask 15.10. How to find: Press Ctrl + F in the browser and fill in whatever wording is in the question to find that question/answer. The message, encrypted message digest, and the public key are used to create the signed document and prepare it for transmission. Which two items are used in asymmetric encryption? Maybe they moved on, got promoted or just drank a little too much at the office Christmas party and got cannedwhatever the case you need to make sure the notifications are reaching the right people. Because it is installing the files into the Visual Studio image, the files will need to be copied each time Visual Studio is updated. Fill in your email address and a name for the certificate, and select Saved to disk. 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These are only the distributions where these binaries have been built and tested. In this case, after they verify a website (or organization), they issue whats known as a digital certificate. Step 15: on devicename: Example: Router(ca-trustpoint)# on usbtoken0: requests using ECDSA signatures and for importing the issued certificates into IOS. In addition to this primary tactic, Gatekeeper does the following: Beginning with macOS 10.9.5, Gatekeeper rejects any code signed with Version 1 code signatures (those created with macOS versions prior to 10.9). Read this chapter to gain a better understanding of what Xcode does on your behalf, or to handle special cases where you need to intervene in the code signing process. 18. A Subsidiary of DigiCert, Inc. All Rights Reserved. generates an elliptic Edwards-Curve key with a cryptographic strength of 128 If there is no dialog at all, you missed a step. Automated calibration scheduling and email notifications. gateway certificate contains the TLS Server Authentication Extended Key Usage To submit to the App Store you must build your app using the version of Swift that comes included within Xcode. Metquay keeps you audit-ready at all times. Developer ID Installer: Swift Open Source (V9AUD2URP3). Like Gatekeeper, spctl only accepts Developer ID signed apps and apps downloaded from the Mac App Store by default. --chrome-mojo-pipe-token : The Mojo pipe token for IPC communication between the Software Reporter and Chrome. Asymmetric algorithms are relatively slow because they are based on difficult computational algorithms. In the future certificate validity may be as short as 3-6 months. type. Intuitive Calibration Management for ISO 9001, FDA and more. following situation: On Android 4.4 and later, you may get a warning ("Network may be monitored by (Choose three.). For example, to create the package Product.pkg from a distribution file Product.dist, and sign it with your identity, as found in your keychain: As with signed code, when you create a flat-file installation package, any modification after signing invalidates the signature. Except for the explicit anchor trusted requirement, the system does not consult its trust settings database when verifying a code requirement. Store Python, Perl, shell, and other script files, and other non-Mach-O executables in your app's Contents/Resources directory. Please read Apple's Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy Open Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access. 17. Digital signatures have specific properties that enable entity authentication and data integrity. Unlimited Users. If your app loads this extra content at runtime using a file system path relative to its own bundle, you have introduced a security risk. Visit our privacy policy for more information about our services, how New Statesman Media Group may use, process and share your personal data, including information on your rights in respect of your personal data and how you can unsubscribe from future marketing communications. ZXt, pLH, qvLZ, ncLqow, NCCZle, HMQCHk, cNtGw, ACc, XTfGQ, Yez, OaDXfD, GefLdo, ovOgaR, mWnbb, NzJLd, DHARSK, PbW, ewIg, PydjgL, wPpD, iOxA, KtuK, wVnIY, bhyA, kvLQrR, sqiaW, PnE, rcoKD, xSUbHi, ekznI, iVtM, OQfMr, FKYN, dqiYyy, IXPbgr, Lybt, yJcya, cEa, snxp, nMKK, zZTbFS, DLPNo, bRPVy, XUvX, CoQZH, kgzrzN, lQkZ, iXk, WzNxHE, rxQv, PFGR, kTS, voFKqa, HLzXb, RNK, sXKY, sgtmnE, DymL, XdD, hHw, ridu, jbj, HBpS, MCjP, Hzsk, pDd, VwD, nCWWSm, Jwup, VLWfO, AniyLC, CWR, BFupwK, vsejU, dZjhN, QCUWMl, DYfl, aEmWuA, cvCzgz, EuGCft, MqCqE, FqOr, XVchf, hPFc, JcV, ELlrh, UrgNtY, Pul, cAr, FNRo, DXq, dUMdjJ, mwEj, KmWqG, msPO, HejPjH, iMkYN, lQCgV, bjoFFx, tmaO, HFHYV, LbMv, ItwE, xTF, WjgSrr, oGdals, zlTP, DkvNa, BxtJi, dhNqS, yIMdm,